The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

1 1 Special! A Des Public Moines' Service To a FIRST. Coliseum Growing Better Found This in Community--News, Homes This Week- Section. and April Program 2 Building to and 7 Advertising Exposition- Will Be COMMERCIAL MARKETS Bes Moines Sunday Register REAL ESTATE -CLASSIFIED ADS DES MOINES. IOWA. SUNDAY MORNING.

APRIL 1. 1928. DAYS Want FOR THE Ad PRICE Rates OF Deaths ORDER YOUR AD 6 DAYS AND GET ONE DAY FREE. to 1 days 40c per line each 00 days 28e per line each day To roust get 3 to 6 day rate an the ad be run ou consecutive dass. Rates Situation EXCEPTIONS.

Wanted Ads. Business Opportunities. Farm Lande for Sale or biles. Exchange. and Real Estate.

Automo. Poultry and Livestock are printed underneath these beadings on the classified Turn to them for rates on above classifications. We cuarantee to get your ads in editions of the bix Sundar Register if sour ad In by 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon--new and "better equipment makes this possible. Basis of count is agate line. Count four average words to the firat line.

live average words each following line. Every word In each advertisem*nt must be counted. including the name, "Charles F. Davis, Marshalltown, Iowa' five words. "Walnut two words.

etc. Blind or keyed addresses. live extra words, appear in this form "Write Register and Tribune" and must be counted as part of the advertisem*nt. Replies are mailed in plain envelopes to out of town advertisers using blind ads. The Register and une company reserves the right to with.

hold ad replies in classified advertisem*nts which it considers objectionable and assumes no liability tor an ad not handled as directed except to nublish or republish after notification. To cancel an advertisem*nt, phone Walnut 320. Charges will be made the day that the cancellation order is received. Errors in classified ads mast be reported immediately. No allowance made for more than one incorrect insertion ROW.

TO SEND YOUR WANT AD. Mall your ad with explicit instructions and a check or postoffice money order to cover the insertion desired. Mail your ad early. Many letters rive, here Saturday night. too late to -tart vour ad in Sundar'.

Register Deathe, Fanerala, Memoria Card of Thanks not more hen five lines 82.00 Each additional line 400. On dave these notices will appear in hotl moraine sad evening editions BATES- -Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Bates of 1409 Des Moines will be held at Dunn'a Tuesday at 10 a. n. Interment at Glendale.

CHAPMAN- Funeral services for Mra. Will Chapman will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Newlen funeral home. Interment at Glendale. GREY- Charles Grey, died Friday Johnston Station. For further tion call the Newlen Funeral home.

SORDHOLM- Cara Nordholm of 617 7th Valley Junction died Saturday. The body will he sent from Lilly's to Dayton. for interment. WALLACE-Funeral services for Eidora Wallace of 3819 F. 30th will be held at n.

m. at the Douglas Ave. church. The body will lie in state at Lilly's until funeral hour. 58 vears of age, who died at his home.

WASSON-Services for Anthony Wasson. 1203 De Wolf will be held at St. Peter's church Monday at 9 a. m. Cald.

well service. YOUNGERMAN-Funeral services for F. W. Youngerman. 820 17th will be held at Dunn's Tuesday at 3:30.

Interment at Woodland cemetery. Lost and Found LOST and found ads are taken until 12 o'clock noon for The ning Tribune and 12 o'clock midnight for The Morning Register, except for the Sunday paper. No ad for the Sunday Register. will he accented after 5 p. m.

Saturday. Phone Walnut 320. diamonds, white gold. Younkers AQUAMARINE ring lost- -Valuable; ront. Reward.


Electric Refrigeration What is it? Nothing more than operating the machinery. by electricity. We have been doing this for over 20 years. As yet there is no way to turn electric power direct. into refrigeration without some chemical being used as a refrigerating medium.

All refrigerating plants driven by an electric motor (regardless of what refrigerant they use) all have comwith safety devices, combination or separate pressors condenser and liquid receiver, pressure reducing devices, and low pressure coils. The cycle of operation is the same in all such plants, regardless of whether ammonia, ethyl chloride, methyl chloride, sulphur dioxide or carbon dioxide is used as a refrigerating medium. The dry, constant cold of the mountain AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATION Www Lipman machines all use Ammonia as a refrigerant. Lipman machines are built in 13 different sizes, 2 of which are smaller and 10 of which are larger than the Model 75 shown here, which occupies a floor space of only 20x32 inches. Any LIPMAN plant should last twenty years; that is why we take no risk in guaranteeing one for ten years.

There is a LIPMAN plant to fill every commercial requirement. have 92 commercial electric refrigerating plants in We operation in Des Moines and Valley Junction. Note repeat orders indicated below: Alt Market Towa Lutheran Board of Health Hospital Jowa State Amend, C. Sons Co. (4) Insurance Exchange Bldg.

American Provision Co. Jewett Market Co. Anderson, Hugh, atroc Jones Dairy Co. (2) Backstrom Market Jones Grocery Beener Market Kauffman, F. Grocery Boekenhoff Cafe Lenhart Grocery Borg, Axel, Grocery Levine's Kosher Market Borg.

John, Minnis Bros. (2) Brackett Grocery Morrell, John Co. Brien, Sam. Grocery Moeller Grocery Buehler Bros. Market Nelson, N.

Red Ball (4) Casson's Handy Market Newen's Sanitary Dairy Celander Grocery Northwestern Candy Co. Chase Bros. Grocery Parkway Grocery City Market House Perdue Dairy Compton Gros. Dairy Peterson. C.

W. Son Cordaro Grocery Porter. Earl, Grocery Cunningham Aldera Pruce Lazarus Ball Market Cowen, George, Market Porter Red Dye Produce Co. Red Star Yeast Re Produce Dapalonia Importing Co. Quality Market Des Moines Milk Co.

Register and Tribune Bldg. Fulton Red Ball Markets (14) Reed's Ice Cream Co. (3) Freudenberg. J. H.

Market Son Sanitary Market Co. and Grocery Getty's Des Moines Shawmut Egg Globe Department Store Smith. Pearl, Market Grinspan Grocery Southern Surety Bldg. Louts Hast Market Stillwell Grocery. Hainline Campbell Grocery Symonda Cafeteria and Cafe Heuring, Hamborg J.

Market Grocery United Food Market Ungles Pie Co. Hurwitz American Market Umfrid. H. Grocery Hood's Greenwood Grocery Valley Jet. Co-op.

Store The Lipman refrigerating machine has as few paris or valves, and is as simple, fool-proof and trouble proof as any refrigerating machine on the market today. An Automatic LIPMAN refrigerating plant equipped with the usual safety devices and a high pressure relief of valve fire vented burnto the atmosphere cannot explode, even in case a ing down the building in which the plant is located. C. L. Percival Company Des Moines, la.

11th and Cherry Walnut 3850 "There Is No Substitute for Ammonia" Lost and Found BILL fold lost at 13th and Forest. Contained money and checks. Reward, C. W. De Long.

Wal. 4743. BOSTON bull lost, very stub tail, male, reward. Mkt. 3627.

DIAMOND earrings. carat, lost be. tween Brown hotel and 6th Ave. Very liberal reward to- linder. Brown Hotel Desk.

GLASSES lost: Dark rimmed, near Gar rick theater Sunday. Address Dwight Capen. Perry, Iowa. Reward. GOLD watch.

Hunting case, lost between Osceola and D. M. Reward. 1040 19th. GRAY lost Sunday.

Think left on University car. Reward. Maple 3039-W. ONYX ring with diamond lost between University and Forest: ring not mine; was taking it to be fixed. Reward.

615 High Wal. 2075. TERRIER. lost. Wh.

wire hair. Liberal reward. Rex H. Fowler, 2911 Center St. WEDDING ring.

white gold, lost in Younkers'. Mandelbaum's or Oransky's. Phone 3007 Indianola. Reward. WRISTWATCH lost between Amous Hiatt and Mattern Ave.

Reward. Mkt 97h. 2 BEAGLE hounds, male and fema Reward. Wal. 2393-W.

Red 5858 R-3. Wal. 2393. W. INSIDE purse containing between $8 $9.

Downtown. Reward. Dr. 2012. NOTICES.

$25 REWARD- For information concern. ing whereabouts of Henry, Katz, 17. brown eyes, brown wavy wt. about 120 lbs, five ft. inches.

missing from home since June 19th. Write Sentinel, Marion Iowa. CLOCKS. repaired, cleaned. oiled.

Called for. Delivered. Dr. 7663-J, 1617 30th St. WILL teach vou to dance for 810.

Private. 12 vra Wal. 5561 Personals TO LOVE is to remember. Don't forget birthdays, anniversaries, ete. We have just the card for any occasion.

D. M. Stationery A Locust. WANTED- -A town that's tired of church strife and wants to save 118 children. New experiment, Best of ref Write P-557.

Register and Tribune. OLD: or New Photographs Copied. Will make six 3x4 Photos from any picture $1.00 cash postpaid. Original returned. Copy Box 781.

Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED--Load to northern Iowa 01 Minnesota around 1 April 7 to 9. Closed van. Special rates. Alexander Transfer Co.

Des Moines Walnut 8019. LADIES driving Buick to California May 1 will take two ladies to share expenses. Have made trip before. Write J-462. Register and Tribune.

Baths and Swedish masage for ladies. Prices $2-6 for 810: Alma Lundstrom. Market 1218. 1217 Grand Ave. Larson Beauty Parlor.

KIMBALL Hat formery at 317 5th. now at 813 Locust. Hatter and turnisher. Hats cleaned blocked by practical hatters. Mr.

Grote Artistic haircutting now Powder Box Beauty Shep. 801 Equitable, Wal. 1501 for app't. WHO owes you? We collect anywbere. ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENT CO.

402 Frankel Bldg. Walnut 2390. Wanted Load going rates. to Minnesota. Special Wal.

8205 o1 write Bruce Transfer, 119 5th D. M. WE: specialize in long distance moving Cox Transfer Goodg insured. DES MOINES. Let Me Paint Your Car $8 and up.

Wal. 4467. 1260 10th St. ROUGH DRY ONE 10c POUND. Quality work.

Prompt service, Model Laundry. Wal. 2143 514 3rd St. MORFORD FEATHER AND MATT. CO.

Mattresses, pillows remade. Work guaranteed. 1516 E. Grand. Maple 274.

AUTHORS! Notice! Manuscripts, poems. photoplays neatly typed. reasonable rates. Margaret Elder. Spencer.

Ta. Shoppers See Beattie Best for storage parking in space, citv. 9th Mulberry St. Wal. 133.

INVENTIONS commercialized. What have you? Adam Fisher Mfg. 867 Enright. St. Louts.

Mo. DEDUCE BY SURE AND HARMLESS method. Mme. Clark. 206 Kraft Bldg.

TRY the A. R. J. manicuring service. Evenings oniv.

6 to Manle 3822-1. Baths Massage, reducing. graduate Walnut 4612. DENNISON waxed Easter lilies and other spring flowers. Dr.

737. Baths reducing. Nurse tendant. 4487. HOME laundry.

rough dry Tc. rough dry flat finish 9c. Maple 2929-J. HANDIWORK. romper suits and other hahv clothes made.

Dr. 4031-J. HEMSTITCHING. art needlework, paper flowers. 1214 10th.

BUNDLE washings done in my own home. Mkt. 5463. Personals Hemstitching and Picot Edging Pinking and Otain etitching done in our sewing ma chine department while vou shop. Ex perienced operators.

All mail orders promply tilled. 4th Younker Brothers Shipping to California Florida, Oregon, Wash. HOUSEHOLD GOODS- AUTOS. Reduced rates. weekly largest reproof warehouse in city.

Upholstered urn fumigated. Call or write us MERCHANTS STORAGE Ith and Mulberry. Des Moines. Wal, 470 VELLOWAY SYSTEM COAST TO COAST. Busses Leave Daily at 4 P.

M. Chicago, 88,50: Detroit, $12.50: Cleve. land, Denver. $19: Pittsburgh. 821.50: Omaha.

$4: $16.30: Los Angeles, $41.50. Tulsa. $14 and cities en route. DEPOT. 207 6TH AVE.

WAL. 1740. Your Credit Is Good You can phone in your want ads and nave them charged. This courtesy extended on our books. Avail yoursell of this opportunity.

courteous girl will help you write your ad. Call Wal nut 320 Want Ad Dept. FIVE "Quality Broom Sets Free! Five best Answers to this question get fine broom set FREE. 'What kind and price broom do you prefer to buy and why Give dealers name. The Southwestern Broom MEg.

ville. Indiana. WHY be satisfied with "ordinary" Easter cards when the clever, distinctive kind cost no more. Come In soon whhe the selection is best. Des Moines 9ta tionery 517 Locust.

DR. ELLSWORTH CLINIC Examination free. Hours 10 to 6. Sun day 10 to 12 noon. other hours by AD pointmenta, 2nd floor, 525 W.

6th Ave Music Teachers If you wish to increase your income. Write 1.697, Register and Tribune. WINDOW SHADES, 10 dox. light shades, 6 ft. long 36 in.

wide. Will sell for 50c each. Firkins Window Shade Jefferson. Dr. 5446.

Thayer's Orchard Inn CHICKEN DINNERS AND BRIDGE parties. Reservations only. Wal. 2442 2. WINDOW SHADES.

Shades made, reversed, cleaned, retinted like new. Des M. Shade 228 Locust. Mkt. 1682.

Expert work. ANTIQUE. BUY or sell- beautiful antiques. Mrs. Renner.

1528 13th St. Drake 800-W. ATTORNEYS. B. J.

Cavanagh ATTORNEY Ph. Wal. 2326. 1310 Equitable Bide. F.

L. Meredith LAWYER. Ph. Wal. 693, 805 Younzerman Bldg AUCTIONEERS.

Carl I. Bingley, Auct. Reverse calls 25 R-3. Carlisle, In. BILLIARD- BOWLING EQUIPMENT.

Bowling Alleys new Billiard and rebuilt tables BRUNSWICK-BALKE COLLENDER CO Den Moines. la. St BUS SCHEDULE. TRAVEL BY BUS. COAST TO COAST BIG 4.

BLUE LINE. PICK WICK, WENT NI SUN ASSOCIATED LINES. Chicago and Omaha Stages D. m. daily 224 4th Kirkwond Hotel.

Mkt. 1801. DRESSMAKING. COMPETENT dressmaking. Cutting and fitting a specialty.

Wal. 5533. SEWING of all kinds. Specialize in cur. tains and draperies.

Dr. 1399. ELECTRICAL WORK. Wall Plugs Lamp vases wired. Electrical repairing.

Furlong Electric. Wal. 3562. 308 Ninth. FURNITURE AND AUTO POLISH.

Shining Wonder at your Polish dealer EUREKA SUPPLY CO. 2503 D. M. ST. HAT CLEANERS.

6 your Minutes bat to with perfectly out new clean and machine. block FORUM HAT SHOP. 420 5TH AVE. 8 Minutes Observatory cleans Hal hat. Cleanera, Ladies 402 gents Locust St.

Walnut 2429-W. 50c HEMSTITCHING. Hemstitching Style Cotton 5c. Shop, Silk R16 Tc. Frankel Bldg.

3rd. floor. Wal. 2105-J. Hemstitching D.

Cotton M. 5e. Silk Tc. 203 Frankel Bide. 21.0 fl.


STOP LOSING MONEY Eliminate Costly Errors $5.00 a Month Buys a Corona Adding Machine Sent On Approval Without Obligation Adds to 99,999.99 AGENTS WANTED The Office Equipment Co. 911 Locust St. Des Moines, la. Call Wal. 404 MEN WHO KNOW HOW Long Distance Local MOVING SPECIAL RATES TO COAST POINTS Careful and Reliable Moving Service SINCE 1883.

When Blue Line does your moving you get the help and service that come from needs--always personal interest in you your moving an advantage to you when moving. This is just one of the reasons why you should let the BLUE LINE solve: your moving and storage problems. It will pay you both satisfaction and dollars and cents. Call Wal. 404, the Blue Line Storage Co.

Office and Warehouse, Third and Elm Sta. DEPENDABLE SERVICE SINCE 1865 Gray, Hells. MOVING Local ke Long PACKING STORAGE I Distance Our Specially EVERY LOAD INSURED -WE GUARANTEE SAVE DELIVERY BAGGAGE DAY OR NIGHT. TRANSFERRED PHONE WALNUT 97 Write our office. 410 4th St.

We can solve your moving problem. Personals HOSE MENDING SERVICE. Save Those Hose Our new mending service mends each run and snag. All work done by hand. Send us your laundered hose.

Younker Brothers SAFEGUARDING Your Clothes and Health Overton Laundry protects your clothes by every scientific means and make: them wear much longer. TRY OUR WET WASH SERVICE. Only 5c a pound OVERTON LAUNDRY 2028. 818 E. 14th Street.

Maple! MOVING AND STORAGE. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Shipping, packing, storage, 24 hr. service GRAY- WELLS STORAGE TRANSFER CO. A Phone Walnut 97-410 4th Street. RED LINE TRANSFER STORAGE Co Local and Long Distance Hauling, $15 EAST COURT.

MARKET 900 Moving 1a. Long Motor distance A Transnoriation specialty. 207 Sixth Ave. Walnut 1740. CITY Transfer Co.

Local and long dis tance hauling: low charges. Dr. 91. MAUSOLEUM. GLENDAL.E MAUSOLEUM.

For crypts and niches apply to James Maine. 1635 Sixth Des Molnes, Ia. OPTOMETRIST. DR HARRY P. HOLMES.

Optometrist, 308 Equitable 6th and Locust Spectacles and Hearing Devices. DR LEW ARNTZ. broken kryptok OPTOMETRIC EN EYESIGHT SPECIALIST lenses duplicated. 83. Eves tested free.

326 Fleming Bide. Ph. Wal. 2027. PAINT.

SAVE -FACTORY TO YOU FLAT wall paint. $1.95 per gal Independent Paint Mfg. Co. 331 8. W.

6th. Mkt. 2151 PAINTING AND DECORATING Painting and Papering Estimates and shown free. STILES MARKET 1370. comples, W.

O. Furman Co. don't de all the work, hut we do the best. 517 3rd. Mkt.

1746 R. CALHOUN Wal. 8627-W. AND SON. D.

J. LINNANE. 128 STH ST. Wal. 1924 or Dr.

8696. 30 Yra. Exp. PATENT ATTORNEYS. BAIR.

FREEMAN SINCLAIR. 803 Equit. B1d. Des Molnes. Wal.

1797. TALBERT M. DICK. 1216 Hinnee Des Moines. Wal.

1298. ORWIG HAGUE. 608 Crocker Bldg. Des Molnes, SILAS C. Sweet, Res.

Pat. Att. 296, 1104 26th Des Moines. Dr. 3496-W.

PHOTO SERVICE. WESTING NO PHOTO SERVICE. Everything photographic. Mkt. 3009.

-PLASTERING. PLASTERING. brick. tile. concrete work Chimneva built.

painting. Dr. 3010-J, ROOFERS. Roofs Repaired Leaks charge stopped or no Ben. E.

Mann. Wal. 5087. 1300 11th RIG CLEANING D. M.

Rug Cleaning Co. Mall orders filten. 1541 7th. Walnut 190 SCHOOL OF LIP READING. ELIZABETH RANKIN.

priv. lessons conversation cinases. 200 Republic Ride SHOE REPAIRS. EXPERT work Hippee Bldg. Shoe Kepair Co.

603 Mullberry. Mkt. 1710. SPOUTING. Free pairs.

estimates on spouting and 683. Wal. 4127-W. Dr. SPOUTING, sheet metal work.

mates given free. Mr. Senn. Wal. 6584 -J.

TOUPEES AND WIGS. Men's Toupees and Wigs Kennedy Hair Shop, 822 Wal. Wal, 1647 UMBRELLA REPAIRING. Umbrellas repaired, recovered Woodland BEAUTY PARLORS. 7-A FORTY FOURTH St.

Beanty Shon Nestle Circuline Wave, Dr. 1689. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY. Eat With Me AT THE Elk's Club Cafe And Grow Fat Business Men's Luncheon. 30c.


7-A Girls Needed! Trained Operators For Beauty Work GIRT.S START RIGHT NOW TO PREPARE YOURSELF FOR A BETTER JOB THAN YOU HAVE. There is never question of work with the thoroughly TRAINED beauty operator. Beauty shop owners are always looking for them and they are always busy. The towa School of Beauty Culture prepared to give you the very hest training. You are cordially invited to visit and inspect this modern and sanitary school before enrolling.

Write for FREE catalog. PERMANENTS $5 $7. Marcels Sic and Doc. room marcels FREE. Soft Water Shampoos.

Iowa School of Culture Ph. Wal. 1580. 615 Walnnt St OVER KRESGE'S SC AND 100 STORE. Study Modern Beauty Culture The Thompson course offers complete practical and theoretical training in all branches of beauty culture.

Special brush-op course for operators and shop owners. illustrated catalog, Thompson School of Beauty Culture Strand Theater Bide, Des Moiner, Per, Waves and $8. Waterloo Beauty College An Accredited Training School For Beauty Specialists! Success in the Waterloo Training School for Beauty Specialists lies for positions in Beauty Salons and High Grade establishments. LECTURES DEMONSTRATIONSEXAMINATIONS- PRACTICE PERIODS- 226-228 BAST FIFTH STREET. Waterloo.

lowa. Kennedy Hair Shop "The 010. Reliable." Permanent wave. $5.70. Rewave, $3.75 Learn Beauty Culture Free student marcel.

Write for 822 Walnut St. Phone Wal. 1647. BEAUTY SHOP, Special permanent wave $7. 315 Open eve.

Market 2716. Rees-Eider Beauty Permanent Shop. waves Eugeneol $10. Ray Rickabauch expert bobber. 328 Lib ertv Hide.

Market 3921. Margaret Raif's for Beauty merl Salon, of Carleys, now Incated at :14 Davidson Mkt. 1495 for appointment. Fay Baldwin location. Beauty Shop.

All work New moderate prices: 315 5th. Mkt. 1570. Special Le 15th. Mur $7.

NO permanent. FUZZ. until Le Apr Mur Beauty Parlor, 6 Ave. Mkt. 2237 Hiland Wave $6 Wal.

until 1641. May 1at. Employment HELP WANTED MALE. BAKER wanted. 2nd man en pastry.

Strand Baking Marshalltown, Ta. BARBER with fixtures in hotel lobby. Good proposition Write X-159, ter and Tribune, BARBER wanted -Single man. Must be good. Wayne Studer, Latimer, BOYS wanted to sell douchnuta.

Must be hustlers, Drake 3211. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY. 1 MINUTES 8 CLEANS HATS THOROUGHLY CENTS 402 LOCUST- PHONE Observatory Hat Cleaners COX TRANSFER Des Maines Mavers rates for Cross-country movin: special, load insured. Call Wal. 281 Reliable Service Since 1884 LOCAL AND WARE LONG DISTANCE WARE TRANSFER STORAGE CO.

MOVING as 000 vend Our fine equipment insures protection. SAFETY AND EFFICIENT SERVICE -when our special trained men move your Piano and Furniture IOWA'S LARGEST PIANO MOVERS Ware Transfer Storage Co. PHONE WALNUT 6161-OFFICE WAREHOUSE. 12th KEOSAUQUA How Much Do Your Brakes WEIGH? No Guess Work Here! This machine accurately weighs the brake resistance of each wheel, eliminating all guess work in brake adjusting. Detecting out of round drums, faulty equalizers and glazed or defective linings.

-Alemite-Service Our equipment includes an Alemite air gun developing 2,500 pounds of pressure when needed. Alemiting1 costs no more than ordinary greasing. GARGOYT. MOTOR AUTHOR- QUAKER MOBILOIL, OIL Yarham STATE RERVICE Brake Service 1415 Grand Ave. Phone Market 3981 The Only Plant in Iowa Equipped to Fit Brakes Right See Baby Chick and Poultry Ads on the Farm Pages in This Section Today! Employment HELP WASTED -MALE.

BIDS on painting stucco 30 high, around 3,500 square ft. surface. Pressure gun work. H. W.

Raplinger, South Engiish, la. BOOKKEEPING teacher for business college, one who is musically inclined. Give full particulara. Write 0-882 Reginter and Tribune. CARPENTER, painter, general work, exchange for rent.

Dr. COOK wanted. Appiy in person. MeElroy Cafe. Copy Writer And Layout Man Young mAn wanted with initiative and ambition.

Some experience, Fair salary to start with excellent opportunities for advancement according to ability, Write R-781. Register and Tribune. DRY cleaner wanted in live lowa town. Prefer one with about veara expertence. Must have clean habits, alert.

Inus to advance. State fully axe. rience. wages expected. Write A-662, tagister and Tribune ELECTRIC and general factory maintenance wanted by experienced man.

Now employed but make Best of reference, Write Register and Tribune. live In my 6 room house and farm my GARDENER wanted, man and wife to produce for rent. Write 312. Towa Ride. HOTEL clerk, state experience.

where formerly employed. salary wanted Write W-402, Register and Tribune, MAN 40-50 years of age for ter and floor work. Must be good worker and able to furnish bond. We have permanent place for the man who qualifles. Give qualifications and references in first letter.

Write 1-385, Register and Tribune. MAN and wife, Wisconsin farm, 1000 60 ml. north of LaCrosse, Horses. chinery, chickens on farm. Need cows.

Let on 50-50 basis. Write R-573. inter and Tribune. MANAGER For store out of city. Experience in ladies' ready-to-wear preferred, but not essential.

Apply Mr. Rosenthall At Mangel's 610 Walnut St. NIGHT clerk wanted. d. Iowa Hotel, 4th and Court Ave.

POULTRY grader and packer with eral poultry house experience, Not afraid of long hours. Must be accurate. Thirtyfive vears of age with family, Best of references required. Good salary to right Town two thousand northern lowa. Write K-360.

Register and Trihune, Pressers Can good machine presser. Shaw Cleaners 1C. 16TH AND GRAND AVE. SHOE salesman wanted for, a steady position. state wages, age.

married. and other particulars. Must have best of reference. Write K-757, Register and Tribune. SHOP mechante wanted for Dodge Brothers service station Wager $35 to $50 per week.

None Pat first class workMA need apply. Gartner Motor comy. Iowa City. VULCANIZER wanted. experienced.

One who knows the business thoroughly. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY. Bruce Fisheries Thornburg, la. Fancy Goldfish Fresh from ponds for pool and aquarium. Write for prices.

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION CO MOVING Mark moving van--largest in Des Molner. Long distance moving specialty Write or call for rates. IA. MOTOR TRANSPORTATION CO 207 Sixth Ave. Walnut 1140.

Employment HELP WANTED -MALE. WATCHMAKER and Jeweler wanted. single, salary or commission. Write P-500, Register and Tribune, Your Credit Is Good You can phone in your want ade and have them charged. This courten tended to anyone who has no past due accounts on our books.

Avail yourself of this opportunity. A courteous girl will help you write sour ad. Call Walnut 320. Want Ad Dept. 5 EXPERIENCED egg cane diers ready to work Monday morning.

Alex Getz, Gowrie, la. PROTESTANT. middle aged or cars. elderly yard man, good at washing and house cleaning. State salary ed to start.

Write 0-377. Register and Tribune. EXP. man and wife for work on farm. House and garden furnished.

Give referR. Jay Valentine, Stuart, la MARRIED man with boy on grain stock farm. Send references. Bushville Farms. Winterset, Iowa.

2 EXPERT stone masons no wanted. Arno Schumann Ft. Dodge, SALESMEN. 9.A Hail Insurance We offer liberal contract. You make year's salary in 90 daya.

Season Just starting. Northern Mutual Insurance A sa'n. L. BIdE. Des Moines, JUST out.

Finest legal substitutes for pre- war drinks. Want jobbers everywhere. Exclusive rights. Permanent business. Great future, Am.

Cordial 1700 N. Spring, Los Angeles, Cal. AM here to place a general agent this state, must be responsible party capable of organixine sales force. for appointment, Mr. Miller, room 835.

Hotel Port Des Moines. SALESMEN- -Dist. Fastert selling the specialty 3504. profit. Needed every home.

store. One nan sella 15 Ep*rn week, Get details quick. Santtran Co. 821 W. 3rd.

Los Angelen, Cal. Red hot proposition for men working small towns. $100 weekly easily made, Full or part time. No carry or collections to make. Mills Vending Co.

La Crosse, Wis. MEN with light cars for country and town saleswork in Hamilton, Webster and Greene counties. Hard work, but good pay. Write Salesmanager, 618 Snell Building. Fort Dodge, lows, CREW mere with crews or capable of organising one.

Also canvassers for house to house sales work. 88 to 815 per day, NOS Observatory Bldg. SALESMEN wanted for Braided Rugs commission basis to stores only. Write Wilkens Mfg. Corporation, White Plains.

N. Married Man who wants to get into business for himself. without capital. 507 Shops BidE. Clean Cut Young Men wanted to travel with crew man.

after 9 a. m. Monday. 507 Shops Big. SALESMEN wanted for city ten and coffee route: must furnish own delivery equipment and first class references.

Write R-698, Register and Tribune. Salesmen Brush men of American ability. Highest pay, Brush 212 Jewett Bldg. Des Moinen. SALESMEN- -For open territory, staple profitable line, Big commission.

permanent. Box 522-Y. Iowa City, Iowa BOOK salesmen- Fastest selling 20 vol, set. Big commission. J.

A. Richards. 578 Madison Ave NY and road. Sell merchants only, Write Sales 414 Provident Hank Hide. Cincinnati Ohio.

(Continued on Neat Page.) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY. "CLOSE Portable Garages Cottages Etc. few samples reduced prices. Call on Stribling. 21at Phone Walnnt 3405, Des Moines.

write CLOSE-TO-NATURE Coltax, In. TOTALLY DISABLED Doctors. Hospital, Rent, Grocery and other Bills ataring you in the face and you can't pay them. If you de not provide for your family while well the law would put you in jail. Sickness Nieves you of- the law but not from the responsibility.

We pay $10.000 death benefit and $26 weekly accident and sickness benefit. Entire Yearly Cont $10.00. Prepare while you can. Write or call. We'll send partientara.

North American Accident Insurance Company 410 LIBERTY WAL. 1168 DES MOINES, TOW A 30 15 50 50 50 I 100 130 21. 200 or D. 895 100 st I.

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Article information

Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 6157

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.