How To Stop Overeating When Life Just Sucks (2024)

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Last updated on November 12th, 2023 at 09:33 am

We’re talking about the five habits that helped me stop overeating and what causes many of us to overeat in the first place.

How To Stop Overeating When Life Just Sucks (1)

Let’s address the overeater in the room.

Spoiler alert: It’s me.

At every event, every all you can eat, and as uncomfortable as it is for me to admit – recently even at night when I’ve been on my own.

Last months had been tough, you might have noticed – I wasn’t posting a lot of recipes and basically just workout and getting in shape stuff.

Let’s just say I’ve had easier things to deal with in my life.

But I knew, this too will pass.

Quicker if I took some action.

And this little thought is what kept me going every single day and I now know, at the end of the day – everything will be alright.

Wow, that was kinda depressing to write.

But I didn’t write it to gain sympathy points, I did it to make a point.

Because during those hard times, the only thing that felt good was food.

Like, I always loved food, but this time food became my escape.

It became the best part of my day.

The part I would look forward to.

I would go to bed eating something and thinking about what I’ll eat tomorrow. At lunch, I would think about my next food move, what’s for dinner or afternoon snack.

Like, I wouldn’t see a point to even go out with my friend if I didn’t get a pizza.

I have heard of emotional eating, I’ve heard of binge eating, I’ve heard of overeating.

So many names to make you feel like something’s wrong with you.

Like it’s not perfectly normal to not have it together all the time.

And still.

Giving in to those cravings felt so wrong.

Every day I would say: Tomorrow I will start new (with all the sh*t that was going on), but then would wake up and within 2-3 hours looking for some junk.

Mindfulness my ass.

Now, mind you, I know that eating too much is bad.

I know that sugar is bad.

And I was very aware of it while I was eating cake late in the evening.

But it’s a state where all that knowledge just doesn’t matter. Like the consequences seem small. Seem unreal.

After all, do I know for sure I will get diabetes if I overeat every night?

And everyone has diabetes anyway. Besides, stress also makes you sick.

So a little food here and there won’t be the one to blame.

Just because you know something is bad for you, doesn’t make you not do it.

I don’t think people who cheat on their spouses forget they’re married.

And I don’t think people who smoke ever forget that cigarettes cause cancer and a million other diseases. After all they put it on the package for us to look at.

But people do those things anyway.

What Are The Causes For Overeating?

See, sometimes we do eat to “reward” ourselves. But, for a full reward to happen we need to want and to like the food we eat.

And that’s the problem with overeating. That’s what causes it.

You eat a certain food, something sweet for example and you really like it the first time.

Then this expectation: “Ooooh, this food made me feel happy last time”, makes you want it. Makes you crave it more.

But once you have it again, it’s not as good as you expected. You’ve build it up so much in your mind, that reality leaves you kinda disappointed.

So you need more of it to get the same satisfaction.

Add to this that you tell yourself:

“This is the last time I’m gonna eat this ever, tomorrow I’m going on a diet”

Then you end up eating 3 bags of chips and a whole cake.

It’s not a matter of liking a certain food anymore, it’s about saying goodbye to a dear friend who you like and trying to make the most out of the time you have left together.

Memory vs. Reality

I remember a few years ago I ate a fish burger at one tiny place and it just blew my mind.

It was spicy, fresh and super satisfying.

This burger was everything I ever wanted and more in food.

So I went there one more time. And one more time. And then another time.

I went there endless times, but it was never the same.

See, I expected to like this fish burger, so I wanted it. But with each time it would get just okay.

I didn’t actually like it, but I remembered I did. So I wanted it.

And because it wasn’t what I expected, I needed something more after I ate it. To get the same feeling. So I’d go for brownies, cheesecake, whatever was near and seemed delicious.

So when it comes to overeating, it’s not the food you want, it’s the memory you have created around it. And that memory, unfortunately, is not real. It’s in the past.

And as you probably know once the past is in the past – things are never the same. It’s like meeting with people from high school 10 years after graduation. It’s fun, but it’s just not the same.

So the future? Well, time to create new memories. Time to like new things. Time to want new things.

Right now, even though my situation is not the most stable yet, I stopped overeating. Not when I’m tired, not when I’m bored, not even when it’s late at night and I feel like I deserve a treat.

I started loving that feeling of lightness and of simply doing the right thing again. That’s my reward now. This feeling. It took some time, but it’s definitely

Here are a few steps that helped me and I want to share them.

But first: Please consult with a doctor if you have, or think you have a condition. These tips have helped me, but they shouldn’t substitute medical advice.

5 very simple habits that will help

How To Stop Overeating When Life Just Sucks (2)

Only eat when I’m hungry & drink water first

My biggest struggle was to not eat all the time. I sit at a desk most of the time and I have a lot of snacks around me. You eat a cookie here, you eat some chocolate there – it adds up.

One day I noticed that I haven’t felt hungry for a LONG time. Months. Eating had nothing to do with appetite anymore. It was about a habit of: “I want it, it’s there and I will have it”.

Sometimes even the “I want it” part was missing.

So I decided to let myself feel hungry before I reach for food. And I would drink water instead.

I realized 2 things: 1. it takes me at least 3 hours to feel hungry and 2. I’m obviously dehydrating myself without even knowing.

Now, once I did this long enough an interesting thing happened. I stopped wanting food so often, was more aware of what I’m eating and I started craving that feeling of lightness. And water.

I started eating only when I’m hungry, whatever I wanted, but only when I was hungry.

Now, this is not to say: don’t eat anything and only eat an apple a day. But spread those meals throughout the day, so you can really be mindful with them. So when you make a choice, you’re clear: Okay, this is good for me, I want this and I will eat it.

Quit eating at a certain time.

Because most of my overeating was happening at night, when I had no discipline whatsoever, I decided I wanted to stop eating at 6 pm.

If I couldn’t do it completely, I tried to eat just a little bit and not go to bed soon after.

This I think was the biggest change for me.

In the morning I didn’t feel full and like I needed to eat more to make it go away (yes, it sounds stupid, but that’s what I’d do).

More raw, nutrient dense foods

The other thing I said I would do was to eat more raw foods.

Now, nuts might make you kinda addicted if you roast them, but raw? Not really. There’s something about raw food that just doesn’t make you addicted.

It’s called nutrients.

Supposedly, when you eat more nutrients, you stop craving the bad stuff as much. I don’t know if that’s true, but eating more raw foods and eating enough, did help me as well with controlling my eating behavior.


Another thing was to find, or better, create happiness in other areas in life other than eating.

Small things. As I said, I had a very tough time.

I needed things that activate the same brain pathways as food was.

So I started exercising and making more things with my own hands. I started organizing, I started working more on my blog, I started planning more.

See, when you’re busy doing something that you know will make you happy – you don’t need food that much.

So distract yourself. Make it a point to find something you actually enjoy doing instead of eating! You can go to Creativebug, they have a ton of online classes for painting, knitting, drawing – pretty much everything creative you can make with your hands. You can check out the classes here.

But, and this is important, we’re not talking something where you stay and watch…it should be something where you actually do something. So, not watching Netflix.

Related: 67 Productive Things To Do When Bored Instead Of Overeating

Actually, allow yourself to eat what you want

Now with all being said…eating the foods I actually like, after I drank water and after I waited 3 hours to feel kinda hungry, made me want to eat less. If I want to have pizza for lunch, I won’t make myself eat soup. Or some fake pizza.

I would eat an actual pizza.

But because I now also like being lighter, I am less likely to overeat.

If I don’t have the pizza, it’s going to take over my brain like it’s the only thing in the world.

So I allow myself to have what I want, enjoy it and move on with my life. And surprisingly this way I don’t need that much pizza. A slice or two is good enough.

This way I found out that I also ACTUALLY want salads, smoothies and all that healthy stuff.

Not because I have to eat them, but because I want and like them.

How To Stop Overeating When Life Just Sucks (3)

How To Stop Overeating When Life Just Sucks (2024)


How To Stop Overeating When Life Just Sucks? ›

Tip 4: Support yourself with healthy lifestyle habits

How do I stop mental overeating? ›

Control Your Eating
  1. Stick to a shopping list.
  2. Remove temptation.
  3. Change your surroundings to avoid overeating.
  4. Use smaller plates.
  5. Don't reward successes with food.
  6. Seek help.
  7. Forgive yourself if you overeat.

Why can't I stop overeating? ›

Low self-esteem, loneliness, and body dissatisfaction may also contribute to binge eating. Biological risk factors. Biological abnormalities can contribute to binge eating. For example, the hypothalamus (the part of your brain that controls appetite) may not be sending correct messages about hunger and fullness.

What is the hidden eating disorder? ›

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that involves binge eating and then purging — throwing up or misusing laxatives or diuretics — to avoid gaining weight. And although it's actually more common in teenagers than anorexia, it's much less visible.

How to recover from overeating? ›

It's best to wait at least 3 to 4 hours after a big meal. It will burn off some of those extra calories. It may also help jump-start your metabolism and prevent constipation. And regular exercise seems to help control mood and hunger so you're less likely to overeat in the future.

How do you break an overeating addiction? ›

You also may need to break associations between food and routines or events, such as eating ice cream before bed or having buttery popcorn at the movie theater. Other strategies that can help include tracking your food consumption, preplanning your meals and eating mindfully.

What mental illness causes overeating? ›

Binge eating disorder (BED) is a serious mental illness. People with binge eating disorder regularly experience episodes of binge eating (at least once a week), which involve eating large quantities of food, rapidly, in a short period of time.

What is orthorexia? ›

What Is Orthorexia? Orthorexia is an unhealthy focus on eating in a healthy way. Eating nutritious food is good, but if you have orthorexia, you obsess about it to a degree that can damage your overall well-being.

What's the most serious eating disorder? ›

Anorexia has the highest mortality of any psychiatric diagnosis other than opioid use disorder and can be a very serious condition. Body mass index or BMI, a measure of weight for height, is typically under 18.5 in an adult individual with anorexia nervosa.

Do narcissists have eating disorders? ›

Research has consistently shown that narcissistic personality traits are associated with eating disorder symptomatology (Stice, 2002), and disordered eating (e.g., restrained eating, bulimic attitudes) has been proposed as a means to stabilise a deep sense of ineffectiveness and a poor view of oneself (Cella et al., ...

How do you get instant relief from overeating? ›

Stay hydrated. Your digestive system will need more water to process the extra load. Herbal teas, like peppermint, chamomile and ginger can help with digestion and reduce gas. Taking an over-the-counter antacid may help relieve heartburn or indigestion.

What medication is used to stop binge eating? ›

Medication. Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse®), an ADHD medication, has recently become the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drug to treat binge eating disorder. Research has shown it can help with impulse control in both conditions.

How do you reset your stomach after overeating? ›

Do this right away to settle your stomach after overeating.
  1. Drink water. This helps decrease the excess salt you might have ingested.
  2. Try herbal tea. In particular, peppermint, chamomile and ginger tea can help reduce gas.
  3. Take a walk or stroll. Gentle exercise — emphasis on gentle — helps stimulate digestion.
Apr 24, 2023

How do I stop mental food cravings? ›

Take a walk, watch a movie, play with your cat, listen to music, read, surf the internet or call a friend. Take away temptation. Don't keep hard-to-resist comfort foods in your home. And if you feel angry or blue, postpone your trip to the grocery store until you have your emotions in check.

How do I feel better mentally after overeating? ›

How to feel better after overeating during the holidays
  1. Take a walk or perform light exercise. After a big meal, it can be tempting to curl up for a nap. ...
  2. Stay hydrated. The dishes have been cleared. ...
  3. Be gentle with yourself. ...
  4. Focus on your overall health habits. ...
  5. Plan for the next holiday.
Nov 15, 2023

Why do I emotionally overeat? ›

The Food-Feeling Connection

Foods high in fat, sugar, and salt can become more appealing when you are under stress, are in a bad mood, or feel bad about yourself. Emotional eating often becomes a habit. If you have used food to soothe yourself in the past, you may crave candy or potato chips anytime you feel bad.

How do I stop rumination eating disorder? ›

There currently aren't any medicines available that effectively treat rumination syndrome. The best way to stop it is to relearn how to eat and digest food correctly. This requires diaphragmatic breathing training. A behavioral psychologist often teaches this, and it's easy to learn.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.