PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (2025)

PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (1) Game Name

PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (2)


PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (3)


PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (4)

NTSC‐JPS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (5) Compatibility NotesSagashi ni Ikouyo

• 探しに行こうよ

Not AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Saint Seiya: The Hades

• Saint Seiya: Meiou Hades Juunikyuu Hen
• 聖闘士星矢 冥王ハーデス十二宮編

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSaint Seiya: The Sanctuary

• Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Juu Ni Kyuu Hen
• 聖闘士星矢 -聖域十二宮編-

AvailableNot AvailableAvailableSakura Taisen V Episode 0: Kouya no Samurai Musume

• サクラ大戦V エピソード0 〜荒野のサムライ娘〜

Not AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSakura Wars: So Long, My Love

• Sakura Taisen V

Not AvailableMinor IssuesAvailableCan be rebuilt into 2 DVD 5 if you wish. Its original DVD 9 format will also work though. Slight sound lags at longer FMV sequences, huge frame drops at Special Attack sequences, but fully and fluently playable otherwise.Salt Lake 2002AvailableAvailableAvailableEmulator configuration available (NTSC-U and NTSC-J).Samurai Jack: The Shadow of AkuPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig should fix random freezes (needs confirmation with current config updated 4/29/23).Samurai Shodown AnthologyAvailableMinor IssuesAvailableTested NTSC-U version. Notable frame rate issues/lag during zoom ins and outs (SS1-SS5). Surprisingly, SS6 plays flawlessly. As of now, no config file exists to fix this.Samurai Shodown V

• Samurai Spirits Zero (サムライスピリッツ零)

PlayableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Samurai Spirits: Tenkaichi Kenkakuden

• サムライスピリッツ 天下一剣客伝

Not AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Samurai WarriorsAvailablePlayablePlayableSamurai Warriors: Xtreme LegendsPS2 ClassicAvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Samurai Warriors 2PS2 ClassicAvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available (PAL only). An HD remaster is available.Samurai Warriors 2: EmpiresPS2 ClassicAvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration. An HD remaster is available.Samurai Warriors 2: Xtreme LegendsAvailablePlayableAvailableAn HD remaster is available.Samurai WesternAvailablePlayableAvailableSaru! Get You! Million Monkeys

• サルゲッチュ ミリオンモンキーズ

Not AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSavage SkiesAvailablePlayableAvailableEmulator configuration available (NTSC-U).SBK-07: Superbike World ChampionshipAvailablePS2 ClassicNot AvailableEmpty emulator configuration.ScalerPlayablePlayableNot AvailableScandalNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes graphical corruption (DMA timing issue).Scarface: The World Is YoursMinor IssuesMinor IssuesNot AvailableAlthough the game works flawlessly from start to finish, it suffers from constant slowdowns and overall an unstable frame rate that won't hugely impact gameplay, but will definitely offer a sub-par experience (potentially due of hardware compatibility. There's a possibility that the game runs better on the CECHA models (which have the PS2's Emotion Engine chip), but confirmation is uncertain). Config improves the frame rate (and slightly mitigates the frame rate issues) by lowering the draw distance.

Slowdown can happen at any point, especially while driving in crowded places and in specific areas with high graphical demand (e.g. Babylon Club's entrance). On rare occasions the game can also face more severe issues, notably an infinite loading screen softlock (confirmed that it can happen when changing from a Henchman back to Tony), apparently cutting to a black screen after extensive playtime, and sudden crashes (forcing the player to press the power button, forcing the console to return back to the XMB. Keep in mind that it may have removed the digital memory card, so it's best to make sure it's assigned before rebooting the game), though it doesn't occur enough to take away from the experience.

Scooby-Doo! And the Spooky SwampPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes SPS issues on characters (VU0 issue).Scooby-Doo! First FrightsPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes SPS issues on characters (VU0 issue).Scooby-Doo! Mystery MayhemAvailablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes screen jitter and looped/muted audio in FMVs.Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 FrightsPlayablePlayableNot AvailableScooby-Doo! UnmaskedPlayablePlayableNot AvailableSCORE International Baja 1000

• SCORE International Baja 1000 (PS3)

PlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes black screen after starting career mode. Restarting career mode during an already started game is not possible and will cause a black screen.SD Gundam: G Generation WarsNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSecond SightAvailablePlayableNot AvailableEntire game works fine. Very insignificant framerate drops during a handful of cutscenes.Secret Agent ClankPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes walk/run calculations and Fort Sprocket softlock caused by robot falling through floor.Secret Weapons Over NormandyPS2 ClassicAvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Seek and Destroy

• Shin Combat Choro Q (新コンバットチョロQ)

PS2 ClassicAvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 1: Phantasy Star Generation 1Not AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 2: Monaco GPNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 3: Fantasy ZoneNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableWork fine dumped to ISO. Make sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 4: Space HarrierNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 5: Golden AxeNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableGraphic seems to be much better than on PS2. Make sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 6: Ichini no Tant-R to Bonanza Bros.Not AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 7: ColumnsNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableMake sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 8: Virtua Racing - FlatOutNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableMake sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 9: Gain GroundNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 10: After Burner IINot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableGame have very weird issue, it worked for me after making dump in Mode1/2048 to ISO file. Still correctly detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB). As Bin/Cue it just black freeze.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 11: Hokuto no KenNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableBoth games work fine. Make sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 12: Puyo Puyo Tsuu Perfect SetNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableMake sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 13: OutRunNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableMake sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 14: Alien SyndromeNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 15: Decathlete CollectionNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableMake sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 16: Virtua Fighter 2Not AvailableNot AvailableMajor IssuesMassive slowdown on character select and ingame.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 17: Phantasy Star Generation 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 18: Dragon ForceNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 19: Fighting VipersNot AvailableNot AvailableMajor IssuesVery slow, and have some minor graphical problems. Make sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 20: Space Harrier Complete CollectionNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 21: SDI & Quartet - Sega System 16 CollectionNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 22: Advanced Daisenryaku: Deutsch Dengeki SakusenNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableMake sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 23: SEGA Memorial SelectionNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 24: Last Bronx: Tokyo BangaichiNot AvailableNot AvailableMinor IssuesMinor texture problems, seems to be little bit slower than original. But playable. Make sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 25: Gunstar Heroes Treasure BoxNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 26: Dynamite DekaNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 27: Panzer DragoonNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableDumped as BIN/CUE. Working fine.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 28: Tetris CollectionNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 29: Monster World Complete CollectionNot AvailableNot AvailableMinor IssuesWhen changing game or emulated console sometime freeze can occur. But when playing one game, then all games seems to be fully playable. Make sure that the game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 30: Galaxy Force II - Special Extended EditionNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 31: Dennou Senki Virtual OnNot AvailableNot AvailableMinor IssuesMinor graphical issues, seems to be little bit slower that original. Setting game to 480p, make it work worse than in 480i. Make sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 32: Phantasy Star Complete CollectionNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available.Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 33: Fantasy Zone Complete CollectionNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available.Sega Genesis Collection

• Sega Mega Drive Collection

PlayablePlayableNot AvailableSega Rally 2006Not AvailableNot AvailableMinor IssuesBlack bar on top of screen in menus, noticeable slowdown in races.Sega Rally Championship '95Not AvailableNot AvailableMajor IssuesMinor bitmap corruptions (mainly on text elements). Runs at 25% speed. Sometimes, game crashs with infinite black screen.Sega Soccer SlamPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes freezing issues.Sega Superstars TennisAvailablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes SPS on characters.Seigi no MikataNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSengoku BasaraNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicPS2 Classic no longer available on the PlayStation Store. An HD remaster is available.Sengoku Basara 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration. An HD remaster is available.Sengoku Basara 2 HeroesNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available. An HD remaster is available.Sengoku Basara XNot AvailableNot AvailableMajor IssuesUnplayable, extreme slowdown in gameplay and menus, persists for entire game.Sensible Soccer 2006PlayableNot AvailableNot AvailableSerious Sam: Next EncounterPlayablePlayableNot AvailableSeven Samurai 20XXAvailableAvailableAvailableShadow HeartsMinor IssuesMinor IssuesMinor IssuesConfig fixes lottery hang and FMV slowdown/desync. Minor slowdown/jitter in some areas. PAL needs config.Shadow Hearts: Covenant

• Shadow Hearts II
• Shadow Hearts II: Director's Cut

PlayablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes softlocks from analog stick movement, inaccurate positioning calculations, and crash in area before final boss. Game can softlock randomly, but is very rare.Shadow Hearts: From the New WorldAvailablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes softlocks from analog stick movement and FMV freezing.Shadow Man 2econd ComingPlayablePlayableNot AvailableMinor slowdown in some places.Shadow of Memories

• Shadow of Destiny

Minor IssuesMinor IssuesAvailableConfig fixes chapter 4 freeze and improves frame rate. Slowdown/desync still present. NTSC-J needs config.Shadow of RomePlayablePlayablePlayableConfig fixes stuttering cutscenes and slowdown in certain gameplay segments.Shadow of the Colossus

• The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection (PS3)

PlayablePlayableAvailableAn HD remaster is available.Shadow the HedgehogPlayablePlayablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration. Frame rate issues similar to actual PS2 hardware.Shadow Tower AbyssNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableTried the English patched version.Shanghai: The Four ElementsNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableShaun Palmer's Pro SnowboarderMinor IssuesMinor IssuesAvailableSome UI flickering issues on both PAL and NTSC.Shaun White SnowboardingPlayablePlayableNot AvailableShellshock: Nam '67PS2 ClassicAvailableNot AvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Shepherd's Crossing

• Youkoso Hitsuji-Mura (ようこそ ひつじ村)

Not AvailablePlayablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration. Config fixes FMV stuttering on NTSC-U/C version.Shifters (of Might and Magic)AvailablePlayableNot AvailableShin Goketsuji Ichizoku: Bonnou no KaihouNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableShin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless ArmyAvailablePS2 ClassicAvailableEmulator configuration available. Custom config fixes shaking. NET config slows down game speed to fully fix shaking but causes cutscene desync and other side effects.Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King AbaddonNot AvailablePS2 ClassicAvailableEmulator configuration available. Config loads in save data from Devil Summoner if available.Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil SagaAvailablePS2 ClassicAvailableEmulator configuration available. NTSC-U/C version released on the European PSN. Custom config fixes shaking. NET config slows down game speed to fully fix shaking but causes cutscene desync and other side effects.Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2AvailablePS2 ClassicAvailableEmulator configuration available. NTSC-U/C version released on the European PSN. Config loads in save data from Digital Devil Saga if available.Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

• Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call

PS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicPlayableEmulator configuration available.Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FESAvailablePS2 ClassicAvailableEmulator configuration available. NTSC-U/C version released on the European PSN. Once you reach Level 90+, the game has a chance to load infinitely in the Love Hotel before the boss battle (needs confirmation with config applied!).Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4PlayablePS2 ClassicPlayableEmulator configuration available. Config fixes glitched bar in the bottom left corner of the screen.Shin Seiki Evangelion 2: Evangelions

• 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン2

Not AvailableNot AvailablePlayableShining Force EXANot AvailablePlayableAvailableShining Force NeoNot AvailablePlayableAvailableShining TearsNot AvailablePlayableAvailableShinobiPS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration. Korean version available on the PlayStation Store.Shinobido: Way Of The NinjaPlayableNot AvailableAvailableShinseiki Evangelion: Battle OrchestraNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableShooting Love: TrizealNot AvailableNot AvailableMajor IssuesScreen flickers and flashes constantly. Low frame rate and lag issues.Showdown: Legends Of WrestlingAvailablePlayableAvailableThe game itself is already buggy and unstable on original hardware.Shox: Rally ReinventedPlayablePlayablePlayableUS has slightly glitchy draw distance, but doesn't impact gameplay.Shrek 2Minor IssuesPlayableAvailableFalls of fps, tested converted through Ps2 Classics Gui. NTSC version works fine.Shrek's Carnival CrazePlayablePlayableNot AvailableSilent Hill 2

• Silent Hill HD Collection (PS3)

PlayablePlayablePlayableConfig fixes missing character polygons, camera inaccuracies, and enables pressure sensitivity for melee attack differentiation. Room 109 at Blue Creek Apartments has minor texture issue on door and flickering shadow outside room during Angela cutscene. An HD remaster is available, however it's known to be incredibly buggy.Silent Hill 3

• Silent Hill HD Collection (PS3)

PlayablePlayablePlayableConfig fixes camera inaccuracies. An HD remaster is available, however it's known to be incredibly buggy.Silent Hill 4: The RoomPlayablePlayablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available (NTSC-U/C and PAL). Some effects textures have slight alpha bugs and some cutscenes don't sync properly. Issues are not fixed by the official config.Silent Hill: OriginsPlayablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes white over-blending at burning house.
Note - There appear to be some minor issues with shadows whenever Travis uses his flashlight against certain objects, but not all. Secondly, there is some minor lag when picking up items and certain scenes at the very end (most notable in the end credit songs) however this can be ignored and should not affect the enjoyment of the game overall.Silent Hill: Shattered MemoriesPlayablePlayableAvailablePhone call voice audio can occasionally hang or repeat. Slows a little bit down when opening a door sometimes. (This is common in the game normally as the doors act as hidden load screens) Some slowdown during therapy scenes.Silent ScopeAvailablePlayableAvailableMake sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Silent Scope 2: Dark SilhouetteAvailablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes black screen after PS2 logo.Silpheed: The Lost PlanetAvailablePlayableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 5: The Block Kuzushi Hyper

• Bust-A-Bloc

PS2 ClassicNot AvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration. Config fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Vol. 6: The Snowboard

• Snowboard Racer

PS2 ClassicNot AvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 7: The Boxing: Real Fist Fighter

• Boxing Champions

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game). Opponent's shadow is slightly flickering.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 10: The Table Game Sekaihen

• Ultimate Mind Games

PS2 ClassicNot AvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 11: The Offroad Buggy

• Dirt Track Devils

PS2 ClassicNot AvailablePlayableEmpty emulator configuration.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 14: The Billiard

• Billiards Xciting

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 16: The Sniper 2: Akumu no Juudan

• The Sniper 2

PS2 ClassicNot AvailablePlayableEmpty emulator configuration.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 20: The Dungeon RPG

• Eternal Quest

PS2 ClassicNot AvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 24: The Bowling Hyper

• Bowling Xciting

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 30: The Street Baske: 3 on 3

• Basketball Xciting

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 31: The Chikyuu Boueigun

• Monster Attack

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes screen flickering and frame rate issues.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 32: The Sensha

• Tank Elite

AvailableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 33: The Jet Coaster: Yuuenchi Otsukurou!

• Rollercoaster World

PS2 ClassicNot AvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 37: The Shooting: Double Shienryu

• Steel Dragon EX

PS2 ClassicNot AvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 47: The Kassen Gekigahara

• Shogun's Blade

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Vol. 48: The Taxi: Utenshu wa Kimi da

• Taxi Rider

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes white textures.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 50: The Daibijin

• Demolition Girl

PlayableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Vol. 51: The Senkan

• Iron Sea

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Vol. 54: The Daikaijuu

• Deep Water

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Vol. 55: The Catfight: Joneko Densetsu

• Fighting Angels

AvailableNot AvailableMinor IssuesConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game). Slight graphical glitch before match and some slowdown.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 61: The Oneechanbara

• Zombie Zone

PlayableNot AvailablePlayableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 63: The Suieitaikai

• Party Girls

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Vol. 64: The Splatter Action

• Splatter Master

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 65: The Kyonshi Panic

• Zombie Attack

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 68: The Tousou Highway: Nagoya-Tokyo

• Car Racing Challenge

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Vol. 80: The Oneechanpuruu

• Zombie Hunters

PlayableNot AvailablePlayableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 81: The Chikyuu Boueigun 2

• Global Defence Force

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes screen flickering and frame rate issues.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 87: The Nadesico

• Dragon Sisters

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 95: The Zombie vs. Kyuukyuusha

• Zombie Virus

PlayableNot AvailablePlayableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 101: The Oneechanpon: The Oneechan 2 Special Edition

• Zombie Hunters 2

PlayableNot AvailablePlayableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 102: The Fuhyou: Senjou no Inu Tach

• Covert Command

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 103: The Chikyuu Boueigun Tactics

• Global Defence Force: Tactics

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Vol. 107: The Honoo no Kakutou Banchou

• Hard Knock High

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSome levels are rendered incorrectly. Causes no issues otherwise.Simple 2000 Series Vol. 110: The Toubou PrisonerNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Vol. 114: The Onna Okappichi Torimonochou: Oharuchan Go Go Go!Not AvailableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol. 3: Saisoku! Zokusha King

• Maxxed Out Racing

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 6: Love*Upper!

• Heartbeat Boxing

AvailableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game). Opponent's shadow is slightly flickering.Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol. 7: Saikyou! Shiro Biking: Security Police

• Police Chase Down

PlayableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol. 13: Kyousou! Tansha King

• Motorbike King

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 15: Love * Ping Pong!

• Pink Pong

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 16: Sengoku vs. Gendai

• Deadly Strike

PS2 ClassicNot AvailableAvailableEmulator configuration available (PAL). Config fixes white lines on the screen.Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 18: Love*Aerobie

• Fitness Fun

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Ultimate Series Vol. 21: Kenka Joutou! Yankee Banchou

• Street Boyz

PlayableNot AvailableAvailableSimple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 24: Makai TenshouNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game).Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol. 30: Kourin! Zokushi God

• Maxxed Out Racing: Nitro

Minor IssuesNot AvailableAvailableConfig fixes SPS issues (Tamsoft engine game). Flashing graphics and some slowdown.Siren

• Forbidden Siren

PlayablePS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available (NTSC-U/C and NTSC-J). Config forces analog controller mode. Korean and Chinese versions also available on the PlayStation Store.Ski Jumping Pairs ReloadedNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSki-Doo Snow X RacingAvailablePlayableNot AvailablePause screen flashes white lightly. Draw distance appears bugged.Sky OdysseyAvailablePlayableAvailableCan have some pretty noticeable texture issues at times (incorrect colours etc). No effect to gameplay.Sky SurferPlayableNot AvailableAvailableSkyGunnerNot AvailableMinor IssuesAvailableMore frequent slowdown compared to original release. Major slowdown on Mission 2 (all 3 main characters) due to the amount of cargo ships loaded at a time. Use Uniform Mode cheat for lower resolution to fix.SkyscraperPS2 ClassicNot AvailableNot AvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Sled StormPlayablePlayableNot AvailableMinor framedrops when multiple racers are onscreenSly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus

• Sly Raccoon
• The Sly Collection (PS3)

AvailablePlayablePlayableAn HD remaster is available.Sly 2: Band of Thieves

• The Sly Collection (PS3)

PlayablePlayableAvailableGame double buffer vsyncs to half fps all the time. no graphical glitches. An HD remaster is available.Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves

• The Sly Collection (PS3)

Minor IssuesMinor IssuesAvailableSlow down in some areas where too many polygons in screen but seems to be fully playable. An HD remaster is available.Smarties MeltdownPlayableNot AvailableNot AvailableSmuggler's RunPlayablePlayableAvailableSmuggler's Run 2: Hostile TerritoryAvailablePlayableNot AvailableSniper ElitePlayablePlayablePlayableSNK vs Capcom: SVC ChaosPlayableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes slowdown and flickering graphics.Snocross 2: Featuring Blair MorganAvailablePlayableNot AvailableSome minor slowdown.Snoopy vs. the Red BaronNot AvailablePlayableNot AvailableSOCOM U.S. Navy SEALsPlayablePlayablePlayableConfig enables pressure sensitive controls meant for changing stance and throwing grenades.SOCOM II U.S. Navy SEALsPlayablePlayablePlayableConfig enables pressure sensitive controls meant for changing stance and throwing grenades. No HDD and network support implemented in the emulator.SOCOM 3 U.S. Navy SEALsPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig enables pressure sensitive controls meant for changing stance and throwing grenades. No HDD and network support implemented in the emulator.SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined AssaultPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig enables pressure sensitive controls meant for changing stance and throwing grenades. No HDD and network support implemented in the emulator.Soldier of Fortune: Gold EditionPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig improves frame rate. The lag in cutscenes is also apparent on actual PS2 hardware. If you widescreen patch the PAL version and use the config, the PS3 shuts down as soon as you start an actual game.Sonic Gems CollectionMinor IssuesNot AvailableMinor IssuesSonic The Fighters (which is also available standalone on PSN) barely works, frame rate can drop to single figures, many graphical errors and the sound is all messed up. Frame-rate on Sonic R is also noticeably slower, multiplayer seems to not render the map, characters, or any objects. Still playable in singleplayer though. Seems to be a chance of a hard freeze on exiting games in the collection too.
Japanese version has same issues as EU version. However, there doesn't seem to be a chance for the games to freeze here. Games tested were Sonic R, Sonic The Fighters, and the Streets of Rage Trilogy.Sonic HeroesPS2 ClassicPlayablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available (NTSC-J).Sonic Mega Collection PlusPlayablePlayableAvailableSonic RidersPlayablePlayableAvailableEmulator configuration available (PAL). Minor graphical glitches with animations for certain characters' heads looking noticeably choppier after jumping off a ramp. (Ex: Sonic and Knuckles' quills, Jet's mohawk) No known issues otherwise. The PAL version was tested with the available config, but it doesn't seem to fix the issue.Sonic Riders: Zero GravityPlayablePlayableNot AvailableMinor graphical glitches with animations for certain characters' heads looking noticeably choppier after jumping off a ramp. (Ex: Sonic and Knuckles' quills, Jet's mohawk) No known issues otherwise.Sonic UnleashedAvailablePlayableNot AvailableAn entirely different PS3 game also exists (the PS2 version is significantly different gameplay-wise)Soukou Kihei VotomsNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSoul Nomad & the World Eaters

• Soul Cradle: Sekai o Kurau Mono
• ソウルクレイドル: 世界を喰らう者

AvailablePlayablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Soul Reaver 2: The Legacy of Kain SeriesPlayablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes missing moveable statue in Dark Reaver puzzle and texture glitches from mipmapping.Soulcalibur IIMinor IssuesMinor IssuesMinor IssuesConfig fixes graphical ghosting/blur and improves frame rate. Frame drops still occur and are dependent on character clothing/body physics. Game speed is unaffected by frame drops. Movies are completely bugged in the 480p and PAL50 mode, and glitch the emulator and PS button menu when played. Skipping avoids glitches. An HD remaster is available.Soulcalibur IIIPlayablePlayablePlayableConfig fixes graphical ghosting, game speed, frame rate issues (by disabling shadows and sun rendering) and movie playback (yet few FMVs still stutter slightly).Sousei no AquarionNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSpace Channel 5: Special EditionNot AvailablePlayableNot AvailableAn HD remaster of Part 2 is available.Space FishermenNot AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.Space Venus starring Morning MusumeNot AvailableNot AvailableMinor IssuesConfig fixes flicker on main menu, slowdown on space hub, and slowdown/skipping on interactive FMV segments. Game will hard lock console when exiting an FMV from "mail" segment. Slowdown and graphic corruption on TVDJ segment.Spartan: Total WarriorMinor IssuesMinor IssuesAvailableConfig fixes freezing (VIF1 issue), fixes lever issue, and improves game speed by disabling graphical effects. Slowdown when many characters are on screen.Spawn: ArmageddonPlayablePlayableAvailableSpeed KingsAvailableMinor IssuesAvailableConfig fixes console shutdown upon loading a level and improves frame rate. Texture glitches still exist.Speed Racer - The VideogameMinor IssuesMinor IssuesNot AvailableWhile the game is fully playable, playing for a few hours will cause the audio to stutter and repeat. It doesn't hinder the gameplay, but it becomes annoying over time.Sphinx and the Cursed MummyPlayablePlayableAvailableSpider-ManPlayablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes stuttering and glitching bottom of screen on FMVs and improves frame rate.Spider-Man 2PlayablePlayableAvailableSpider-Man 3PlayablePlayableAvailableNTSC-U/C version works fine but it needs some optimization through custom config.Spider-Man: Friend or FoePlayablePlayableNot AvailablePAL version has some missing textures but works fine overall.Spider-Man: Web of ShadowsMinor IssuesAvailableNot AvailableFramedrops happen sometimes but works fine.SpinDrive Ping Pong

• Fukuhara Ai no Takkyu Icchokusen
• 福原愛の卓球一直線

AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSplashdownPlayableMinor IssuesAvailableUS has minor slowdown but plays fine.Splashdown: Rides Gone WildAvailableMinor IssuesNot AvailableRuns a bit choppy / random grey/blue artifacts pop on-screen every minute or twoSpongeBob SquarePants featuring Nicktoons: Globs of DoomPlayablePlayableNot AvailableMemory card Saving icon corrupt fully playableSpongeBob SquarePants: Atlantis SquarepantisAvailablePlayableNot AvailableSpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini BottomPlayablePlayableNot AvailableMay freeze occasionally. Very rarely some sound effects may not play, just music and the characters dialogues, but it fixes itself after changing scene (NTSC).SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature From the Krusty KrabAvailablePlayableAvailableSpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, Pants!PlayablePlayableNot AvailableEmulator configuration available.SpongeBob SquarePants: Revenge of the Flying DutchmanAvailablePlayableNot AvailableEmulator configuration available.SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie

• The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

PlayablePS2 ClassicNot AvailableEmpty emulator configuration. Audio not synced properly during some cutscenes.Sprint Cars: Road to KnoxvillePlayablePlayableNot AvailableEmulator configuration available. Config fixes incorrect car physics. Intermittent graphical corruption on the loading screen.Spy FictionAvailableAvailableAvailableEmulator configuration available.Spy HunterPlayableAvailableAvailableSpy Hunter 2AvailableAvailableNot AvailableSpy Hunter: Nowhere to RunAvailableAvailableNot AvailableSpy Vs. SpyPlayableNot AvailableNot AvailableSpyro: A Hero's TailPlayablePlayableNot AvailableSpyro: Enter the DragonflyMinor IssuesPlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes random freezes and improves frame rate. A soft lock can happen when entering any world. Resetting the game will lead you into the area without issue. It is a bug of the game itself, not an emulation one. Minor graphical glitches in some areas. Game cutscenes have audio delayed and cut, even with config.SSXPlayablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes freezing issues.SSX 3PlayablePlayableAvailableSSX On TourPS2 ClassicPlayableAvailablePS2 Classic no longer available on the PlayStation Store.SSX TrickyPlayablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes freezing issues (needs confirmation).Star Ocean: Till the End of TimePlayablePlayablePlayableConfig fixes black screen and enables pressure sensitivity required for Dragon Flute song.Star Trek: ConquestPlayablePlayableNot AvailableStar Trek: Shattered UniversePlayablePlayableNot AvailableStar Wars: BattlefrontPlayablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes freezing issues.Star Wars: Battlefront IIPlayablePlayablePlayableConfig fixes freezing issuesStar Wars: Bounty HunterPS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the SithPS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Star Wars: Jedi StarfighterPS2 ClassicAvailableAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Star Wars: Racer RevengePS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicNot AvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Star Wars: StarfighterPS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Star Wars: Super Bombad RacingAvailablePlayableNot AvailableStar Wars: The Clone WarsPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes graphical flashing in NTSC version and freezing issues in both versions.Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic HeroesNot AvailablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes graphical glitches and random freezes before or after FMVs.Star Wars: The Force UnleashedPlayablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes graphical glitches, subtitles, and QTE buttons.Starsky & HutchAvailablePlayableNot AvailableState of EmergencyPlayablePlayableNot AvailableState of Emergency 2PlayablePlayableAvailableConfig fixes freeze after memory card check and graphical glitches.Steambot ChroniclesMajor IssuesPlayableAvailableConfig fixes slowdown and missing Basil glitch. Major slowdown on PAL releases.Stella Deus

• Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity

PlayablePS2 ClassicPlayableEmpty emulator configuration.Stock Car CrashPS2 ClassicNot AvailableNot AvailableEmpty emulator configuration.StolenAvailableMinor IssuesNot AvailableGenerally low frame rate that does not affect game speed.Strawberry Shortcake: The Sweet Dreams GameAvailablePlayableNot AvailableFirst two levels tested.Street Fighter Alpha AnthologyUnplayableMajor IssuesAvailableConfig fixes screen freezing. Config disables some background graphics in all games, and HUD elements and character selections in Alpha 1. Alpha 1 is unplayable, but Alpha 2, 2 Gold, 3, and Gem Fighters all work with some missing background graphics. An additional fix is needed to keep background graphics, HUD elements while retaining the freeze fix. PAL needs config.Street Fighter Anniversary CollectionNot AvailablePlayableAvailableNo issues.Street Fighter EX3PlayablePlayableMinor IssuesConfig fixes freezes (DMA issue). Minor short term slowdowns that are more apparent in NTSC-J version.Street HoopsAvailableAvailableAvailableStreet Racing SyndicateMinor IssuesMinor IssuesNot AvailableConfig fixes freeze at opening splash screen. Minor graphical glitches on main menu. FMV stuttering on NTSC version.Stretch Panic

• Freak Out
• Hippa Linda (ひっぱリンダ)

PlayablePlayablePlayableStrike Force BowlingPS2 ClassicAvailableNot AvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Stuart Little 3: Big Photo AdventureAvailablePlayablePlayableConfig fixes freezing and graphical corruption during loading screens. Korean version does not require a config file.Stunt GPAvailablePlayableAvailableStuntmanMajor IssuesMajor IssuesMajor IssuesHuge frame drops, AI-controlled lead cars will often act erratically, which may make career progression impossible. NTSC-U version has a better frame rate. Issues are unfixable at this point. To play the game with everything unlocked either get a 100% saved game or put the Codebreaker Cheat device ELF inside the game files and activate the Unlock Everything code.Stuntman: IgnitionPS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicAvailableEmpty emulator configuration (NTSC U/C).Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2Not AvailableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes freezes (DMA timing issue).Sub Rebellion

• -U- アンダーウォーター ユニット

PlayableAvailableAvailableSuikoden IIINot AvailablePS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available.Suikoden IVPS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicPlayableEmpty emulator configuration.Suikoden VPlayablePlayablePlayableSuikoden TacticsAvailablePlayableAvailableSukusuku Inufuku

• すくすく犬福

Not AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmpty emulator configuration.SummonerPS2 ClassicPlayableNot AvailableEmulator configuration available.Summoner 2PlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes crash on opening cutscene.Sunny Garcia SurfingPlayableAvailableNot AvailableSuper Bust-A-Move

• Super Puzzle Bobble

AvailablePlayableAvailableSuper Bust-A-Move 2

• Super Puzzle Bobble 2

AvailableAvailableAvailableSuper Dragon Ball ZPlayablePlayablePlayableSuper FarmPlayableNot AvailableNot AvailableSuper Fruit FallPS2 ClassicNot AvailableNot AvailableEmpty emulator configuration.Super Galdelic HourNot AvailableNot AvailableMinor IssuesFrame drops throughout most stages.Super Monkey Ball DeluxePlayablePlayableAvailableMinor stutters between loading stages.Super Robot Taisen ImpactNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSuper Robot Taisen MXNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableSuper Robot Taisen OG GaidenNot AvailableNot AvailableMinor IssuesBoth the cutscenes and the title menu have sttutering sound.Super Robot Wars: Original GenerationsNot AvailableNot AvailableMinor IssuesBoth the cutscenes and the title menu have sttutering sound.Super Robot Wars Z

• スーパーロボット大戦Z

Not AvailableNot AvailablePS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available (undumped). PS2 Classic no longer available on the PlayStation Store.Supercar Street ChallengeAvailablePlayableNot AvailableOnly stutters slightly when a race starts but after that it runs pretty much perfect.SuperLite 2000 Vol. 16: UNO GameNot AvailableNot AvailablePlayableConfig fixes graphical flickering and freezes.Superman ReturnsPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes graphical corruption.Superman: Shadow of ApokolipsMinor IssuesAvailableNot AvailableFlickers a pink texture every now and then, but it's still playable.Surf's Up

• Surf's Up (PS3)

AvailableAvailableNot AvailableSurfing H3OAvailablePlayableAvailableMake sure that game is detected as PS2CD (Blue disc in XMB).Suzuki TT Superbikes Real Road Racing ChampionshipAvailablePS2 ClassicAvailableEmpty emulator configuration.SWAT: Global Strike TeamAvailablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes frame rate issues by skipping over screen brightening function.SyberiaPlayableNot AvailableNot AvailableAn HD remaster is available.Syberia 2PlayableNot AvailableNot AvailableAn HD remaster is available.Syphon Filter: Dark MirrorPlayablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes the weapons and equipment floating near the characters.Syphon Filter: Logan's ShadowNot AvailablePlayableNot AvailableConfig fixes the weapons and equipment floating near the characters.Syphon Filter: The Omega StrainPlayablePS2 ClassicPS2 ClassicEmulator configuration available. Config fixes the weapons and equipment floating near the characters. Korean version available on the PlayStation Store.
PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (2025)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.