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- Fort Worth Daily Gazettei
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I Ko No No No No No No No No No No No aiiLEBPjd I AOTJ EAI1SOAD LOCAL TIME TABLE Missouri JCansat and Texas NORTHBOUND Arrive vUQr 112 4 7iID ni SOUTH BOUND 3 845 am 1 705 Texas and Pacific EAST BOUND 3 daily 4 dnily 5 daily I daily 4 daily 7 daily Arrive 650 rn WEST BOUND Jtt 805p i 810 a 1140 a Transcontinental NORTH BOUND Arrive SOUTH BOUND 110 a Leave 743 a in 735 in 9fV a 82jip Leave 7555 a 730 in 300 850 a Leave 725 a Fort Worth and Denver Arrive Leave North bound 900 a in South bound 700 Gitlf Colorado and Santa Fe NORTH BOUND Arrive No 1 1123 a in No 910p Leave 1135 a 910 SOUTH BOUND No 2 1135am 1140 a No 4 530p G30p Fort Worth and Itio Grande Leave Arrive Fort Worth 900a 500p Jlouston and Texas Central Leave Arrive Express trains 510 1020 a mAll the above trains from the Union Depot Lusk Ticket Agent St Louis Arkansas and Texas Leave Arrive Express and mail 400p 1155a THE RAILROADS The Fort Worth and Albuquerque Construction Company The Locomotive Engineers to Have a Grand Lntortalnnient Fort Worth and EIo Grande Location Homo Notes The engineers oC the Fort Worth and Rio Grande expect to have the line located to Dublin by the end of this week The Fort Worth and Albuquerque construction company will probably organize in Fort Worth during the present week and take the necessary steps to build 100 miles of the road as soon as possible The Gazkttr is in receipt of an invitation to intend an entertainment to be given under the auspices of the wives of the locomotive engineers to beheld at Locomotive firemens hall Thursday eveuing February 2S The affair promises to be a very enjoyable one lor the brave engineers and their noble wives never dd anythhig by halves The Texas and Pacific the old reliable is always preparing surprises for the public in the way of special accommodations on great occasions The company announces that a special Alardi Uras train will leave Fort Worth on Friday evening March 1 arriving at New Orleans Saturday evening March 2 and returning leaving New Orleans March The company will make low round trip rates Will the Vacancy be Filled St Loiis Mo Feb 21 A morning paper says There is some doubt as to whether the vacant position of second vicepresident of the Missouri Pacific will be filled at the coming election on March 12 but it is said by those well posted that Mr Goulds second son Edward who is now about twentythree years old will be claoted to that position Young Gould has no practical knowledge of the railroad business but would speedily be broken in by his father and older brother George Gould A New Line Into St Louis St Louis Mo Fob 24 The purchase by the Maekey syndicate of the Illinois and St Louis railroad from Belleville to East St Louis with it3 branches the coal mines and the Venice and Carondelet leased line became an established fact last evening Maekey president of the Evansville and Indianapolis and the Peoria Decatur and ansville arrived St Louis yesterday with Evans general manager of the Louisvillo Evansville and St Louis and durius the day met the ard of directors of the Illinois and St Louis and consummated the details of the terms of the purchase President Maekey said We pay 125 for preferred stock which carries the control of the property This represents a payment Si 125000 The gap between Mt Vernon and Beleville will be built at once and we may enter Louis over the new merchants bridge Dnlln and Northwestern Correspondence of the Gazette Graham Tkx Feb 22 In Beckhai hall last night there was a gathering our citizens to see what aid will be givej to the Dallas aud Nortwestarn railroac The meeting recommended that ownej of property within two miles of GrauaJ contribute 10 per cent on the value of their property assessed for taxes in 18S8 The engineers located the route running through the southern part of Graham A good deal of property has changed hands within the past two months Our citizens are very sanguine that the Dallas and Northwestern and the Santa Fe will come to Graham Eren bets are offered that both these roads will reach Graham before the Fort Worth and Western road reaches Jacksboro We have iron ore coal and marble in abundance In addition to these articles we have a soil that cannot be surpassed in growing wheat and other agricultural products We must now send all our wheat to Weatherfo as we have no firstclass mill in our county but the completion of a railroad will give us good mills aud this will induce our farmers to greatly increase the acreage in wheat and we will then export instead of importing flour Newman Has Not Resigned St Louis Mo Feb 24 An Associated Press reporter called on Newman third vicepresident of the Missouri Pacific railway tonight and asised him for a confirmation or denial of his rumored resignation Mr Newman said That I have contemplated retiring from the railway business for sometime past is true but that I have resigned is not true nor have I ever discussed the matter with the company The report grew doubtless out of a statement which I made to Chicago railroad friends that I did not expect to be in the railroad service much longer Presidential Inauguration Round trip tickets to Washington and return will be sold by the Texas and Pacific railway on February 2S tickets good to return until March 10 inclusive the rate from Fort Worth to be 3770 for the round trip Passengers purchasing tickets via Texas and Pacific railway have choico of routes via New Orleans Shreveport Memphis or St Louis For full information apply to ZuhN City Ticket Agent CD Lusk Union Depot Ticket Agent THE OVEliGAlTER CRAZE It Is Particularly Stylish Now and All the Girls Who Claim a Right to Beileship Wear Them Philadelphia Record A girl with rosy cheeks aud the dreamiest of dreamy eyes strolled down Chestnut street yesterday as proud as a peacock She was very fashionably dressed and there was in her attire a harmonious blending of colors which at once stamped her as a young lady of exquisite taste But she seemed oblivious of all her pretty finery and as was plain to be seen from her frequent looks to the ground was conscious only of a dainty pair of russetcolored over gaiters that encased her tiny feet and the admiring glances of a small knot of whimperinir dudes who ogled her vulgarly yet smilingly from the opposite side of the street She was proud of her gaiters and she put each foot forward with a vigor that showed it By and by another girl came along and she wore overgaiters too and just as proudly as her predecessor The overgaitered apparitions of charming femininity became so frequent that a reporter who witnessed the procession called upon a swell footdresser to inquire about the cause of the grand turnout Oh its all the rage now said he and when the flowers bloom in the spring it will seem curious to see a young girl or a young man either who does not wear the articles It is purely a matter of style of course and the fashion was revived in London by the swell society women last fall and was sent over by the Johnuie Bulls to their American cous ins by cable What do they cost Well they can be bought for any amount from 2 upward I made this pair for a young girl who will call for them this afternoon Hero the dealer exhibited a pair of overgaiters that would tickle the vanity of the most fastidious creature They were made of very fine gray corduroy and were fastened at the sides with rather large and glistening buttons of pure mothorofpearl At the bottoms there were delicate little straps that passed under the shoe and were fastened on the outer side with large buckles of solid silverWhen When the girl comes continued the dealer she will pay me but here she is now Good afternoon Miss Your gaiters Yes just finished Fourteen dollars please Good day 5 That will give you an idea of what they cost Of course the price could be much higher I am making a pair now for a Walnut street young lady which will cost her S4S but the buttous and buckles are to be of nburuished gold The Finest IHano in the City Is the Parlor Grand Wheeloek at Edwardsmusic store This piano was on exhibition at the Dallas fair and attracted much attention It has three pedals which all firstclass grands hare by means of which the softest whisper or the loudest tones can bo produced This piano is extremely cheap at SS00 but as it is too fine for the market it can now be had at a reduction and easy payments Cull aud see it GAZETTE FORT TV Rl TEXAS MONDiit FEBRtTARY 25 A GKAtfD ENTERTAINMENT The Concert Last Nicht the Hnsical Event the Season The grand sacred concert at the opera house last night brought out a small but exceedingly appreciative audience Tho Firemans band opened the concert with Gilmores Salute to New York which was rendered in a manner that uenotes studious appl cation and progress on the part of the members of the baud Miss Maude Peters sang Storm and Sunshine in a charming manner and responded to the wellmerited plaudits by singing the everpopular SomeDay Mr De Mouches robusto tenor voice was heard to good advantage in Luzzis Ave Maria Mrs Kennedy of Fort Worth was prevented by illness from singing the part assigned to her and in her stead Miss Annie Russell 6f the Cara panini opera company sung an aria from Le Prophete Miss Russell possesses a rich contralto voice of great compass and volume which added to the training which she received at the hands of mad ame Murio Celli the celebrated vocal teacher of New York will ever command for its owner a foremost placeamong the artists of the operatic stage She also had to yield to persistent recalls and charmed her hearers with fhewell known ballad No Sir Signor Italo Campmina was greeted with the warm applause which the great dramatio tenor deserves Cujus Ani mam it is safe to assert never received a liner interpretation than it did last night at the hands of this consummate artist He responded to tho clamors of the audience with the Italian canzonetta Dormi Pure Sigporina De Veres Gli Angui Inferno from Mozarts Magic Flute was a revelation of the capabilities of the human throat and ranks this charming artiste among the very finest operatiosong birds Her staccato notes in the upper register have never been equaled by auy prima not excepting the great Gerster and added to a phenomenal compass her voice possesses a sweetness and volume that form a rarely eucounteree combination For an encore Miss De Yere sang MheLast Rose of Summer Last bucnot least the sonorous voice of Signor Bologna filled the opera house with rare and pleasing melody Mr Bologna chose Appolonis great aria Fu Dio che Disse for his debut before his Fort Worth audience a happy selection in that it gives his rleh basso cautante voice full scope to show at its best Much has been said aud written of basso profundi of the Whitney and Formes type but it remains for an organ such as Mr Bologna is possessed of to bring out the best typo of sonorous melody The only disappointment which Mr Bologna caused to the audience was a refusal to honor the vociferous calls for an encore but this may be readily pardoned when one considers that he was called on to fill out a number of tho programme made vacant by the illuess of one of the principal players of the firemens band aud did so without preparation Altogether the concert was perhaps the finest musical ncert Fort Worthever had the more the pity that the house was not packed from pit to dome Another opportunity will be given to the Fort Worth public to hear the fine array of artists comprising the Campanini operatic company assisted by the fire mens band tonight when aside from a well selected number of arias duos and trios the third act of Faust will be given in costume tinder the direction of Signor Ferrari an accomplished pianist as he demonstrated himself to be last night THE FULL PROGRAMME for tonights concert is the follQwing PART FIRST 1 Minuetta Piano solo Rodolfo Ferrari Signor Ferrari 2 Aria Fu dio che Disse LEbres Appoloni Signor Bologna 3 Aria mio Fernando la favorita Don izzette Miss Annie Russell 4 Eomanza La Perle du Brasil David Signorina De Vere 5 Romanza Addie Mignon Thomas Signor Campanini 6 Duetto La Favorita Donizzette Signor Bologna and Miss Russell i Terzette Roberto il Biavolo Mayer berg Signor Campanini Signor Bologna and Signorina De Vere Between the first and second part the Department band will play 11 Trovatore and Hunting Scene PARI SECOND Third Act of Faust Faust Signor Campanini Mcphistofele Signor Bologna Sierel Miss Annie Russell Margherita Signorina De Vere FOR THE POOR Contributions for the Needy Solicited The destitution of the poorer class of our people urges aud compels me to ask you dear friends nud citizens for assistance not in money perhaps but old clothing and shoes that you are putting away for newer garments This changeable weather has caused much sickness among the poor who are not able to provide for emergencies When I speak of help for the poor I refer to the worthy poor that I have visited all oyer the city and together with the if assisted to the utmost of my ability Their ohildren are naked cold and hungry every case is investigated and nothing thrown away Ladie3 of Fort Worth will you not help in this Work I believe you will and I trust the young men of our city will remember their unfortunate brother men and not let auy garment lay idle after they have served their use Donationsof auy kind can be sent to my address 2j 3 South Main street or if notified by postal I will call for them and at once distribute them to the needy of our city Very respectfully Mrs Jons Berquist Annie Laurie Chicago Herald The famous song that is sung by all singers of thepreseut day 1 am informed is a mystery as to author I was raised on the next farm to James Laurie Annie Lauries father I was personally acquainted with both her and her father also with the author of the song Knowing these facts I have beeu requested by my friends to give the public the benefit of this knowledge which I have consented to do Annie Laurie was born in 1827 and was about seventeen years old when the incident occurred which gave rise to the song bearing her name James Laurie Annies father was a farmer who lived on and owned avery large farm called Thraglestown in Dumfriesshire Scotland He hired a great deal of help anfr among those he employed was a man by the name of Wallace to aot as foreman aud while in his employ Mr Wallace fell in love with Annie Laurie which fact her father soon learned and forthwith discharged him He went to his home which was in Max welton and was taken sick the very night he reached there and the next morning when Annie Laurie heard of it she came to his bedside and waited on him till he died and on his deathbed he composed the song entitled Annie Lan LOCAL WEATHER Corrected daily by Nicks At 7a t22 Cloudy At 10 a 23 Cloudy At 12m 33 Cloudy At3p 39 Cloudy At 6 41 Gloudy AtSp I42 Cloudy 1 Indications Washington Feb 25 1 a For Arkausas Fair warmer easterly winds For Eastern Texas Snow in tho northwest portion rain in the southeast portion warmer easterly winds tt PEItSOXJLZr Miss Pet Heath after spending several days iu the city visiting the family of Mr Thomas Leach left for her home in Cleburne yesterday morning Angelo business Campanini was with Fort Worth last night was with the famous number of Texas manager of Sig the company in The gentleman Mapleson for a years It is his first visit to Defebaugh managing editor of the Timberman published in Chicago is in the city making a tour oi Texas He has been devoting considerable space in his paper to the lumber interests of the sta and says the resources of Texas are wonderful JLOVAItETTES The great tenor Signor Campanini at the opera house tonight Hear the great prima donna Signorina DeVere at the opera house tonight Grand concert at the opera house tonight by the Campanini operatic concert company It will be worth 50 cents to see the girls of Fort Worth in Oriental costume Wednesday evening Several of the A men remained in Fort Worth yesterday and spent tha day pleasantly The grading on the Xorth JSide streetcar line is being pushed and ties and rails will soon be put down Ladies India Tea and music and dancing Wednesday evening Admission 50 cents which covers charge for all Wanamakers agent is receiving a very generous support If you wish to economize with eminent satisfaction give him an order for a Philadelphia spring suit or shirts The lovers of fine music should crowd the opera house tonight to hear Sig Campiuini Signorina DeVere Miss Kus sellandSig Bologna Admission 1 75 cents 50 cents The people of Fort Worth will miss a rare musical treat if they do not near Signor Campanini Signorina DeVere 3ttiss Russell and Signor Bologna at the opera house tonight Officer Kitts yesterday morning arrested Bob Wilson on two charges of burglary made at Wichita Falls Deputy Sheriff Davis came in last night and will take Wilson back today Every stockholder in the Texas Sprirtg Palace should be at Huffmans hall tomorrow evening at 8 oclock The question of locating the building will at that time and place be decided by the stockholders The stockholders of the Texas Spring Palace company are requested to call at the office of Secretary Post and pay the first assessment and register for voting at the opera house Tuesday night when the location of the building will be decided The department band now takes rank with tho best bands of the South and should be encouraged Ttiev have played for many of the churches and societies of this city free of charge Let the service be appreciated tonight by a full house for their benefit LAST NIGHTS MEE A Hotel and a Drug Store on Main Street Earned At 1150 last night an alarm of fire was given calling the fire department to Main and Thirteenth streets The Fort Worth hotel a twostory frame structure was in flames and the fire had reached to Dr Coopers drug store adjoining Both buildings being constructed of highly inflammable material were easy victims to the fire and the hotel was soon completely burned while the Cooper building was damaged two thirds of its value The loss on the hotel was about 3500 with insurance of 2500 on the Dr Cooper building and stock some 4000 with insurance of 1000 The agencies of Fosdick Furman and Zane Cetti carried the policies The firemen were soon on the scene and did excel lent work The fire pressure from the waterworks was excellent A portion of Dr Coopers stock was saved The fire is said to have originated in the saloon under the hotel owned by a man named Weiss Wray owned the hotel Mrs was shop building Mendel burned shoe shop of a The telegraph and the house was run by Donaldsons fruit store as was the barber of August Bader and the man named Schlusser telephone and electric light companies lose considerable damage to their wires and poles SECTION EIGHTYTWO iat Two Citizens Have to Say About Its ESect rTlie section of the proposed official charter now before the state legisla ture which council shall franchises at considerable have been for and against nent lawyer oy provides that the city have power to regulate telephone street car electric light and gas companies fix the prices and revoke will is discussion sent tp this section representimr loaning money said last night creating Petitions Austin A promi companies that all of the section but the part telative to telephones was dangerous and in jurious If it passes he says no company could place its bonds for even the remotest possibility of having their charges reduced at any time would deter men to invest in them Another prominent citizen said that if a council saw fit they could under this law compel the electric light and street car companies to render services less than cost He says the adoption of the section will stop all enterprises of this kind but he believes the council will at its meeting tomorrow night investigate the matter and probably change the sections All styles aud grades of baby carriages at Maddox Ellisons Get their prices Furniture Ellisons furniture on installments See their new at Maddox arrivals in Get what are genuine lowprices inraiturent Maddoxv Ellisons HiRSHFIELD Bailroad Ticket Broker PICKWICK HOTEL OFFICE FOR SALE St Louis 16 to 19 Kansasl City SU to 1350 Trinidad 12 to 1350 Memphis 12 to 1350 Tickets to all pointsj bought sold and exchanged SUPPER AND DANCE The Entertainment of the Ladies Wednesday Evening for the Palace Fund As already announced tho ladies of Fort Worth will give an entertainment Wednesday evening in behalf of tho Spring Palace fund that appeals to the lovers of good eating of music and of danemg The charge for all will be 50 cents for each person and those who enjoy such entertainment can thus have it at mosc reasonable price and at the same time contribute to the Palace which is to advertise the city and all Texas A supper fit for a king will be served by the youth and beauty of the eity clad in oriental dress and when the repast is ended the dance will begin The best musicians of the city will contribute to the pleasure and success of the entertainment and the opportunity to combine enjoyment with aid to the scheme which has become the pride of the city and the talk of the state should not be missed by anyone who desires its success The order of tho music and dance will bo announced tomorrow and Wednesday a HOTETj AliHirLLS At the Pickwick WK Logan Decatur Ertvin Dallas QMcCanncn Corsicana Oscar Lynch Oshkosh Mich John WEriU Decatur HB Sanjorn Houston A Johnson Birmingham Ala orth Decatur Rob ertsm Baltimore Md Snaggs San Antonio Wells Denison EHPainner Chicago Lov and wife Denver Col John Kendall Adair I Robert Stough ton Tahlequah I JT I Git Dallas DcHart Galvpston Charles Houghton Muskogee I Miss Russell Texas Logan Pacific Express company Crawford Dallas Bennett and By Elliott Baton Rouge La Hunt Louisiana Mo Shick Waco Carter Commerce Wellman Chicago Garrison Dallas Ingram Denver Col Famuel Whitehead Chihuahua Me ico William James Texarkaua John Barry Lampasas Gray Kansas City Mo John Fletcher Gainesville Robinson St Louis Mathews St Louis Lvnn Palo PintoJ Hittson Weatherford Hill Muskogee I William Hitson Palo Pinto Fdward Warren El Paso HMPeirce Dallas JW Smith St Louis Edward Baker Palo Pinto Charles Scogan Dallas George Randolph Louisville Ky Brown St Louis John Howard Nashville Tenn JRBaird St Louis Feagle Baltimore Emmet Smith Gainesville A Walker St Louis Mo Roberts Cole man Carder St Joseph Mo George Rick Kansas City Mo Perry Coleman GAmbler Texas McManus A Johnson Texas Human Austin Kane Dallas St Louis Mo Samuel RBrownin Dallas LY Dempsey Oak Cliff DallasThomas Rawson St Louis Kuhcn Kalamazoo Mich A Edwards Colorado City Wm Parvin Baird Tex Hunt Texarkana Elliott Bayou Sara La William James San Angelo Tex Hoplej Toledo Chio A Walker St Louis Montgomery Texas A Echoff St Louis Edward LeClaire Chicago A Gather Waxahachie Givans Dallas John Pratt Jr Grand Rapids Mich Edwards St Louis Strickland Waxahachie Baird Indian Territory Curtis Texas Defebaugh 111 Frank Feild Dallas WB Wells St Louis WC Perry Coleman Hodge Cleburne John A Smith Dallas Whitehead Maishall Huffman Dallas Jas Evans and wife Aspen Col Kane Dallas Robert Bennett and wife Missouri Kansas and Texas railway Lane Austin John Miller Mobeetie At the Ellis Skirving Baltimore Abrams Minneapolis Barnett Minneapolis Barnes Minneapolis Barnes Jr Minneapolis Will Forrest Louisville Mitchell Chicago Weeks Xew York Smith Portland Me Ed Monaham Louisville Ford Decatur Henry Thrill St Louis Mrs PSchlottcrbach Sherman Friedman St Louis George Ward Strawn Tex A Ansell Strawn Tex Mr Strauss St Louis Martinez Dallasr Lewis St Louisr Ballard New York Nevins St Louis Schultz Louisville Max Herz Galveston Marcy Kansas City Baum Wellsville Ohio George Bay Chicago Boloagna Fedari Angelo A Fumagulli Campanini and wife Melle de Veve Miss Russell New York Joseph Lbadie Louis Labadie Dallas Wells Denver Merrill Dallas Lindsay Greenville Defenbaugh Chicago Harcourt Sparks Weatherford Harry Sylvester New York Joe Tfeuer Dallas Renner Nashville Walcott Folsom Johnson Bos tonHGKelley Cotton Belt Smith Pueblo Col Cunningham Palo Pinto Tex A Mendel Taylor Tex Frederick Know land New York Ellison Chicago George Ward Johnson mineB McCrnnell Chicago Meldel Taylor A LRhomberg Austinj Ab NewergerChicago John Andrews and wife St Louis I Oppen heimer New York McConnell Jacksboro Murray San Saba Krause NewYork Gluesmg Kansas City Keeris Boston FW Cram St Louis Richards Moline HI A Wien Galveston Wollenbar San Francisco ody Leavenworth Knowles Philadelphia Dalsheimer Memphis Paul A Straub Frederick KnowUnd New Yirk Fegan Archer Dallas Henry Coke Dallas Ellison Cdicago Potts Dallas Allmeyer Philadelphia Skirnng Baltimore Cochrane Barnett Barnes Jr Minneapolis Will Forrest Louisville HB Mitchell Chicago Weeks New York HD Smith Portland Me Mi rick wife and child Parsons Kan Ed Mona han Louisville i Ford Decatur Henry Tir rill StLouisTom Smith John Smith New York Mrs RSchlotterbach Sherman EFreidman St Louis A Ansell Strawn Tex Lewis fctrauss St Louis Martiney Dallas Ira Broughan South Bend Kas WL Ballard New York At the Mansion WT3rown Ince Itasca HA Baker Bowie Muse Fred A Logan Dallas Lloyd Kaufman A Hernngi Shreveport La Geo Beard Fort Smith Ark Frank Turner Kansas City Mo LDWim berly Midland Laughton Dallas Hojcombe Sherman Richardson Denton A Chandler and wife Belcher Mrs Strong Montague Smith Denver Col Luckett Ouray ColRH Bivins Farmington Joseph Bucker Little Rock Ark Wilson Wilson Tex arkana James Cates Stewart Grapevine Tex Joe Young Big Springs Tex Harris Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe railway Smoots Greenville Williams Decatur Tex Gout Graham Tex Slasson Leavenworth Kan Richardson Dallas TH Titus Darnell El Paso A Loewenthat Dallas Minus Waco A Moore Philadelphia Pa Lamb Kansas City Fant Goliad Brown San Marcos TJic Finest Razors in the West At Andersons gun store 1 Jfore Fine Walnut Pianos Edwards is receiving more of those fine walnut WhQelock pianos Call and see them He and She at the Crosswalk Chicago Tribune Stand here a moment and watch said an observer of human oddities at Clark and Madison streets yesterday He was peering intently at the procession of feet through the slush of the crossiug Notice the men first ion did so How do they tackle the asked the observer presently His compan soup Xhre out of ten answered the companion come across on their toes The tenth plpnges ahead ip a devil may care flatfooted style 3Tow watch the women A puzzled look of surprise spread over the face of the novice as he followed the movements of the smaller set of feet Well asked the observer Why was the reponse they all come across on their heels even when they wear rubbers as most of thenjdp ZSTow said the observer yon have seen the best possible because unconscious illustration of the leading difference between the sexes The men follow the natural promptings of the muscles and walk over in the way to throw them least in the slusli Thq women come across on their heels to pre serve the appearance of the front of their shoes or tubjjers TEXAS PANHANDLE HOOT BenTerTexas Fort Worth Railroad Shortest line quickest time from the Gulf oJ Mexico Fort Worth and all principal points in Texas to Rocky Mountain resorts ana Pacific coast including Trinidad Pueblo Manitou CoK orado Springs Denver Col and Salt Lake Utah Daily trains leaving Fort Worth 850 a comprising new and elegantly equipped Pullman Palace Sleeping Car with Buffet service through to Denver connectingat Colorado iunc tion points with A Rj Colorado Midland Railway and Union Pacific Railway RATES OP FABE rROST FOET WORTH1 To Trinidad S1770 to Pueblo S2200 to Colorado Springs 2300 to Denver 2400 ROCKD TRIP EXCURSION RATES From Fort Worth to Trinidad and return 2300 to Pueblo Colorado Springs and return 2750 to Denver and return JJj00 to Salt Lake and return 3500 Tickets good for SO days oing and SO days returning with layover privileges both ways extreme limit of ticket ninety days Special Excursion Eates Made by all railroads In Colorado to persons holding our excursion tickets The fauramer Resorts of Colorado arc noted tha world over and the scenery over the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Is the grandest on earth Tickets on salo via Texas Panhandle Route at all coupon ticket stations in Texas and Louisiana For further information etc call on or address NEWLIN A A DAVIS Citv Passenger and Ticket Agent CliS Main street Fort Worth Tex or A 1 THOMAS A Dallas THE GREAT NORTH Affl SOUTH TRUNK LINE Isvhe thoroughfare ot travel between Central and Southwest Texas And all points NORTH EAST AXt WEST Double daily service of elegant Pullman Buffet and Sleeping cars between San Antonio and Kansas City and St Louis Dont be deceived but call for your tickets via the Missouri Kansas and Texas Railway For tickets rates and other information call upon LUSK Ticket Agent UmoiwDepot Fort Worth JAKE ZURN Ticket Agent citv office corner Main and Third streets Fort Worth HUGHES Texas Passenger Agent Fort Worth MOW Commercial Agent Fort Worth A DODGE Aw Sedalia Mo GASTO ESLIER A Sedalia Mo TEXAS AND PAGlFiG The Great Popular Route Between THE EAST il Ti WEST Short Line to New Orleans and all Points in Louisiana New Mexico Arizona and California Favorite Line to the ortli East and Southeast Double daily line of Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars through to St Louis via the Iron Mountain Eonte See that your ticket reads via the Texas and Pacific Railway For maps time tables ticket rates and all required information call on CD LUSK Ticket Agent Union Depot Forfc Worth JAKE ZURN Ticket Agent City office corner Main and Third streets ARCHER Traveling Passenger Agent Dallas McCULLCUGH General Passenger and Tickeff Agent Dallas Tex JNO A GRANT General Manager SANTA TE ROUTE NOKTIIBOraD No 3 i No 1 Daily I Daily 750 pm 1020 pm STATIONS SOUTHBOCND No 2 Daily 73d am 730 pm GalvestorfJ 31 am 1100 ami 950 pisHouston 255 am lia pm No 320 750 910 910 1210 144 pmiA Somerville 900 am 515 pm a Temple a 545 pm 425 amt San Angelo 7 i pm 520 am a Temple a pm 1000 amo Cleburne pmlll25 amAFtWorth pm 1135 amD Ft Worth a am 235 pm Gainesville 710 pm Purcell 920 amlKan is City 425 am 030 110 1140 1135 835 405 1120 pm pm am am am am am No 4 Daily 900 pm 950 pm 230 pm No 8 1110 pm 700 pin 530 pm 230 pni i i 1000 amkCleburne 1250 pm G35pra I Dallas 1015 amM0 Pni 500 pm 1235 1020 pm 540 pm1 Paris 500 am I 600 pmJASt Louis 900 am 815 am Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars between Galveston and Kansas City on trains Nos 1 and 2 and between Temole and St Louis on trains Nos Iand8 JAMES OARK andT A Galveston MULLANE City Passenger and Ticket Agt Fort Worth LUSK Depot Ticket Agent Ft Worth Houston Texas Central Railway THE ALLSTEEL RAIL LINE DOUBLE DAILY TJBAEKS EACH WAY No 2 fast mail Denison to Houston Through Buffet Sleepers between Galveston and St Louis and Corsicana and St Louis via Dallas Denison and Sedalia Pullman Sleepers and Drawingroomcars between Houston and Austin Steamship tickets to or from any point in Europe Local Time Card in Effect February 10 18S9 GOING SOUTH DAILY GOEJO KOKTH DAILY Leave Arrive No4 No2 stations jNol No3 245 310 432 625 D10 S00 915 450 000 135 845 253 700 1000 655 pm pm pm pmj pm pm pm 415 436 555 735 800 950 pm pm1030 am 130 pml030 am 255 amj 600 am 840 amf 310 Denison ami Sherman amlMcKinney amjDallas Fort Worth am Garrett ami Corsicana 550 pm Morgan am Waco pm Hearne Austin am pm1 Brenham Houston pm pm Galveston pmjNew Orleans 1145 pmU215 ll2u pmill52 957 pm1035 820 pmi 915 1020 650 pmt 735 430 pm 155 pm 430 pm 1204 pm 900 am G13 am 1125 am 635 1055 700 220 630 133U 900 613 720 pm am am am am am am am am am am pm pm pm A FAULKNER Gen Pass Agent Houston LUSK Depot Ticket Agent Fort Worth PAULSEN MEMBER American TioM Brokers Association Hotel Pickwick Tickets to all points at lowess rates WARBURTON Manager Subscribe for the Weekly Gazette 1 per annum eo wauxa i ft OTVl fa.
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