Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

71 Unfurnished Apt. 1 16 Booting 119 Motorcycles 102 CommercialIndustrial SaltLeast) REAL ESTATE CLASSIFICATION MAP Troy 97 ITippClty Pkllllpltrq New Carlltle Huber Height! CLASSIFIED FRIENDSHIP ADS Would you like a pen pal or a friend to uliare coffee? Are you hoping to find that certain someone? The Classifieds can now offer you a confidential way to get in touch with someone new. f) West Milton 94 Union Enonwono) Trotwood 91 I ItwietMrej CIyo trMkvllle 96 laton New Lebannn t) It 8 so easy, too. Your message tell Dayton readers about yourself. Those wishing to meet you write to your private, Dayton Newspapers Inc.

box number printed in the ad. Farmer. vlllt You have total anonymity until you choose to respond to a reply. To place your message, just phone 223-1515 and an operator will assist you. Dayton NwrinnArt I iClassif.ft Duplexes 13 IUTH Nur Mil, 1-75 8, TVs, 2 Bdrm, washer-drvtr hookup cjrMi, ut-1030, rutia SOUTH near Mall-Msbs $260, we pay gat diii y-wj2 SOUTH Ml W.

Carrattov Lm 1 i 2 bdrms, wooded. Beautllul swim pool, air, carpet laundry tacili lies, dep. ROUTE 741 OS-1004 W. CARROLLTON SOUTH 1 yr. old, 2 bdrm aol.

wgar t-rom UI5 call 434-7(76 MANAGEMENT BY RCF PROPERTIES, WC SOUTH Cat Heat Cerpernj Se-247f SOUTH. 324-A Conttanlla ofl Irv ing Ave. I Ddrm. ranoe. refng.

dieootal, air cond. SI7S stcurity lll. yr Masa. Gorman, Inc. 222-1143 SOUTH-737 Wilmington Ave.

1-2 -Derm ww carpel, aools, air, S230 Per mo. ftj-Jau. THIRD E. 3 room lower, no pelt. $35 wk 293-2990 TROY Si.

2 bdrms. appls, adulls. )50 -t- dep. 254-5184 "TROY Valev, clean 4 room, carpel, aopli, no pelt 293-2990 UNION TERMINAL APTS. UNION, OHIO IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY I 2 bdrm, from 1B0.

Range retrig-carpel. Low moderale income. Equal Houting Oppor- Tuniiy. Lan lor appi. COLD KEY REALTY 134-1915 UPPER DAYTON VIEW 9NEAR COOD SAM HOSPITAL On outline.

1 bdrm aptt Applt. Bimtt. wather hookups Garaget avail 275-2609, 298-2860 VAN BUR EN VILLAGE SPACIOUS 1 BDRM APTS From 1184, Kellerlng. 256-3061 VANDALIA; clean 2 bdrm. AC, ni po, aount, iiJi; jw-585 ''VANDALIA, deluxe 1 4 2 bdrm.

tome wild washer, drver or I'i bains, no pels, 898-0803 VANDALIA; luxury 1 4 2 bdrm ranch apis. Deluxe equipped kilcheni. Some have fireDlare 4 gar. Firewalls lor I he ullimele sound 4 lire proieciion. Fram $225- 890-1152 VANDALIA; 1 4 2 bdrm.

no pels, 898-2154, 898-4296, 293-9M2 VandaUij 1 4 2 bdrms, carpel, pool, $220 Up. 298-3087 APT. LOCATORSWERTZ RLTY Vandalia, 2 bdrm, carpel, air, heal pd, no pels S225 890-(830 VANDALIA-924 Randler-ultra modern 2 bdrm, tunken llv rm, Oew carpel, wo hookup, private palio-entrance. (275. 236-1602 WALNUT HILLS bdrm, applt, heal paid, no pell, 253-3673 atler 2:30.

W. DAYTON, 3 rmt. 4 balh. S1S0 mo. plut tlSO dep.

278-3656. WEST ALEX VILLAGE Accepling application! lor 1 bdrm designed lor I he elderly handicapped, Monday-Friday from 10 AM-5 PM; Sal 10 AM-2 PM or bv appi WW carpet, kitchen applt, healair cond. No pels. Denial rales are based upon family income and HUD Section 8 reouiremete. Apply at rental office: 20 Elm West Alexandria, 0.

839-5910. Equal Houting Opportunity WEST clean 1 bdrm ranch, applt. dep. (n-Tm atler 5. EST, DEARBORN; I bdrm, 1 nw.

iie retif,, wording adulls, no children; 268-2792 WEST; Ige 2 bdrm, heal, appls, reasonable, 223-6696, 879-0879 WEST; 1-2 bdrm aplhouset. Nice localion-no pets. 268-3323. West, 2010 Germanlown, 2 bdrm, redecoraled, adults 274-4671 WEST 807B Clement, 1 bdrm, re-decoraled, adults. 274-4671 WOODMAN PARK Special-No Security Deposit SOME UNITS 1 4 2 Bedroom Apis 2 4 3 Bdrm TOWNHOUSES From 1225 254-6122 Village Green Mgt Co 73 Apti.

or House to Shore CENTERVILLE, share house, prefer lady non-smoker. 434-0548, Emp. fem. wishes lo share home wsame, 1160, 274-1833 evet HUBER HTS. Neal responsible person to share attractive home.

1198 236-1579 aft 5 75 Unfurnished Houies Cendot. ALEX-Bel-lamme Rd Area- 2 bdrm condos, 12951475 Keyflnders, Inc. 294-7015 8EAVERCREEK: Rent 'option to buy 3 bdrm, 2 balh 277-2308 BEAVERCREEK, 3 bdrm ranch farmhoute, IVi baths, fireplace, 2 car gar, barn w5 stalls, beautiful woods 4 frontage on Little Miami River. 1595 mo. Don Wrighl Really 859-4000, 434-7368 BEECHAM: Fantastic 3 bdrm brick ranch, 2 balht, carpeting, attached garage, tuper location 4 price.

233-4662 BELMONT 4 bdrm, ttove, lease 4 dep. S325mo. 223-1130. BUTLER TWP. 3 bdrm, fam rm, wblp, air, gar, 1375.

233-1305 BUTLER-VANDALIA SCHOOLS 1ST MONTH RENT FREE Ranch Doublet 4 Townhoutes (Some Have Fireplace 4 Garage) 2 Bdrms, 1200 So Ft, lvj Balht 3 Bdrms, 1397 Sq Ft, Balht Firewall For The Ultimate SOUND 4 FIRE PROTECTION Renlalt From 1265 890-4222 CENTERVILLE 'A dbl. 2 bdrm, carpeted, appi, gar. 1325 dep. Lease. M3-OW; 433-7243 CENT.

Timberlodge Condo, 2 bdrm, 2 balh, wbfp, pool, tennis, clubhouse, 1550. 433-2888 in; almost new 3 bdrm brick house wilh attached garage, Huber Heights 233-4272 DAYTON Mai, 1 bdrm. condo, carport, 1285. 1-539-8650 eves. DAYTON View, Lexington, dbl, 3 bdrm, nice.

SI 50, water pd, 854-4987; 275-1807. EAST 'I dbl, 3 bdrm, carpet, ppl, low ulil. 274-7627 aft 3 EAST, Slalnton Ave. 4 bdrm, btml, freshly painled, fenced yd. 1240 ulil.

1156 dep. 845-8099. 107 Mite. Real Ettate SoleWonted HUD EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 2 3 N. without 132 CarsTrucks Wanted ALL CALL Auto P.rtt buy Auto 4, Truck.

Sell parts. 268-7700 AL'S AUTO PARTS BUYS CARS 263-3512 BUYING ALL AUTOS, Trucks. 1512 E. Third. 228-6804 BUYING ALL CARS Trucks, any cond.

268-9451 BUYING iunk cart 1 trucks, paying cash, 24 hr tow. 253-6340 Buying Junk Cars Trucks, free towing, top dollar pd. 258-1779 Buying Junk Cars Trucks AAA 268-9281 JUNK CARS NEEDED, paving $50 up, 24 hr. service 256-2087 Sharp Trucks Needed ABSOLUTELT TOP it PAID! Want Low Mileage, Clean Vans And Pick-Upt Why Hassle Seitig Yourself? I'LL PAY MORE! Call Dave Ntckell 224-2709 WILL pav cash for good' used cars Up to $3,000 222-4581. KEN'S KARS 640 N.

MAIN ST. 133 Specialty Vehicles Bulletin Board ALPHA ROMEO '67 Sprint Zagato. 1 of only 105 built Hand-lormed body by Zagato, 2600 CC engine w' triple webDers, 5 spd, good cond. $12,500 or best offer. Call 848-8347.

RARE CLASSIC CAD '58 Brit! convertible $5000. Will lake antique car in trade. Leave message or call evenings: 1-988-9429. UNIQUE CAD. '58 Fleetwood.

All pwr. Air cond, must sell. $3200 or best offer. 890-0357. CHEV '64 IMPALA SS.

convertible, 88,000 actual mi. ps, pb. factory original 409. Very good, original cond. 1-834-7209 CHEV '68 panel truck van, wooden bed, excel, tires, dependable transportation, rusty.

$375 or best offer. 253-2534. MUST SELL CHRYSLER '56 Windsor 4 door, 44,000 mi's. Excel Cond $4000. Greenville 548-5775.

FORD '65 Mustang Convt. Restored. Wire hubs. $4200. 433-0456 Ford '65 Mustang Fastback, new red paint, good orig.

upholstery, needs eng, work. $975. 890-3614 MGTD '52, restored. $13,500. 434-0216 TRIUMPH '76 TR7, auto, 40,000 mi Michelin lires, new brakes, ignition svslem battery, air, am-lm stereo.

Collector's Item. $3000. 276-5539 eves, 134 Cars for Sale AMC '76 PACER 1 owner. Excel 53,000 ps, air, radials-TLC, $2150. 293-0163 AUDI, '79 5000SL, 4 door sedan.

$8100. Excellent condition. Loaded. 433-0283. BMW '79 320i, air, 4 spd.

Recaro seats, many extras, $8200. 7-1, 224-8455; After 5, 278-28 54. SACRIFICE BROOKVILLE DODGE '79 DODGE Omnis. 2 dr or 4 dr 836-2211, 1-687-3750, Dlr BROOKVILLE DODGE CHEV. '77 Camaro Z28, black, '79 Camaro; '78 Monle Carlo.

836-2211; 1-687-3750, Dir. 119 Motorcycles 97 75 Unfurnished Houses Condof EAST-Woodrow Terr, 6, 2-slory, 2 bdrm, bsmt $190 236-9873 EAST 2 bdrm, country kitchen, newly decorated, fenced SI85 mo lease 4 dep. 299-9562 EAST, 300 Edgar; 6 room Va double, 1225 deposit; 298-5065 EAST 3S George, 6 roomt, gar, clean; Olhert. 1-675-2525. EAST- 7 roomt, 3 bdrm, S165 dep.

323 E. Lincoln St. EAST, 8 rooms, full bsml, gar, S250 dep. Call 859-5069 EDGEWOOO-327; 2 bdrm, Carpel, gar No pelt 1160 226-1401 ENCLEWOOD area. Attractive 3 bdrm brick home wair cond.

Call 1-962-4839 after 5pm. ENCLEWOOD AREA. Country farmhoute. Ideal for retired couple who love gardening. Completely remodeled Including new Insulation.

3 2Vi balht, country kitchen with WBFP, attached 2 car gar. No dogs please. 1310 per mo. Call 836-9704 lor appi, alter 1 pm ENGLEWOOD, Brownstone. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, Ige fenced yard, 1 car gar.

1395 Don Wrighl Really, 859-4000 EitoJewood 4 bdrm 2 slory, 4 stall barn, 7 ACRES. 836-5447 FAIR BORN Vi dbl, carpet, air, appls 1225 879-4959, 429-5499 Fairbom spacious 3 bdrm. 10 min. from WPAFB, $390, 429-9750 FAIRBORN-5 rm wgar. lo yd.

1250 mo 1250 dep. 1-897-5895 HABITAT 2 bdrm ft balh town-house, WBFP, 1350. 433-6325 or 439-5020 3 HUBER HEIGHTS OUR LITTLE CASTLE Live like a "KING" on the budael of a "WORKING MAN." Please call and lei us lell vou how you can move into an (almost) new brick home with an attached several styles lo choose from, available In 1, 2 or 3 bdrms, with or without appls. lu-ezz HUBER HEIGHTS SHOW ME WHERE YOU CAN BEAT THIS DEAL. Th areas largest selection of rental properties.

Make one STOP do it all. Several styles of fownhouses, villas, a cozy cottage, an adult complex, many different styles of houses, 1 or 2 story, many with fireplaces, central air, carpeting or a family room. All have extra insulation and thermo windows for low utility bills. 233-4662 HUBER HTS- 4 bdrm. 2 story, IVi baths, fam.

rm, appls, Vh car air-heat pump, $415. 890-5640, Dave- 233-9988. RAY GIBSON REALTY HUBER N. Rent woption. 3 bdrm, new carpet, rite.

233-4133 HUBER N. 3 bdrm, attached gar, carpel 1295 mo. 233-1853 all 5 HUBER N. 3 bdrm, 2 balh, fam rm. gar, 1355.

KETTERING (Oak Creek Area) Mo. Renl Free. 1650 mo. 3 bdrm. For details call 294-9136.

KETTERING, 1617 Mayo, 3 bdrm Irame, ww carpeting. 1320 No pets. Lease. Dep. 461-7095.

KETTERING, 3 bdrm brick, carpeting, carport. 1325 836-9297. KETTERING bdrm brick ranch, carpet, gat heal, air. attached gar. 1 year lease.

1325 per mo. security dep. No pels. 294-0756 KETTERING, 3 bdrm-l'i bath, air, brick, 1350 dep. Joe Miko HERITAGE REALTORS 435-4900 MAIN N.

2521; 3 bdrm Va dbl, carpel, 1235. 274-9673. MIAMISBURG 2 story 3 bdrm, appi. S3O0. 434-9553 MIAMISBURG, 2-3 bdrms, full carpel, Cair, 1 car school 4 shopping close, S3 50 mo.

1300 dep. ref 866-0695 MVH-UD (Near); 'h dbl, 1135 ulil, malure couple, accept I child, no pets, references 256-4538 N. Dayton Alaska St. 5 rms. fenced yd, 1225dep.

1-675-2125 DAYTON, off Leo SI, Vj dbl, 2 Ddrmt, btml, 1195, 890-0701 NEAL Av-106; 4 bdrm, yard, Insulated No 1160 226-1401 107 Misc. Real Estate SoleWonted NOTICE TO HOME BUYERS HUD ACQUIRED PROPERTIES FOR SALE properties mutt be sold Vandalia Oak wood 95 Kettenito, lellbrook 0 Centervilln INDEX 91 Hornet Dayton 9J Homti Suburban Eoit 94 Homi Suburban North 95 HomesSuburban South 96 hom*ot Suburban Wt 97 Condominiumi 91 Area hom*o 99 Lots and Acroaa tOO FarmsFarmland 102 Commerciallnduf trial SalWLoat 103 Investment Property 104 Out of Area Property 106 Mobile Hornet SaletServic 107 Mite. Real Estate Sole Wanted I Ot Mortgage! for SaleWonted 91 Home -Day ton BELMONT HOME FOR CAREFUL BUYER! Available Now! 6 rms, 3 bdrm, highgrade ww carpet throuohoul, full bsmt, 1982 gas furnace, cair, 2 car gar, loaded with other extras. No Drive By Deal. If interested leave name and phone number at office.

Priced in upper $40' s. EVAN ALEXANDER 252-5656 RLTY 252-5656 8ELM0NTUD. 3 bdrm bunoa-low, full bsml rec rm, 2 car jar, modern kitchen, pleasant neighborhood. 134,900. FHA, VA possible.

Call 223-3300. BELMONT 3 FAMILY REDUCED Owner wants offer on newly remod. 2 slory, 30' from RTA, close to shopping. Great tax shelter good Income. Let's look! TED McBRIDE 435-9344 ROUDEBUSH 298-721 1 DAYTON to we any of the HUD ACQUIRED PROPERTIES Call TOM FORTENER 258-2071 RAY E.

FORTENER REALTY 253-1184 C4CTri ncc lu.ii enn 6 Extra large rooms on I floor. Bsml, floored altic, and gar. Va-H cant. Private flnancino. R.

E. AMAND Realtor 293-5114 EASTMONT, Try assuming J2I6 mo. FHA, 3 bdrm, Vh car 434-1734 HUNT RLTY 254-6215 EAST-3 2 story with full newly painled ineide out. Only $14,900. Uril I It LOGINS 426-0386 IWJLUt MRIty.

Inc. 426-0387 EAST $42,500 WALNUT HILLSD Gl Lovely 3 bedroom family home in lip-lop condition. Aluminum siding, remodeled kitchen, basem*nt, garage. Take a look call 256-6071. RUSS WILLOUGHBY, Realtor HUD Acquired Hornet For Sale DOUG HARRISON Rltv 274-1948 OLD NORTH DAYTON.

When you see Ihis house you'll buy ill New roof, new carpet, new paint, like new kitchen bath, 3 bdrms, $23,900. Please call: O. PANTELIC 890-0984 MIKE PETKUS ASSOC. 890-0700 Riverdaie Excellent Homes 2 slory, 4 bdrm, formal din. rm, 10 kitchen, 2 car gar.

Home has lots of charm. $31,900. EXCELLENT BUY-2 story, 3 formal din. rm, gar, beml, $28,900. SHbwS BEAUTIFULLY-2 story, 2 bdrm, completely redone, formal din rm, gar.

$33,900. JOAN GIBSON Realty 278-0709 93 Homes Suburban East FAIR BORN RONA HILLS Spacious Diplomat, mint 3 bdrnt, balhs, carpet (am. cen. air. Reduced to $76,900.

Assume, teller carries second. Early occupancy. GEM CITY REALTY 233-9794 XENIA- Arrowhead- lease purchase or rent. 3 Yr old 3 bdrm ranch. Lou Dockery 426-9344 OwnerAgent 94 Homes; Suburban North BETHEL TWP.

Beautiful 3 bdrm, Vi balh, full bsmt, lam rm, sunken liv rm. din rm, 2 fp's, air, intercom, fruit trees, 5 acres I barn. Financing Available. Call 845-3357 from 1-6. BROOKVILLE, By Owner, country home, 3 bdrm ranch on acre, fenced vd, attached gar plut 3W car detached gar wheat.

Near thopping freeway. 1-833-5435 FOREST RIDGE BY OWNER Lovely comfortable 5 bdrm, bath, liv. room, din. room, fam. room wfireplace, 2'j car gar, covered patio, cent air, hardwood floors on 2nd level, 5 walk-in closets.

Will consider all types ol financing. Excellent value at 233-7803 HUBER-Lovety ranch on corner lot, 3 bdrms, 2 balhs, fam. wilh WBFP, Vu car. Super loan assump. UAI I IE LOGINS 426-0386 MULLIC rlRlty.

Inc. 426-0387 91 Hornets Doyton vjir REAL ESTATE tf. MOPED '81 Vaiavus, excel, cond, low ml. wwlndshield, $325, or best offer, 236-3381. MOPED '81, 1600 ml, excel cond.

Special $300. 659-5387. SUZUKI 77 GS550 Excel Cond. 277-0625 evet, 277-6944 davt. SUZUKI 78 GS1000, 2700 ml.

LIKE NEW $2150. Will trade for pickup. 233-6892 SUZUKI '76 GS1000. Full dress Nice Pike! $2100. 859-3492, SUZUKI, '81 450T, 2500 mi, blk, 6 spd, fairing, luggage rack, sissy bar.

$1200, 435-0789 Yamaha 7 1 650XS1B, many new pans, adult ridden, runs excel, very good cond, $62 5 2 76-7082 YAMAHA 79 Enduro, 125, Like New $575. 1-833-3340 YAMAHA 79 XS 750 Special, 7000 mi's. Call 429-0662. INDEX 1 25 Heavy Equipment 126 Utility Trailrt 128 HwvyTrucki 129 PickvpiVini4i4 110 CarTrucl Trolier Rental 131 S.f vicePort. AccMtoriet 132 CartTrucki WWd 133 Specialty VehieW Bulletin Board 134 Cart Far Sale 1 38 125 Heavy iquipmctnt BACKHOE 1982 Case 560D, Under warranty, 43 hrs, 2 buck-els, extend-a-hoe, Transco Trailer.

$30,000. Cost Call 228-5881. FORKLIFTS (3). 4,000 lbs, Yale, Clark 8, Hysler. 222-6155.

MASSEY Ferguson diesel Ironl end loader, low hrs. 1 owner, $8500 firm. Wallv 254-2629. 126 Utility Troilers UTILITY Trailer, 6x8' sleet bed, 4 It sides, lights, 2 yrs. old.

$700. CaH 419-394-7411 davs, 419-394-7181 eves. 128 Heovy Trucks CHEV. '65, C60 dump truck, 292 eng. 4spd, 2 spd rear end, 12' bed, 1600 gal lank, 51 cu It minute vacuum pump wilh ISO It 2" hose.

Will trade lor or 1 ton, crew cab 4x4 pick up. Ford, Chev or Dodge. 859-5894 CHEV '80 C-30 Dualie. 27,000 mi, 4 sp, 6 cvl. am-fm.

Good Body. S6500 or good offer 278-8594. GMC 77 3 Ion dump, C6000, 366-52. Excel. 278-6572, 434-0198 PETERBILT 78 Cal eng.

74 CO Peterbilt, 1-698-4358 129PickupsVotis4K4 CHEV '67 EiCamino, New paint, tires, shocks. 327, auto. Sharp. SUM. 254-3086.

CHEV. 73 Van. 6 cvl. auto, good cond. $1400 may trade car or small pickup.

1-32-4270. 75 Van, all power, may lake trade-in. $1600. See al 32 7 Warder St. CHEV.

78 Luv, auto. $2795 HUNTER AUTO SALES (218 W. Third St. 263-7211 CHEV 79 Blaier, body damage, no eng. $1495.

252-0198 CHEV. 79 Blaier, 4x4, 25,000 mi. 1 owner, $5995 HUNTER AUTO SALES 6218 W.Thlrd St. 263-7211 CHEV '80 C10, 6 cyl 3 spd, overdrive, sliding rear window, tinted glass. i-85s-jsii CHEV '81 Custom Van 20, 305 V-8, metallic silver gray wblue ve-lour 4 shag int.

4 Captains, sola bed, lull power, air, lilt, cruise, locks, AMFM, burglar alarm, rust proof, Michelins, low mi's. Like New. Reas. Cash or Trade. Dr.

Bond, Richmond, IN (317) 962-2795. CHEV. '81 Elcamino, 51,000 mi. $5700. 836-4009 CHEV.

'82 Pickup loaded, excel, cond. $6500 898-8063. MUST SELL CHEV. '82 S10 pick-up, 4 spd, 6000 mi, A-l. $6200.

433-6115. CHEV '82 4 4, nicely equipped. Custom carpel, cab 8, cargo Tanneau cover. $9500, 859-8434 '83 Vi ion van, short wheel bate, no windows, loaded. $8300.

277-7850; 278-9319. DODGE 74 van Tradesmen 200, 318 PS, PB, lots ol extras, recent paint iob. Looks great. $1600. 461-0958 or 854-5704 DODGE 77 Ram Charger 360 2 wheel drive, new liret, etc, lowing package.

277-9214 DODGE 78 Fun Van. Stereo, sink, cooler, sofa bed more. Excel, cond. Must see. $5800 or make offer.

236-7045. DODGE 79 high cube van, $4500 or best offer, HUNTER AUTO SALES 6218 W.Third St. 263-7211 DODGE 79 Van 3 cuslom. mi. $6000 or offer, 237-8168.

VALUE DODGE '82 Roval 150 Pick-up, 318, 4 spd, overdrlve.pwr, air, stereo, elec windows, locks. cruise, bucket seats, console, sliding rear window, anti-spin differential, gold wheels, michelins, fiberglass too bed carpel, 24,000 mi. New price over $7950. 659-8008. FORD.

ton pickup, 73, Irame cab, 79 eng, drive train, front end 8, bed, must see. Lots of extras. Priced reasonable, call for more delails 275-8447 FORD '62 1 ton truck, needs eng, good body, $375. 275-1346 FORD '66 600, Grain bed wilh hoist, V8, 4 spd-2 spd, ps, 87,000 mi, Nice! $1795 or best offer. 845-151 FORD 70 'fi Ion, 302 new parts, runs $675 299-7635 after 4 p.m.

FORD 72 Camper Special, dual lanks. $700. 254-3709 FORD 78 250 Pickup wpower liflgale 8. metal racks. Good Cond.

890-4318, 9-5 weekdays. FORD 79 150 Super Cab, 4x4, lockouts, low miles, 351 auto $4900 or best offer 236-0391 FORD '80 Vj ton F100 Pick-up leer cap. 3 spd, low miles. 435-1057 aft 7pm FORD '82 Van Bivouac, deluxe, customized, 9000 mi grev, Call 294-5034 after 5 pm INTERNATIONAL, 74 Vi Ion pick-up, V-8, aulo, ps, pb, radio, lu-tone green, dlx cap, trailer hitch with lights, very clean, good tires. $2000.

Take older car tor trade. 294-1838, 9-6. JEEP 77 CJ7, new lop, VS, 3 sod, chrome whls, carpet, very good cono. SJ6W. )v-ju.

TOYOTA '77. auto, shorlbed, good cond $1900. 878-4590. VW, '81 Van, like new, low mi, many extras. $8900.

1-653-5960 131 SorviceParts Accessories Auto Transmittient Completelv Rebuilt. $159 plus converter Guaranteed 1 yr. 890-4366 BUYING: Cars, iunk, wrecked anddrlvable. 268-1121 QUALITY Auto painting body work. Lacquer only 252-8289 TIRES (4) Firestone 10xl5-Ali Terrain Raised while letter, New cond.

Mounted on 15" GM Turban Wheels. $500. Call Jim 866-2887 eft 5 pm TIRES (4) Wide Daytona 60-15" 4,000 miles, mounted on Mag ET Wheels, fil Ford. Piqua 773-2953 Trantmitsien automatic, rebuilt $200, $250 wrebuilt torque converter complete, 684-7205 evet. $AVE WANTED- MAHAFFEY'S PAYS AUTOMOTIVE I SAIL Boat.

16'. finerolasi. Chvi ler, lOOhp Johnson, trailer and all equip, good cond. YiW) or betl offer. 1-382-3051.

MUST SEE SEARAY 1981 SRV-260, 26' Cully, 350 Merc Cruiser IO Loaded Excel. 80 Hrt. Heavy duty iraiier. 4J4-U22. SEASTAR Tri-Hull, 140 Mer-cruiser IO, am-fm stereo tape convt lop, mooring cover, Shore-lander trailer, 435-5284 LIKE NEW SLICKCRAFT '79, 20' Cutty cabin, tilt trailer, V8 1.0.

$10,000. SPENO-A-DAY MARINA Sales 'Service 'Storage 'Renlal (513)843-3036 at Indian Lake 117Complnq Vehicles AIRSTREAM Travel Trailer, twin oeos, sleeps air, awning, excel, cond. 890-6999. Alrstream '76, 27 ft, twin beds, rear balh, awning, air, excel cond. Lima, O.

419-228-5281. LIKE NEW BARLOW'S RV SALES Shasta, Travelcraft, Scamper NEW 8, USED Mon-Fri 9-8, Sat 9-6; Closed Sun 382-0008 or 382-0018, Wilmington Turn on Rl. 73 at Elk't, BARLOW'S SPRING SPECIALS Wilmington Oh 1-382-0008 Shasla Class Loaded 27' Was S37.90O-NOW Shasla Trailers-8, 5'lh wheels 35', 28', 24', 23', 2V, 20', 16' Closed Sunday Turn at Elk's on Rt. 73 CAMPER TRAILER 1975 21 Trotwood, Tandem axle, sleeps 6 Very Clean. Piqua 773-2953 CAPS-locally made, colors, sizes, parts, repair! slide-in bedding, solas for trucks or vans 6W8 won cr.

Trotwood 837-1050 COACHMEN 79 11 'a Truck Camper on 75 GMC 3 PU, Verv imprtmive jouv, iJf-ywa LOADED COLEMAN CAMPERS Displayed inside show room PAT'S COLEMAN SALES 1702 BRANDT PIKE COMBI-CAMP 560 lbs FOLD DOWN CAMPER FOR COMPACT CARS PAT'S COLEMAN SALES 1702 BRANDT PIKE CRUISE AIR, '75. 25 fl. ps, Ob. plant, cruise control. Excel.

30,000 mi, sleeps 7, 882-6066 Fleetwoods-Jambofee-Tioqa II MINI-HOME LEWIS RVI 4640 LINDEN 253-8816 JAMBOREE Relieve '81, 23', sleeps 6, 4700 mi, complete air cono, awning, stereo tape, cruise, A-l -I. 252-6137. MINI HOME new 23' Chevy chattit, air, cruise, till, sofa, swivel chain, rear balh, don'l miss this 121.900 Bosler RV-WSmington. 382-1438 Daly 9-8 Saturday 9- SUNDAY 12-6 MOTOR Home lor renl, sleeps 6, $280 wk. 7c mi.

859-6409. Motor Home RENTAL, clean, air, sleeps 6. 1-339-8832 all 5pm MOTOR HOME Rentals, tleept 6 1 8, self-contained. 878-1926 MOTOR HOME, '76 GMC, 48,000 mechanically excel cond. Many exlrat.

$28,000. 1-857-9609 GREAT BUY TOM RAPER RV'S Ind 8, Ohio's 1 RV Dealer Richmond, Ind. (317) 966-8361 Big Discounts Multi-Million Dollar Inventory New Used RV'S SALE: Normal Installation, roof, air conditioners and roll-up awnings $5.00 1-70 west, exit 149A, south 1 mi. Open 'til 9 Sat 'til 6 Closed Sun. TOP DOLLAR for used RV's Tom Raper RV's, Richmond.

Ind. Needs your RV. (317 966-8361 TRUCK CAMPER, 10 sell-contained with shower, with pull-out bed in rear. Sleeps 6. $1000 426-2570, after 4.30 wkdavs, all day sat.

un. TRUCK CAPS. Kao Kino Factory Outlet, aluminum, fiberglass 4 wood, parts 8, repairs, insurance work welcome. 3997 N. Dixie Dr.

Call 276-3706. WANTE'J Mini homes 8. trailers. Quick cash paid Call RV Liquidators 1-382-1438. WILLIAMSCRAFT '69 Trailer, 24', all self-contaied.

A-l Condi-lion. Good tires. Must see to ap preciate. $2750, 233-1727. 118 Mist.

Rec. Vehicles MIDAS '78, 23' mini motor home, GMC chassis, 350 V8 eng. cab unit air. rear bath, excel cond.

$13,500. 426-4917 aft 6 PACE ARROW 75 Motor Home, 27', lop cond. $13,400 1-492-8897 PROWLER '71. 20'. factory air, A-l cond, $2995; 299-2127 STARCRAFT '67 Slarmaster 8 Sink, 3 burner stove, icebox, awning Excel $1000, 433-6205 119 Motorcycles GARELLI Rally Soon Moped, Like New, low mi, $475.

433-6278 HARLEY-DAVIDSON (2), '68 XLCH, mint cond. $3000; '75 Sportster, $2000. 667-4617 MUST SEE HONDA NORTH $AVE GOING OUT FOR BUSINESS SPECIAL SALE SEE GENE WE WRITE THE BEST DEALS AROUND ON HONDAS REESMC SALES, Inc 3507 N.DIXIE At The Traffic Cirde 274-150 1 274-2528 HONDA '74; 450 CL, 15,000 3 wk old bellery, scuffed up a little bul ready for summer, $550, 293-5986 atler 6 pm. Honda '74 750-full dress-loaded, asking $1350; 1-932-1473 eves HONDA, '75 550-4, full dresser, loaded, good cond. $1195.

258- 1022, before 2 pm. HONDA '76 CB200T, 9000 mi's. Mint Cond. New liret, new battery. Includes a silhoulte, crossbars cover.

$500 or best offer, musl sell. 878-8077 eves. HONDA '76 Goldwlng. Chrome, new tires, excel, shape, Fairing, ir snocks. ay-jgae.

HONDA '77 550K. Very good cond. Must see to appreciate. New tires, battery, clutch. Best offer over $800.

885-3580, 298-4331 ext 5705 ask for Mike HONDA '77, 550 Super Sport, 9000 mi. Excel $850. 845-3317 HONDA '78 Goldwing, black, leather louring seat Bales Bags, 6000 mi, $2500 firm. 848-8347. HONDA 79 CX500 Custom, 7000 miles, Windiammer, excellent $I65.

svg-wyi HONDA '80 750 Custom, 1 owner, 8000 immaculate. $2150 or best offer. 1-633-2771 IMMACULATE HONDA '81 CB900 wilh direct drive. Traveling bag, back rest, radio, tape player, crash bars, fairing windshield. 2600 actual mi.

Mint cond. 299-1428 HONDA '81 650. fairing, .1,000 $1700, 433-3476. KAWASAKI, '76 KZ400, very good cond $750. 277-0862.

KAWASAKI '78 KZIO00, Z1R 1075CC, Andrews Cams, smooth ooret, Kerxer, 4500 mi's $3000, 885-7783 or 433-3162. Kawasaki 78 KZ750, under 3500 mi, good cond. 8)150. 1-884-5386 KAWASAKI 80 250 LTD, $1200. 236-9590 KAWASAKI '81, 550 LTD.

3000 mi Must lell now 296-0482. KAWASAKI, '82 Spectre 1100, 1200 mi, 3 helmets, cover, exlrat. $4000. 429-2056, 426-6652. SUPER KAWASAKI '2 550 LTD.

low mi. Dark Dme. good cond 275-6977 MOPED 60 Puch. Like new. Red.

$395. Call 237-8164. HARRISON TWP SPACE FOR LEASE 2000 or 4000 so ft. officewarehouse tpace for lease in multi-tenant bldg. Available immediately.

Localed near l-75-Need-more Rd exchange. 898-2012. VCTTCftlUA 1 IWI in fl (-Allinnt nxt thrii doors 18' high 16' 'wide. lail 4Y4-4II3 NEEDMORE RD. 2500-I5j000 Sq.

Fl. Zoned 1-2 Near 1-75, 4-14' OHO 236-1814 N. MAIN 3710, 14,000 tq. fl 2 stones w14 aptt. Look before calling.

278-0881, 274-1990 NORTH: Easy access 1-70 4 1-75. New 6000 so It Butler bldg. Zoned WnM UVitl finkh In mil Lease negotiable 845-8222 NORTH FOR LEASE 4200 to 25,725 tq. fl. warehouse with office, sprinkler, Stanley minutes Irom 1-75, 10x14' drive-in doors.

Reasonable. NORTHWEST-1400 sq. ff. storeroom in Trotwood Main center. FRYDMAN ASSOC.

REALTORS 223-4261 NORTH-Warehouse Offices, dock, tec, low renl-modern-very flexible termt 8, tpace; 890-5885 SOUTH lease, new multi-tenant bldg, sq. ft, spring constructions. 433-9574. SOUTH-LEASE OFFICEWHSE. CM of Ohio, 435-2744 SOUTH-tale or lease 1200-4800 sq.

fl. officewarehouse 435-3427 VALLEY Sl-neer Harshman Rd. 40x50 Ind. Bldg. 1-748-0756.

103 Investment Property EAST-12 room brick full bsmt, 3 car gar. HUBER-brlck ranch, 4 units, all 2 bedrooms EAST-4 family brick. Grosses $11,700 per yr. Only $54,900 UC I IC UUGGINS 426-0386 MULUt MRIty. Inc.

426-0387 KETTERING-FOR SALE Office andor Medical Buildings. Call Mr. KunH, 298-284 1. VILLAGE GREEN Rltv 435-9090 N. MAIN 3710, 14,000 sq.

2 stones 1 apis, look oetore calling. 278-0881, 274-1990 NORTH II unit brick apt. appls. t. gar, owner financing.

LV49372 BILL BARLOW 434-2209 GATEWAY Astoc, Inc 434-6099 NORTH 16 unils. low dn ovmf. $32,400 grost, termt. 252-7554. SOUTH PARK DOUBLES 3 doublet, each rented at $4560 per year.

Rentert pav all units. Will sell as package or individu ally. Each priced in the $20's. Bill Patrick WM.M. PATRICK 798-1446 REALTY 298-1446 SOUTH 72 Unit apartment complex, excellent location, good financing.

For delails call: ANNEITA LOGAN 294-6753 VILLAGE GREEN Rlty 435-9090 WANTED-We are looking for NNN long term leases. Have cash buyers. PAUL M. LAVIN 275-6390 GOLD KEY REALTY 278-0851 104 Out of Area Property JACKSBORO, Tenn. on Norris Lake, mobile home-patio 454-0500 SHAWNEE LAKE: Bi-level waterfront house, 3 big rec.

room, wall to wall carpel, cutlom indoor fireplace. Boat houte with lift. Well intulated. For sale bv owner. Shown by appi.

only. Call 614-335-8498. Immediate possession. 106 Mobile Homes SolosService BUY-SELL-FINANCE LOW INTEREST PAYMENTS USED MOBILE HOMES TRAILER VILLAGE 263-26SI GETTYSBURG WESTERN BUY Sell or Trade. Cold cash for mobile homes, campers.

Cooper Sales, W. Milton. 1-698-6200. DOLPHIN '70, 12 60, 2 bdrm, balh 8. Vt, unfurn, wshed, awn-ina skirling, excel cona May be lell on lot, wd hookup, slove refrig.

Huber His. area, lots of space. $4oo. 258-1703 before 11am and after 10pm. MUST SELL FAIRMONT '76, new furnace, siding, 12x14 shed.

2 central air New Carlisle, nice, see to appreciate, 233-5628. PlMtwnArf livAA 1 hrirm In an. closed patio, good cond. 257-0097 MUST SELL FOREMOST HOME BROKERS Your Mobile Home Marketplace Cat Today. 254-9411 NASHUA '77, 14X60, 2 bdrm, carpeting thru-out, appls, patio cover, lovely home.

866-4125 New 14 wides $8995 up New double wides $15,995 up 1UM KAPfcK MOBILE HOMES 1-70 west, exit 149A. south 2 mi Open til 9 Sal Ml 6 Closed Sun RICHARDSON 12x65, new listing WHY PAY RENT? 2 Bdrm. ONLY $3900. Low down payment. Call Roger Lull 274- 7950 JERRY OBERLEY Rltv 322-5015 107 Misc.

Real Estate SaleWonted AAAA Cash in 24 hours. Assume your loan. Agent. 233-4133 Gov't, acq. homes.

Low down payment. Whallev Rlty. 276-4072 RECREATION VEHICLES INDEX 1 1 5 Aviation 1 1 6 Booting 1 17 Camping VthicUi HE Mite. Rc VehiclM 119 MottxcycUi 115 Aviation MUNCIE AVIATION CO. AVIONICS SALES I SERVICE Custom installations both new and retrofit.

See us for all your avionic heeds. George Pictia 317-289-7141 1 16 Booting CHRYSLER OUTBOARD SALE 2 YEAR WARRANTY 7.5 HP, 5749. 9.9 HP, $988. 25 HP Elec, $1389. 50 HP, $1995.

75 HP, 52595. 75 HP PT, $2895. 9d Charger, $3289. 115 HP PT, $3398 M-P MARINE 376-lt93 GLASPAR Speed boat 14ft, 55 hp Evinrude motor. Great cond.

$1700 433-1244. GLASTRON IS ft. 77 gray metal stale, Shorelander trailer. 115 hp Johnson, $3500 Fishing boal, 14 ft. like new trailer, $475.

1-399-3673. LARSON 'ill 15' fiberglass V-botlom boat, motor trailer included, price reduced lo $1300; Call 898-7779 after 4 pm. GREAT BUY LIGHTNING, 4 yrs old. used less than 20 limes, all fiberglass and fully race equipped wlraMer, $4000. 419-394-7411 davt, 419-394-7181 evet.

LIKE NEW LUTZ MARINE SALES 15 fl. Battmaster, 70hp $7295. 12 fl. alum. V-hull, $37995.

18.8 fl. V-hull, 170hp, IO. $9995. 110 S. Second Miamistxirs 166-9548 MARK TWAIN '70 18 ft deep In hull 140 Mercruiser 10.

$3900. Call 435-0073 after 3pm. SAILBOAT, Hobie 18, Teouilla Sunrise. A-l cond. $3500-best offer.

Call 1-419-224-1045 exl. 29 days or 1-419-645-5362 eves. SAILBOAT 18 ft Catamaran, Ausiralis, red w. white tail, $1500. 426-4582 Mo Will Corrollton Miamitbarq Gnrmantown 75 Unfurnished HouiesCondoi nTw Carlisle, smaii 4 rm house, 2 adulls, utilities incl.

1300. 845-8190 NIAGARA small Vi 1 tile balh carpel, oar. 1)50 252-0565 N. MAIN Off-Near Fairview, 2 bdrm, gar, wd hookup, 1275. 222-2400.

N. MAIN -off, 3 1190 299-7216. NORMAN W. 48, 2 bdrm, central air, bsml, 2 car gar fenced yard, deposit required. 274-2949 N.

WOODWARD 23. 3 lenced yard, 1125 mo. 268-6259 OXFORD, 3 I floor, 1150 utlldep. 278-1922. RANDOLPH Twp.

condo, bdrm, Vh bath, bsml, pool, le nit, 1525 dep. 898-4485 RUGBY 2 bdrm carpet, Buckeye Discount Card, 278-7721. SHILOH Gardens twin ranch, 2 bdrm, fem rm, wbfp, applt, ww carpet, AC, gar, 1310 dep, Ulils, No pets. Lease 890-4221 SMITHV1LLE dbl. 2 bdrm.

bsml. adulls, no pels, 252-1649. SOUTH- Habitat. Lg. 2 bdrm condo.

1325deo. 435-2601, 836- 1164 SOUTH-Habitat. Near Dayton Mall. 2 Bdrm, washer-dryer, pool, tennis, 866-8284 eves. SOUTH; 2 bdrm condos, wbfp, washerdryer hookup, garage, 1390 Up; 298-3087 Apt.

Locators, Werti Really S. Terry, 8 rms, gar, yd, children ok, 1180 utlls 4 dep. 258-2549. UPPER Davlon View, 2 bdrm, Section 8, Mrs. Johnton 268-7221 UAI MIIT U11U.1 H4rm gar, lease, dep.

1250, 429-1721 W. Carroltton condo for renl, op tion, 2 bdrm wgar, all rent towards down payment. 434-3930 W. Carrolllon, 3 bdrm, appls, 1350 mo. to mo.

oniy zyj-j360 W. CARROLLTON, 3 bdrm, 1 balh, btml, 1 car. 1300 dep Ask tor Joe Miko HERITAGE REALTORS 435-4900 WEBSTER St. 1 bdrm. ulil pd.

Adulls only, no pelt 1200 mo dep. 236-0523 or 233-2121 eves. Westwood small 2 bdrm house, nice yard. 1175 a mo. 866-3642 Wettwood, 3 bdrms.

Older couple. 1175 mo. 1150 dep. 263-6695. W.

SIDE, Vj dbl, 2 bdrm, I child. 1150 836-3346 after 10 am W. THIRD 911; 5 bdrms, CA, 1350 dep 275-6033, Ham-5pm 77 Builneis Property AT 1-75, min. to lown, 1200 lo 13.000 so. ft.

some truck docks. Sec. Inc. 222-1313; 276-3991. BEAVERCREEK, storeroom, 34 66, busy thoroughfare.

1525mo. utus, 426-ysz daytime. BROWN SI-UD area. Store front. Successful carry-out location.

Ap-prox 1200 sq. ft, localed in the heart ot the UD area. Only S350mo. For inlo, call 1-817-731-0107 or 274-8759. CENTERVILLE, city, lease 8640 so.

ft. bldg, concrete block, insulated, zoned light industry, 13 sq. fl. Box S289 Davlon Newspapers 45 S. Ludlow Dayton, Ohio 45402 EAST Dayton bldg for rent, 2800 sq.

ft. B-2 zoning, auto repair or whatever. 1500mo. 256-4499 EAST For Lease Business 1200 so fl near WPAFB, 1350, 224-0722 EAST. Front Slreel Bldg, mfg, storage, prkg 228-1187, 461-3920 KETTERING Office Retail soace for lease.

901 Shrover Rd. Call 294-4115 KETTERING 1000 sq II Offices 1 warehouse, 1475 mo 294-2157 78 Office Spoce ENGLEWOOO-Union Wenger Rd. office 8, retail space avail, up lo 1700 sq.ft. 836-1974. ENGLEWOOO-Wenoer Rd.

office space avail, up to 1700 sq. be divided, 836-1974. EXECUTIVE BLDG. Deluxe office tpace 436 sq.ft. incl.

utils, parking lamtonal serv ice. Renl. 1291 mo. 1250 W. Dorothy Ln.

293-B202 KETTERING Storage or potential office space-off Shrover Rd. 2200 sq fl woo per monin. Lan 294-4115 NEEDMORE Dlx olfice space available 1800-2000 sq. fl. PAUL M.

LAVIN 275-6390 GOLD KEY REALTY 278-0851 Oakwood Park Av. 6 lg. offices, $450, free parking-heal, 224-0722 SOUTH DAYTON DELUXE 22,800 TRAFF COUNT Relocate where the action is. Fin ished space avail, for medical, restaurant, bank etc. Front door parkir.g.

Many other amenities. eo MCBride 4JS-9J44. ROUDBBUSH REALTY 298-7211 South Main near downtown. 800 sq.ft. share conference room kitchen facilities.

Attractive bldg. across from Fairgound. Excel, security, plenty of parking. Ready to occupy, as-mi SOUTH. Several locations.

From 300 sq ft lo 5000 sq fl. Don Wrighl Keany wi-vxn, 4J4-J6S SPRINGBORO near 1-75, 4ouu sq. rt, KeasonaDte rent, nex- ibte terms 4J3-B0V5, 294-6822. 80 Mobile Homei N. Dixie Valley SI.

1 2 bdrm. clean t. quiet, gas no pets, dep. 236-2063. PHILLIPSBURG, 1 bdrm.

mobile home, $150 modep, 890-6812 83 RetorttOut of Area Rentals HILTON HEAD ISLAND. 2 bdrm. villas for rent in shipyard plantation. Prices starting at $500 per week. For information write Island Rentals.

137 W. Water Chillicothe, 0. 45601 or call 614-773-2108. HILTON Head 3 bdrm, 2 bath condo, ocean, tennis, tpa, pool, linent incl $500 wk 859-0345 INDIAN LAKE, vacation collages, pool, air cond. 513-843-3337 ST.

PETE Beach, Fla. home. $200 wk, 433-8689 91 Homes Doyton 97 Fairbarn 93 Xeala 97 94 Hornei Suburban North HUBER HTS Assume Loen-3 oarm, i oam onck ranch-gar. Only $4300 down $340 per mo. Only S37.500.

Don'l lose out- -Call Now! RIGOT REALTY 233-2525 HUBER 5031 Lincrett Place on uiai. by uwner. classic GFZN SUN. 1:30 PM 5:00 PM NORTH SELLERS, NEED LISTINGS. PAY AS LOW AS 4 COMMISSION ROY SUMMERS RLTY.

277-8862 SHILOH Gardens, Bv Owner. Ranch-3 bdrm, liv rm wwbfp, IVj batht, lg fam rm, Vi car gar, cair, fenced yard. Lois of extras. Reduced Price. Call aft 3:30 cm for aool 837-7670.

SHILOH CFZN SUN. 2:00 PM 4:00 PM DRASTICALLY REDUCED Custom Built ranch, Architects own residence, icenic wooded, almost I acre. Excellent office in home or 4 bdrm, fam rm, game rm, eat-in kitchen. Owner Transferred. Was titled at MLS M7.5O0.

Now reduced bv owner lo All financing. N. on Philadelphia Dr. lo 5900 block. Left on Winnel lo 150 Winnel Dr.

Owner, 277-3348. 95 Homes Suburban South CENTERVILLE 174,900 SWIMMING POOL Brick ranch, 3 2''i batht, family room, fireplace, full 2-car gar fenced, treed lot. Bill Patrick 298-1362. WM.M. PATRICK 298-1446 REALTY 298-1446 3 Bdrm.

ranch, full bsml. wilh beautiful rec c-air, WBFP, 2 batht, I car. George Bevington 298-2066. WM. M.

PATRICK 298-1446 REALTY 298-1446 MIAMISBURG D738, L781 NEW LISTING S70.9O0 Two Immaculate beautifully decorated homes lo choose from. Please call for delails! KAY 435-2994 MARIANNE 433-5051 RAINTREE OAKWOOD By Owner lovely older home with lg. liv. rm. din.

rm, center hall, pantry, screened porch, 2 car gar. fireplace, cen. air, $78,900, call 299-6296 after 6pm weekdays or on weekends. OAKWOOO 429 ABERDEEN Attractive 3 bdrm brick, 2 baths, paira oew. aoe.yw.

o-nou. cLirnuAArv rrnrcT SHERWOOD FOREST 3 Bdrm brick ranch, 2 balhs, 2 car gar. Air cond, equipped kitchen, fireplace. In all-new area on a wooded lot. Low S70's DELVUE REALTY 859-4037 434-0755 W.

CARROLLTON 3 bdrm brick, 2 bath, cov patio, 2 car gar, storage Near tchools. 859-4535. 96 Homes Suburban West NEW LEBANON-Ranch style houte, red brick, liv rm, din rm, kitchen wlg dining area, 3 bdrms, 1 full balh, util rm w'i bath, T3 car gar, lg patio walum. roof. Corner lot, 302 Lawson Av.

Harlev J. Homan, Kettering, 434-5551 97 Condominiums BARCLAY SQUARE CONDOS 1. 2, 3 bdrms. from $34,900. 294-7800, 298-3843 Beaver creek 3 bdrm condo, 2Vi balhs.

air, pool, special financing. $55,900 426-5979. CENTERVILLE Townhouse. 2 bdrm, Vfi balh, patio, carport, $36,500, 433-6291 CON DOS-VANDALIA Beautiful Wooded selling Quality. Next to Golf Course Visit SAT SUN noon to 5 "THE FALLS" 223-3000 INDIAN CREEK, Popular 2 bdrm.

$38,500. Incl almond Kitchen appls. Flexible owner. 866-4060 INDIAN CREEK REDUCED DESPERATE OWNER Super buv! Gfeal rm. format din rm, wbfp, owner must sell.

E760 CORRINE JOHNSON 435-4234 RAINTREE 435-8733 REALTORS 98 Area Homes CLIFTON: Country Home, Scenic View, Privacy. On Clifton Gorge. 3m Acre. 3 bdrm, ww carpet, I car gar, newly painled, 849-1580 lor appointment. LET PHONE RING 99 Lots I Acreage FAIRBORN Davlon Lots, will sacrifice, for cash.

904-255-4(27 HUBER HTS. 1.6 acres on heavily traveled road. $29,900. NEAR XENIA, 5 acres, level land. $22,900.

SCI6TO CO. 80 acres, heavily wooded, $28,000. CAESARS CREEK, 2.2 acres with woods stream, $13,500. lirl I IC UUGGINS 426-0386 MULLIb MRIty. Inc.

426-0387 NORTH-A WATERFALL Wooded lots-Ready lo build Next to Golf Course "THE FALLS" 223-3000 100 FarmsFarmland MIAMI CO. Farm, Sealed Bids accepted by May 20, 1983. For info call 513-773-3212 102 Commtrtiallndustrlal Sol)Le)o BEAVERCREEK near 675, free standing, 7000 tq. ft. bldg.

Possi ble owner financing. kim I IC LOGINS 426-0386 MULLIt HRllv. Inc. 426-0387 COVINGTON, on Ohio 41 in Covington Ind. Park, 8 mi.

from I- 5. Almost new Behlen Convex clear-span bldg. on 4 acres of land, 17,231 sq. ft. incl.

offices, sprinklered. fully insulated, alt ulil. 1-473-2056, ext. 25 days; 1-473-2729 eves. DAYTON AREA sale or lease buildings.

2400 sq. several locations, retail or office conversion. Seller financing available. Call I-614-89O-5500. FAIRBORN-1675 2 SUPER LOCATIONS wilh access S.

visibility. DAYTON MALL AREA Kingsridoe Or, -Comm. Congress Park Ind. Lvons Ind.mulH-fam. EXCELLENT LOCATIONS still available to suit your current future needs.

PAUL M. LAVIN 275-4390 GOLD KEY REALTY 278-0851 KETTERING-Whse Offices, 2500 so ft OH door. 435-8625, 434-7190 (No names needed!) 134 Cars for Sale BUICKS '71 '74 75 '76 78 HUNTER AUTO SALES 6211 W.Third St, 263-7211 BUICK '69 LeSabre convt, runt well. $700-make offer 439-1534 BUICK '74 Cenlury, 2 dr HT, pb, am-fm. air, rally whit, clean.

1 150. 253-S874; 277-3874 MUST SEE BUICK 74 Cenlury 4 dr, auto, air, 45,000 ml. extra clean, I owner, reg gas $2195. 294-8769 BUICK 75 Special Cenlury 231 V6 eng 2 dr. cpe.

(Absolutely) extra clean In 1 out. Orig. paint, ideal for ladv or man. Good gas mi. See lo appreciate.

$2195. 237-0556 BUICK 79 Eslale Wgn, V-6, auto, air, amfm stereo Cassette, cruise cont. sharp, 435-7727, BUICK, 79 LeSabre, air, AM-FM, cruise, new tires, battery shocks. 1 owner. Excel cond.

$4695. 236-2769. BUICK 60 Riveria Type, loaded wAstro Roof, excellent, $9300 274-9630 BUICK '80 Skylark LTD, 60l00 mi's. $3400. Call 435-5370.

BUICK '80 Skylark, 4 loaded, like new, $5200 434-5345 BUICK '81 LeSabre 4 dr. VS, aulo, pwr 8, air, $299 5 252-0196 BUICK '81 Regal Lid, Waxberry Landau lop. wire wheels, 17,000 mi, Clean. $7400. 298-6538 BUICK '81 Regal, 26,000 mi.

$6950 Landau, tape, air, 433-4906. BUICK '81 Skylark Limited 4 dr. Sedan, 4 speed, air, ps, stereo, cruise, till, ow, pwr. locks, defog-ger, 46,000 mi. $5500.

293-4194, Wavne or George CADILLACS 73 74 75 76 77 "78 79 HUNTER AUTO SALES 6218 W.Third St. 263-7211 CADILLAC 71 Cpe deVille, $250. Betl offer. 254-3709 CADILLAC, 78 Eldorado, white, red leather int, loaded, very good cond. $4250 890-1027.

CADILLAC '82 Seville Elegante (Diesel) tinted glass sunroof, Vogue wire wh. metallic gray over black, 1 Owner, excel, cond inside out 27,000 mi. orig. slicker price $34,000 Purchased Oct. '81, $22,500, 461-2627.

CAD 75 Coupe DeVille. new lires brakes, $2295. 274-9504 BEAUTIFUL CAD '81 Eldorado, blacksilver top, wire wheels, am-fm cassette, all options except sunroof 8, lealher call Kevin, 224-1786 or 294-3744 eves. CHEVCamaros '67 '69 76 77 HUNTER AUTO SALES 6218 W.Third 263-7211 CHFV Nnva 79 4 fir rvl anln ps, air, am-fm radio, high good cond. $1675.

252-5756 '63 Chevy II Nova convl, in running shape, floorboards 8. trunk intact, needs some work to restore, $900 or best offer. 667-2537 CHEVT'64 Malibu. 36.000 actual mi. Aulo.

6 cvl. Runs great. Has rust. Be great lor parts car. $375.

866-2416. CHEV '65 Convl. V-8 $700. 866-3409 CHEV '66 Corvair Monia, 4dr. auto, excel running cond.

New exhaust 8, seals $350 878-3399 CHEV '69 Corvette convertible, 350 300 hp. new paint new radi-als $5300 1-778-8622 '69 Nova, 2 dr. V-6 aulo, runs good. $595. 426-3515 Chev.

72 Impala wgnL needs tune up, II blue met $425. 274-9032 '73 Camaro, 350 aulo, needs some mechanical work, body very good cond $1250 or besl offer. 256-6108, alter 2 PM. CHEV 73 NOVA, 2dr. Runt good, looks good $900.

835-5413 119 Motorcycles This Week Only! Limited Quantities HURRY! 129 WITH A PURPOSE! A Truck For Any Task! GMC S-15 cad uii i ESS TRUCKS KAWASAKI SPRING SALE SPECTACULAR 1982 550 LTD SAVE 800 "SHOP FIRST SEE US LAST" BLUE JACKET CYCLES KAWASAKISUZUKI OF XENIA "Discount Cycle Center" 1 0 Mint. From Dayton Dayton Ph. 429-2900 regard of prospective purchaser's tex, race, religion or national origin. 129 PickupsVons4x4 Offers mutt be submitted by licensed real ettate brokers. Contact the broker of your choice.

Full instructions relating to the sale of HUD acquired properties are contained in the Public Information Release (PIR) which is provided every broker who has regittered with this office. HUD reserves the right to accept or reject any and all offers. All properties are subject to withdrawal from the market without notice. All properties in this ad will be told by sealed bid at public bid opening. Bids may be submitted until trucks" I.

10:30 a.m. and will then Lt at the local HUD office, 9002, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. BID OPENING DATE: May 16, 1983 REPAIRED PROPERTIES MORTGAGE INSURANCE IS AVAILABLE Min. Max. Min.

Dwn. Mot. Cose Number Address NONE "40" In Stock 9.9 APR be opened at 11:00 a.m. 530 Main Street, Room Price Pymt. Ami.

MIN. PRICE 18.100 15,000 28,300 30,000 10,000 AS IS PROPERTIES CASE NUMBER ADDRESS GMC TRUCKS FOR YEARS OF USE THAT CAN TAKE ABUSE ISSUE 1 First Time Home Buyers Program HURRY! Money Available On First Come, First Served Basis Call RYAN HOMES Jim Dias 233-2889 Barb Gates 848-8208 Jon Hunter 866-9003 Ryan Homes. Inc. DAYTON 36 Potomac 2221 Falmouth 4421 Moiart 411-116938-203 411 143122-203 411-128502-203 And BOB ROSS Has Them All MIDDLETOWN ah i nno on 411-155258-265 411 102726-335 1614 lown 1306 Calumet wi iivi a i CENTERVILLE nn iiibktf 433-3549 FOR JUNK CARS. 224-0528 ifi--------- ft tt.


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Author: Golda Nolan II

Last Updated:

Views: 5849

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.