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Getting your head around theShindo Life spawn timescan go a long way toward helping you rise above the competition. The game, sometimes referred to as Shinobi Life 2, has a set spawn times that occur every day, meaning that you shouldn’t have any trouble finding exactly the item you need.
Once you’ve redeemed all the available Shindo Life codes, you’ll have plenty of RELL Coins and other in-game currency to use, which will help you get outfitted with the best gear. However, many items can be obtained by simply searching the maps at the right time. That’s where our Shindo Life spawn times guide can help.

Shindo Life spawn times – where and when to grab items
All items in Roblox Shindo Life spawn twice a day at regular intervals 12 hours apart (once in the PM and once in the AM) and will despawn 25 minutes after they first appear. We’ve listed the times below as UTC+1, so you might need to convert it to be in your local time. Items fall into two broad categories – Ninja Tools, which include weapons, scrolls, and other offensive items, and Sub-Abilities, which include seals and awakening abilities. We’ve listed each item based on the map that they spawn in.
Shindo Life spawn times – Blaze
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Dual Chi Rods | 11:20 | 1/10 | Dual |
Chi Rod Toss | 6:25 | 1/10 | Throwable |
Reptile Cursed Spirit | 5:20 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Divination Spirit | 7:20 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Reality Talk | 10:30 | 1/10 | Illusionary |
Confusion Illusion Technique | 1:10 | 1/10 | Illusionary |
Shindo Life spawn times – Dunes
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
SL2 Bomb Blade | 7:15 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Dagai Sword | 11:40 | 1/4 | Heavy |
Air Style Fan | 11:25 | 1/2 | Instrument |
Dunes Chi Blade | 6:25 | 1/10 | Katana |
Electro Blade | 10:50 | 1/10 | Katana |
Su Tailed Spirite Generation 2 | 8:30 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Dunes Fate Spirit | 9:30 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Heavenly Spirit | 11:45 | 1/7 | Mode Awakening |
Chu Tailed Spirit Generation 2 | 12:10 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Shindo Life spawn times – Ember Village
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Senko Kunai | 8:10 | 1/7 | Dagger |
SL2 Senko Kunai | 8:15 | 1/10 | Dagger |
Chi Kunai | 7:45 | 1/5 | Dual |
Azim Dual Senko | 7:50 | 1/10 | Dual |
SL2 Chi Kunai | 4:15 | 1/5 | Dual |
Ember Chi Blade | 5:25 | 1/8 | Katana |
Dio Senko Blade | 8:35 | 1/10 | Katana |
Satori Blade | 10:10 | 1/10 | Katana |
Shizen Raijin | 11:15 | 1/5 | Katana |
Akuma Eternal Hand | 5:20 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Multi-Vanishing Clones | 5:25 | 1/6 | Vanishing Clone |
Reality Style:Warp | 5:45 | 1/10 | Hidden Technique |
Vanishing Image | 7:45 | 1/8 | Vanishing Clone |
Spirit Bomb-Shuriken Rush | 7:45 | 1/6 | Hidden Technique |
Narumaki Toad Spirit | 7:45 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Jayramaki Frog Spirit | 7:45 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Demon Gate Spirit | 8:30 | 1/8 | Mode Awakening |
Shock Style: Electro Blade | 8:55 | 1/8 | Hidden Technique |
Senko: Spirit Bomb | 9:15 | 1/10 | Hidden Technique |
Vanishing Clone: Barrage | 9:40 | 1/7 | Vanishing Clone |
Ember Fate Spirit | 10:25 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Specialist Spirit | 10:35 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Kor Tailed Spirit Generation 2 | 11:10 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Tree Illusion Technique | 12:15 | 1/10 | Illusionary |
Medical Mode-Transfer | 4:35 | 1/10 | Medical |
Shindo Life spawn times – Forest of Embers
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Moon Staff | 6:30 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Shiver Tanto | 10:45 | 1/10 | Tanto |
Bat Cursed Spirit | 7:15 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Demon Warp | 7:45 | 1/6 | Hidden Technique |
Shock Style Dual Electro | 7:45 | 1/10 | Hidden Technique |
Super Odama Spirit Bomb | 7:45 | 1/10 | Hidden Technique |
Vanishing Spirit Bomb | 9:45 | 1/6 | Hidden Technique |
Exploding Vanishing Image | 11:30 | 1/10 | Vanishing Clone |
Reaper Spirit | 1:25 | 1/10 | Summoning |
Fire Shurikens | 2:30 | 1/5 | Hidden Technique |
SL2 Reaper Spirit | 12:25 | 1/10 | Summoning |
Shindo Life spawn times – Great Narumaki Bridge
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Apollo Blade | 6:45 | 1/10 | Katana |
Great Spiraling Spirit Bomb | 5:15 | 1/10 | Hidden Technique |
Narumaki Barrage | 6:15 | 1/10 | Taijutsu Art |
Narumaki Vanishing Clone | 7:10 | 1/5 | Vanishing Clone |
Narumaki Vanishing Multi-Clone | 8:25 | 1/7 | Vanishing Clone |
Shindo Life spawn times – Haze
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
SL2 Dual Lightning | 10:15 | 1/5 | Dual |
Riserdawn | 1:55 | 1/8 | Dual |
Hamaxe | 2:10 | 1/6 | Dual |
Dual Lightning | 2:20 | 1/6 | Dual |
Dual-Bladed Scythe | 2:45 | 1/2 | Dual |
Bomb Blade | 5:10 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Slayer Blade | 1:40 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Bubble Flute | 6:40 | 1/10 | Instrument |
Haze Chi Blade | 8:25 | 1/10 | Katana |
SL2 Thread Blade | 11:15 | 1/10 | Spear |
Thread Blade | 2:30 | 1/10 | Spear |
Rykan Blade | 10:10 | 1/10 | Tanto |
Demon Toss | 7:40 | 1/10 | Throwable |
Demonic Spirit | 7:45 | 1/8 | Mode Awakening |
Haze Fate Spirit | 11:20 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Isu Tailed Spirit Generation 2 | 2:30 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Sei Tailed Spirit Generation 2 | 3:10 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Shindo Life spawn times – Nimbus
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
SL2 Nimbus Sword | 5:15 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Nimbus Sword | 12:25 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Nimbus Chi Blade | 7:25 | 1/10 | Katana |
Samurai Tanto | 12:45 | 1/6 | Katana |
Shindo Blade | 12:55 | 1/4 | Katana |
Acrobat Style | 2:15 | 1/10 | Tanto |
Spirit Bomb- Shuriken Toss | 7:45 | 1/10 | Hidden Technique |
Mao Tailed Spirit Generation 2 | 8:10 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Wood Vanishing Image | 8:10 | 1/10 | Vanishing Clone |
Shock Cloak | 12:35 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Nimbus Fate Spirit | 1:10 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Gai Tailed Spirit Generation 2 | 1:25 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Eagle Companion | 2:15 | 1/10 | Summoning |
Shindo Life spawn times – Obelisk
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Alphirama Blade | 7:40 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Stone Buster | 3:40 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Savage Blade | 4:25 | 1/4 | Heavy |
Two Bladed Scythe | 4:40 | 1/2 | Heavy |
Sound Flute | 12:40 | 1/10 | Instrument |
Umpire Guitar | 4:10 | 1/10 | Instrument |
Raion Blade | 10:25 | 1/10 | Katana |
SL2 Grass Tanto | 12:15 | 1/10 | Katana |
Obelisk Chi Blade | 4:15 | 1/10 | Katana |
Triple Cobalt Blade | 3:25 | 1/6 | Spear |
Kokotsu Blade | 9:10 | 1/10 | Tanto |
Ku Tailed Spirit Generation 2 | 5:10 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Cobra Spirit Awaken | 7:35 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Heavenly Wall | 8:10 | 1/10 | Summoning |
Shockslam Technique | 8:35 | 1/10 | Hidden Technique |
Water Vanishing Image | 10:15 | 1/6 | Vanishing Image |
Snail Spirit Awaken | 10:20 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Captain Jokei | 10:30 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Senko: Storm | 10:40 | 1/10 | Hidden Technique |
Obelisk Fate Spirit | 12:30 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Sun Tailed Spirit Generation 2 | 6:20 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Shindo Life spawn times – Tempest
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Heaven Blade | 9:15 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Riser Akuma Blade | 12:44 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Pika Blade | 1:32 | 1/10 | Tanto |
Toad Cursed Spirit | 6:20 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Snake Summon | 8:35 | 1/10 | Summoning |
Cobra Stretch Mode | 12:45 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Toad Summon | 4:20 | 1/10 | Summoning |
Shindo Life spawn times – Shindai Valley
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Shindai Prime Blade | 9:25 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Shindo Life spawn times – Training Fields / Training Grounds
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Sun Staff | 8:15 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Bankai Blade | 8:25 | 1/10 | Katana |
Saberu Tanto | 7:20 | 1/5 | Tanto |
Spirit Spear | 6:30 | 1/7 | Taijutsu Art |
Air Style: Odama Spirit Bomb | 6:30 | 1/8 | Hidden Technique |
Saberu Surprise | 6:50 | 1/10 | Taijutsu Art |
Spider Cursed Spirit | 6:50 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Finite Strength Spirit | 7:45 | 1/10 | Mode Awakening |
Lightning Shurikens | 3:10 | 1/5 | Hidden Technique |
Peekaboo Jutsu | 4:20 | 1/10 | Illusionary |
Shindo Life spawn times – Jejunes
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Heroes Water | 5:10 | 1/10 | Consumable |
Plate of Curry | 7:25 | 1/10 | Consumable |
Rice Cake | 9:20 | 1/10 | Consumable |
Super Serum | 11:15 | 1/10 | Consumable |
Shindo Life spawn times – Dawn Hideout
Item | Time | Rarity | Category |
Forged Umpire Fan | 5:00 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Demon-Scythe | 5:40 | 1/8 | Heavy |
Shark Sword | 6:10 | 1/6 | Heavy |
SL2 Slayer Blade | 6:15 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Shindai Umpire Fan | 9:15 | 1/10 | Heavy |
SL2 Shindai Prime Blade | 9:15 | 1/10 | Heavy |
SL2 Heavy Blade | 1:15 | 1/10 | Heavy |
Grass Tanto | 4:20 | 1/6 | Tanto |
Remember that there can be fierce competition for these items on the public servers, so you might want to try some of the Shindo Life private server codes we have collected to have a better chance of getting your hands on them. We also have plenty of Blox Fruits codes if you’re looking for freebies in that popular Roblox game as well.
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