Sunday-The Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania (2024)

1. Across The Lanes Sunday Lebanon, Pennsylvanian, November 25, 1984 9B By JIM ROCKETT STARS OF THE LANES CEDAR LANES (MEN) Rolling in the Business League for the Strickler Insurance Team, Jim Fraytic with a 201, 239, 277 for a great series of 717. WOMEN Bowling in the Cedarette Handicap League for Wentzlers, Polly Daub 235, 206, 217 for a super series of 658. 3 DEUCES Russ Costa 206-219-222-647, Ken Grubb 239-213-206-658, Joe Ainsworth 228-235-211-674, Dave Long 203-214-244661, Pat Miller 217-222- 203-642, J. D.

Ensminger 211-235- 243 689, Jim Bomberger 233-202-232- 667, John Kleinfelter 204-255-201--661, George Lesher 219-205-201-631, Randy Saylor 201-200-211-612, Pat Miller 210-202-219-631, John Baylor 215-223-215 653. WOMEN 600 SERIES Sheila Swanger 630, Shawn Miller 603, Eva Fake 619. PALMYRA BOWLING RECREATION MEN Bowling in the Dutchmen for Pizza, Don Flaherty with 254, 225, 235 for a super series of 714. WOMEN Bowling in the Dutchman the Lebanon Dutchman Women Leagues with two identical series. Deb Ruth with 235, 180, 192-607 and 204, 205, 198 607 respectifully great series Deb.

Keep up the good rolling. 3 DEUCES Gerry Keller 203-203-211-617, Al Howard 206-220-203- 629. COMING EVENTS L.D.B.A. The applications for the 49th annual Lebanon District Bowling Association Championships are now in all the bowling centers, and in the hands of all team captains. This year's tournament is being held at the Palmyra bowling and recreation.

The entry deadline is Jan. 1. Pelase send your entries and remittance in as early as possible. The tournament chairman would appreciate if you would double check your entries for accuracy. Y.A.B.A.

The 1985 Lebanon District Y.A.B.A. Association Championships deadline is fast approaching. You only have until Dec. 10 to have your entries in the hands of the tournament director. Applications can be obtained at your bowling center or from a Y.A.B.A.

coach. Hope to see you all at the Palmyra Bowling and Recreation, the sight of this year's tournament. Please check and double check your entries for accuracy. Thank you. From the desk of the L.D.B.A.

treasurer, Carl C. Tevalt. To all secretaries of the L.D.B.A. in regards to the collection for the BVL. All the collection envelopes must be returned to Mr.

Carl C. Tevalt no later than Dec. 15, even if no collection was made. Thank you. The chairman of the first annual Lassie, Lads, Moms and Dads Tournament has informed me that 50 percent of all entries received to date have been either incorrect or missing information.

Pelase double check all information before sending in your entry. From the desk of the publicity chairman, Jim Rockett. To all secretaries of the L.D.B.A., Second Round L.W.B.A, and Y.A.B.A. I would like to thank the secretaries of all the bowling leagues in all the bowling centers around Lebanon County. It is your hard work and time that makes this column possible.

If not for you the bowlers of Lebanon County wouldn't get their names in the paper, and I know that you would not want someone overlooked because I couldn't read his name. So it would be greatly appreciated if you would please print your bowlers' names, and adhere to the format that has been set up on the top of the Across the Lanes applications. At this time I would like to invite all the secretaries of the Lebanon Club Leagues to send me your scores and let's make this a united effort for all the bowlers of Lebanon County. If you can't get your scores out to Cedar Lanes then call une and I will try and get them picked up, or mail them to me, James R. Rockett, 512 E.

Weidman Lebanon, Pa. 17042, (274- 0252). So you know bowling trivia: The answer to last week's question: Who was the first left-hander to capture a National PBA Championship? Roy Lown 1971. This week's trivia: How many tour titles has Earl Anthony won from the top seed position, and how many times has he been top seed? For the women: Who rolled the only 300 in the annual WIBC Championship Tournament? World of Bowling: The bowling world mourns the passing of one of the pioneers of bowling, Andy Varipapa. Varipapa was a living legend for more than half a century, and cheerful, active and a alert until shortly before his death at 93.

He was a great showman, and worked hard at his trick shots but first and foremost, he was a bowler and a bowling pioneer. He once noted, "A pioneer seldom gets much more than satisfaction." He gained satisfaction when he staged instruction clinics, when he gave exhibitions, made movies or won tournaments. He won the biggest of them all, the National BPAA AllStar, at age 55. He was named bowler of the year at 57. He was averaging 200 or better well past 70, and still going strong at 90.

Varipapa preached, "'The bowler must get maximum results with minimum effort if he is to perform well and last long." CEDAR LANES (MEN) AUTOMOTIVE HAULING: Dick Stutzman 201-256- 648. TAYLOR-RUFFNER: Ron Dreibeibis 257--624. YORDY'5 CONSTRUCTION: Russ Costa 206-219-222-647. MIKES GYM: Charles Shirk 255. MURRY'S STEAKS: A Andy Snoyer 207-203.

7TH ST. CAR WASH: Leon Bowman 200-203. BUSINESS GIBBLE'S PLUMBING HEATING: Jim Rockett 225-235- 647, Dave Long 203-214-244-661, Mike Smith 245-629. STRICKLER'S Pat Miller 217-222-203-642, Jim Fraytic 201-239-277-717. MARTINS FARM MARKET: Ken Arnick 200-201.

BRANDYWINE RECYCLER'S: Ken Grubb 239-213-206- 658, Joe Ainsworth 228-235-211--674. GREBLE'S AUTO PARTS: Vic Moore 288-212-689. RAILROAD HOUSE: Frank Martin 200-215, Dick Brandt 236- 224 642. UNITED PLASTIC: Ron Stamm 248-251-696, Rich Evans 244- 224-656. HALLMAN'S Ricky White 230-269-682, Irvin Meyers 202-201, George Lesher 214-215, Harvey Rittle 212-202.

GOLF: Roger Deininger 211-204. CRESTVIEW CHURCH TRINITY LUTH. Collin Youtz 222-222 -629. TRINITY LUTH. Russ Brant 214-207 -609.

COVENANT Bob Reigle 217-207. ST. MARKS: Harold White 231. MERCHANTS SHELDON CONSTRUCTION: Mike Klinger 234 606, Rich Collins 247. Bob Reigle 201-204.

MAJOR TEAM Mike Emrich 237-600, Jon Ensminger 211-235-243- 689. LEBANON BODY SHOP: Doug Lesher 234, Jim Hein 203-209-606. HORN HORN: Jim Rockett 218-210. TEXACO: Jeff Moody 232-267-683. TEAM Tom Carpenter 223-233-645.

GRAPHIC DISPLAY: Ray Spang 267-215- 642. HOUSE (TWO WEEKS) REED'S LOCKSMITH: Ken Reed 223-224-641. SHAY'S VENDING: Pat Lynch 235. UNITED PLASTIC: Don Martzall 217-210- -620, Don Martzall 242. GABLE SON ROOFING: Al Palkovic 213-223- -606.

RAILROAD HOUSE: Jim Bomberger 233-202-232-667, Bob Reppert 201-211. C.B. DECK: John Kleinfelter Lyle Willman 259-223 638. STANDARD BOILER: Gary Hemperly 234-600. DEMLERS FOOD MARKET: John Haldeman 212-222--603.

MIDWAY TRUCK SERVICES: Barry Hess 223-228--638. CONTRACTORS (TWO WEEKS) CLEAVER BROOSK: George Lesher 219-205-207-631, Ron Boyer 234-612. MIKES JANITORIAL SERVICE: Randy Saylor 201-200-211 -612, Randy Saylor 255-205- -651. TONY BOOKS BUILDER: Bruce Longenecker 212-200, Sox Balmer 247. LEBANON BUILDING SUPPLY: Harold Demmy 206-225-615, Ed Harold Demmy 202-201 5-7 Split, Bill Lux 2-7-8 Split.

ZIMMERMANS BODY SHOP: Dick Price 226-207-616. PAUL REBER BUILDER: Dennis Firestone 231, Tim Zimmerman 211-201. BUCHMOYER MASONRY: Chuck Horn 242--602. VEAVER HOMES: Irv Stuckey 235-202, Irv Stuckey 211-213- 601. SPERAW CONSTRUCTION 2: Walt Speraw Jr.

235-202-610, John De Walt 201-210. FUSCHINI BEVERAGE: Ken Harding 225-222-603, Cig Snavely 234-215-635, Ray Blouch 212-223-628. DAVE MOYER Bill Koons 5-7 split, Dave Bender 203-209. PLASTERER EQUIPMENT Pat Miller 210-202-219-631. MIKES JANITORIAL SERVICE: John Demmy 230-6-7 split.

KEN NAGLE'S PRO SHOP: Jon Ensminger 235. MIXED FLOWER: Gene Swope 214-223-611 (4-5-7 split), Wayne Dakes, Sr. 205-221 (4-7-9 split), Wade Bell 205-200, Les Breidenstine 202-203. MORNING GLORY: Steve Arnold 279-630, Joseph Noll212-212607, Dave Thompson 243, James Schwenk 239, Henry Dean 214-210, Albert Earhart 232, Guy Henning 6-7-10 split, David Wile 6-7-10 split, Cyrus Balmer 2-4-7-10 split. LEBANON COUNTY CHURCH ST.

STEPHENS: J. Shuey 207-220-612. JONESTOWN U.M.: John Bayler 215-223-215- -653. LEBANON VALLEY CHURCH ST. JOHN UCC: Bruce Keeney 233.

SACRED HEART: RAPHAEL ARNICK 247. QUAKER ALLOY: Allen Springborn 224-227-644. SATURDAY NITERS MIXED DOUBLES: Don Wike 226-233- 653, Darren Zombro 244-216- -652. SATURDAY NITE SOCIAL: George Lesher 256 -634, Gene Kreiser 3-9-10 split. ZODIAC: Craig Fromm 5-10 split, Merritt Jeffers 6-7-10 split, Lloyd Resser 238- 617 (5-10 SILVER HAIR DADDY'S (SENIORS(: L.

Kreiser 236-514, R. Brandt 207--571, C. Spang 202-511, J. Wile 201-516, G. Soulliard 504, M.

McFalls 205-539, K. Lutz 517, G. Shott 507, A. Blouch 515. SPLITS: G.

Soulliard 6-7-10 2-7, M. McFalls 4-5, K. Lutz 3-10. CITY CLUBS (MEN) LINCOLN REP. CLUB FRIDAY NITE AMERICANS: Kenneth Light 5-7 split.

SNYDERS: Nancy Snyder 201. MAMIES: Kitty Horn 222-566, Betty Sudbury 233-555. ALLWEINS: Gladys Laudermilch 531. EDRIS: Anna Mae Neumann 550. SPLITS: 2-7: Doris Moyer, Terri Steiner.

4-5-7: Margie Lash. 5-6? Grace Rowe, Joan Risser. 9-10: Betty Fisher 2-5-7: Kitty Horn. 5-10: Snady Beard. 5-7: Nancy Trostle.

3-10 Pam Tricomce, Doris Moyer, Linda Rothenberger, Nancy Snyder, Diane Cranford. EDRIS: Mary Jones 208. ALLWEINS: Sandy Beard 543. Rohlands: Judy Martin 211 SPLITS: 2-7 Mary Jones, Nancy Smith. 2-6-7: Fay Kelingelter.

5-7: Gladys Laudermilch. 3-6-7: Judy Martin. 5-8-10: Riat Smaltz. 4-7-10: Nellie Brandt. 4-5-7: Jean Fancovic.

SPLITS: 3-10 Grace Rowe (twice), Riat Smaltz, Betty Sudbury. CEDARS J. LANDIS: Darlene Rowell 559 with a 6-7-9-10 split. HAMMS SUNOCO: Sue Mease 224--552. MOYER MASONRY: Sue Morris 549.

BROWNS APPLIANCE: Catherine Leddick 544, Nancy Light 529, R- Vending: Lorraine Stout 560, Judy Heagy 209. FATH CLEANERS: Gloria Luckenbill 217--536. JIM GLASS BODY SHOP: Dolly Ondrusek 217-534. REBERS AUTO Kitty Smith 532. TROPHY: Irene Hull 208.

TOBIAS SPEED Ruth Lutz 200. THIERWECHTERS: Rosemary Thierwechter 204. SPLITS 5-8-10: Jean White. 5-6: Jean White. 3-7-10: Deborah Moyer.

5-10: Barbara Fisher, 4-5-7: Linda Gass. 3-4-7-10: Kaye Deitzler. 7-9: Lou Wike. 7-9: Lou Wike. 3-6-7-10: Gwen Bretzuis.

5-6-10: Jane Becker. 4-5-7: Alma Spencer. atts MET-ED: Jean Funk 525, Pat Noll 532. LONGS BATTERY: Joanne Bomberger 212-539, Pam Fertig 200. TOBIAS SPEED: Betty Shaak 213-562, Pay Clay 219-530.

ETZWEILLER: Sharon Miller 546, Karen Batz 220--544. RAYS VACUUM: Deb Boyd 231-205-566. STEVES Sheila Swanger 223-569. WENTLERS: Polly Daub 235-206-217-568. TRAINERS: Edie Hummel 200--545.

LADDS: Linda Schirato 534, Lorriane Stoudt 552. DAIRY QUEEN: Irene Miller 214. SPLITS: 4-5-7: Shirley Manoskey. 6-7-10: Betty Shaak. RAYS VACUUM: Debra Boys 200.

DAIRY QUEEN: Miller, Ronnie Gordon 536. WENTZLERS: Maryann Kohr 535, Agnes Osborne 201-577. STEVE Sheila Swanger 203-229-630. LADDS: Dottie Zartman 200--544, Linsa Leonard 532. ETZWEILER: Shawn Miller 257-603, Aggie Schott 200.

LONG BATTERY: Sue Fertig Joanne Bomberger 219-560. DOHNERS NOVELTY: Nancy Dean 205--582, Mary Kelinfelter 200-537. SPLITS: 2-8-7 Louise Miller. 3-9-10: Irene Miller, 5-7: Irene Miller, Mary Ann Kohr. 3-10: Mary Ann Kohr, Jean Funk, Karen Saltzer, Peggy Hombach.

4-7-9: Linda Stout. 2-7: Karen Connor. 2-10: Karen Connor. MIXED FLOWER: Dolly Erzweiler 237--594, Charlene Breidenstine 210--548, Mamie Haldeman 203--548, Mamie Haldeman 203- 548, Joan Culotta 184 (all spare game) --527, Earla Hitz 206--525. MORNING GLORY: Dolly Ondrusek 538, Dorothy Zartman 533.

EARLY BIRDS: Millie Brown 201. SPLITS: 3-10 Rose Marie Kish, Lucy Coleman, Anna Brightbill, Amry Janasz. 4-7-10: Carol 4-5: Jean Tice 5-7: Anna Schiers, 4-5-7: Lois Rittle. 8-10: Kit Hartman. LEBANON COUNTRY CLUB SPLITS: 3-10 Pat Erdman, Anncy Hostetter, Dawn Gruenutold.

5-10: Barb Herschkowitz, Jran Wolfe, Ro Kachel. 3-5-7: Ginny Naile, Betty Edkin. 2-7: Betty Edkin. Sars Buzgon. 5-6: Lillian Bahney.

5-6-10: Ro Kachel. REIST ELECTRIC: Linda Levengood 202--542. C.P.D.A.: Sue Morris 213-585, Ruth Nagle 546, Eva Fake 226-592. HEBRON TAVERN: rolled a team game of 1009, Betty Kreiser 206--536, Branda Gardner 203-543, Connie Martin 212-581. CLASSIC DESIGNS: Margie Knoche 215--532, Jeni Miller 223.

THIERWECHTHERS: Rin Snyder 538. SUSAN GARMENT: Betty Arnold 201-223-594. DINUNZIOS SHOES: Diane Brumbach 206--551. 4TH AVENUE CAFE: Karen Comins 526, Cass Leddick 204 -554. SPLITS: 2-10: Linda Levengood, Kitty Reist, Pat Fulk, Polly Keller.

3-5-10: Linda Krill, Mary Koehler. 5-6-10: Anna Speraw. Sandy Fausey. 6-9-10: Helen Daniels. 4-5: Anita Haulman.

SAT NITE SPECIAL: Rose Yeagley 220--545, Eva Fake 532. SUNDAY NITE SOCIAL: Earla Hitz 213--527, Irene 5-7 split. SATURDAY NITERS MIXED DOUBLES: Cass Leddick 217- 576, Karen Conners 204-210-557, Anna Mae Neauman 200, Lorraine Stout 221--577, Sue Gogets 212--591, Joan Demmy 532. SPLITS: 5-10: Cass Leddick. 5-7: Eileen Colon.

SATURDAY NIGHT SOCIAL: Eva Fake 225-191-203-619, Ruth Lutz 187-209-192-588, Lorraine Stoudt 563, Katrina Albright 212- 537, Karen Zombro 224. HAPPY HOUSEWIVES: Jean Funk 219-201-579, Dolly Saltzer 200-553, Gladys Snyder 204, Jackie Mahoney 202, Beverly Gingrich 201,. SPLITS: 2-6: Linda Miller, 3-9-10: Linda Miller. 5-6-10: Linda Guindon. 5-10: Helen Kunder.

4-6: Betty Shaak Twice 5-7: Vicki Rudegeair. ZODIAC: Wanda Brown 5-6 split, 3-10: Fran Longnecker, Janet Englehart, Todd Kelinfelter, 5-8-10: Janet Englehart. 5-10: Todd Kleinfelter, 2-7: Connie Hess. CHILDREN: (Ages 13-21): Karig Paine 216, Terry Biever 206, Matthew Rockett 208, Fred Stickler 223. (AGES 13-21): Kris Mease 185, Pete Wingerter Sandy Waldron 181, Bill Kirkpatrick 201, Kim Light 180-208-520.

PREP Todd Swisher 190-458 with a 3-10 split, Mike split, Robin Hitz 3-9-10 split. BANTAM PA(AGES 4-8(2 GAMES: Bobby Steiner 112-187, Ryan Fraytic 113-197 with a 2-7-9 split, Nicole Sutton 123-201, Daniel Rockett 148-218, David Reppert 121-198, Bryan Dohner 2 games of 55, Gwen Young 100-184, Darren Zombro, Jr. 2 games of 37. CITY CLUBS (WOMEN( ELKS LADIES: Betts Markey 529, Saudina Rhen 208. SPLITS: 3-10, Nellie Brandt, Ester Dundore, Gladys Embich.

5-6: Ester Dundore, Gladys 5-10: Gladys Embich. 2-7: Charlotte Diehl. 7-8: Jean Tice. PALMYRA BOWLING RECREATION (MEN) HOLIDAY WAGNER Wayne Miller 246-625. WENGERTS: Henry Landis 212-202.

VALLEY NAGLES: Gerry Keller 203-203-211-617. FUNCKS Earl Whitmore 236 -613. DUTCHMAN PALMYRA NEWS: Tim Pankake 204-212. HERR ELECTRIC: John Jorfi 205-234- 632. DITT PLUMBING: George Shaak 214-200- 611, Ron Ditt 244.

PIZZA: Don Flaherty 254-225-235-714, Ron Myers 222-248- 638, Leroy Hoffman 217-214-626. MASTER BUILDERS: Paul Jordon 244--602, Steve Matlock 246-626. HALLMANS: Bill Sheeley 225-602. GINGRICH MOTORS: Dave Long 234, Mike smith 206-202. MENS WAKE-UP: Dan Hogentogler 200-207, Jeff Blouch 216-211, Bill Fake 257.

BRIARCREST: Wasel Schpuntow 216-203, Ron Witkovskie 200- 202, Al Howard 206-220-203-629. SUNDAY NITE: J. Eisenhour 237-216--633, Bob Boign 200-201, Al Fertig 218-203. WINTER INDUSTRIAL SMITH HARDWARE: Bernard Ryan 203-201, Garosi Brothers 219-207. AS KETTERING: Robert Boose 213-235- 621.

PALMYRA CHURCH: Bob Eisenhour 248-228-648, Jay Uhler 202-201, George Shuey 214-211. Watson Dominates tes The Skins Game SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) It was on the first green at the Desert Highlands course that Tom Watson pulled a putter from his bag and Jackie Nicklaus turned to his father with an amazed, puzzled expression on his face. "He changed putters," said Jackie, both a question and an explanation. "'We both wondered why the greatest putter in the world would change putters," Jack Nicklaus said, paused and then continued.

"On the ninth hole we found out." It was there that Watson, at 35 the youngest member of golf's greatest foursome, rapped in an 8-foot birdie putt that was worth $70,000, gave him a sweep of all the money available Saturday $120,000 and a shutout of Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer and Gary Player through the first nine holes of the Skins Game. Golf "He outclassed us all, quite easily," said Nicklaus, slightly hobbled by recent orthoscopic surgery on his left knee. "It's a little better than through the first nine holes last year," Watson said, "but it isn't over." Although he led the PGA Tour in money-winnings this season, won three U.S. events and took the Australian Open, Watson said he had not been satisfied with his putting. "I wasn't making the putts I should.

I just wasn't putting well at all. That's why I changed (putters)," he said, returning to the blade that he has used earlier in his career. While he had a huge lead, it was far from a lock at the halfway point of this unique event that brought together a foursome that has a combined total of 41 major professional victories, MIDSTATE QUALITY TELEPHONE: Kevin Stainbrook 616. PURCELLS MACHINE: Frank Gasper 224-200--613. GINGRICH JANITORIAL: Rod Kreiser 256.

LEB DAILY NEWS: Jeff Bucher 208-224- 615. CARMANYS GULF: Clair Martin 202-210. HERRS REPAIR: Bruce Longenecker 235. ESPENSHADE Gene Espenshade 204-223- 613. HOLIDAY UNION HOSE: Bob Yorty 221-202.

WEAVER Tom Houser 222-601. VALLEY POOLS: Bob Bolan 241-209. PALMYRA BOWLING RECREATION (WOMEN) HERCO: Sharon Mehaffey 206. HOLIDAY: Helen Boyer 211-534. LEBANON DUTCHMAN COCOA MOTEL: Ann Longenecker 202-542.

FLORYS STUDIO: Sue Eiserman 215--529. GRUBERS AUTOMOTIVE: Norma Hess 528. CINDERELLA SHOPPE: Deb Albert 206-544. WCTX-FM: Lori Kleinfelter 201. CONTINENTAL MOTORS: Deb Ruth 204-205-198--607.

AMERICAN BANK: Peggy Teahl 219--530, Joan Bame 224-200- 585. EARLY BIRDS: Janet College 206, Louise Fox 3-7-10 split, Dot Mellinger 7-9-10 split, Lori Atkins 3-10 split. COUNTY MERCHANTS: Sharon Weaver 223-531, Geneva Kreiser 543, Karen Thomas 536. PALMETTES SANDY WILSON: Deb Ruth 205-575, Joan Bare 537. MOBIL: Dep Albert 540, Linda Heinbach 546.

GARY FELTY: Mary Kreider 540. BREAKFAST: Carol Darkes 203--538, Rosalie Leiby 201. SPLITS: 4-5-7, Jean Tice. 3-10: Bernice Boyer. 4-5: Peggy Morris.

5-6-10: Peggy Morris. 5-7: Helen Irvin. 2-7: Ruth Lindquist. DUTCHMAN CONTINENTAL MOTORS: Deb Ruth 235-180-192-607. MURRYS: Patricia Clay 534, Darlene Rockett 530.

CHILDREN Dennis Ebersole 201--519, Chris Wine 568, Steve Bordlemay 517. SUNDAY NITE MIXED: Chris Wine 520. BANTAM PREPS: David Hott 174-426. BLUE RIDGE: Tara Ditt 193-534. PINE LANES STARS OF THE WEEK MEN: Jim Fraytic roiled the high triple for men this week.

The left-hander from Lebanon had a 694 triple in the Friday nite all star classic league, WOMEN: Steph Miller, another left-hander from over the mountain, took high honors for the women this week. She rolled a 609 series in the Thursday nite owlette league for her first career 600 series. SENIOR CITIZENS -MIXED MEN: Hi series, Robert Wenrich 607; hi game, Harold Geist 219. WOMAN: hi series, Alberta Funk 539, hi game, Alberta Funk 194. PINE--MEN Hi series: Bob Zeigler 692, hi game, Dean Huntzenger 273.

TWILIGHTERS-WOMEN Hi series, Dolores Miller 479, hi game Barb Wessner 198. OWLETTE--WOMEN Hi series, Steph Miller 609, hi game, Steph Miller 213. ALL STAR CLASSIC--MEN Hi series, Jim Fraytic 694, hi game, Duane Miller 268. CHURCH MIXED- MIXED MEN: Hi series, Bob Betz 603, hi garne, Bob Betz 220. WOMEN: Hi series, Donna Aungst 483, hi game, Sheree Manbeck 175.

PREPS JUNIORS BOY: Hi series, Fred Graeff 429, hi game, Fred Graff 169. GIRL Hi series, Heather Potts 418, hi game, Heather Potts 162. MAJORS- JUNIORS BOY: Hi series, Greg Raudenbush 484, hi game, Jim Umbenhauer 183. GIRL: Hiseries, Gina Cooper 489, hi game, Gina Cooper 189. JUNIORS- JUNIORS BOY: Hi series, Robert Fisher 606, hi game, Robert Fisher 210.

GIRL: Hi series, Kathy Reichert 485, hi game, Kathy Reichert 189. BANTAMS JUNIORS Hi series, Larry Brown 204, hi game, Larry Brown 109. GIRL: Hi series, Jennifer Manbeck 175, hi game, Jennifer Manbeck 105. DATE NITE--MIXED MEN: Hi series, Bob Zeigoer 621, hi game, Gregg Erdman 236. WOMEN -Hi series.

Brigitte Zeigler 600, hi game Brigitte Zeigler 247. J.C. 'S- MIXED MEN: Hi series, Bob Hock 572, hi game, Gerald Eckert 210. WOMEN: Hiseries, Lynda Wenger 485, Hi gene, Lynda Wenger 198. SCRATCH SINGLES -MIXED (5 GAMES) Paul MEN: Hi series, Dave Umbenhauer 1110, hi game, Stricker 256.

WOMEN: Hiseries, Jane Robertson 1004, hi game Jane Robertson 235. MIXERS-MIXED MEN: Hi series, Scott Zimmerman 532, hi game, Rick Hester 201 WOMEN: Hi series, Mary Rittle 434, hi game, Mary Rittle 168. 6:30 MIXED -MIXED MEN: Hi series, Floyd Reed 580, hi game, Floyd Reed 215. WOMEN: Hi series, Shirley 527, game, Mary Reed 195. SENIOR CITIZENS--MIXED MEN: Hi series, Sid Ruch 541, hi game, Jim Sunday 199.

WOMEN: Hi series, Althea Sunday 478, hi game Althea Sunday 193. CHURCHMEN Hi series, John Devine 687, hi game John Devine 255. WILLOW--WOMEN Hi series, Hazel Barry 578, hi game Susan Hardenstine 218. -MEN Hi series, Jay Nolt 561, hi game, Ed Rittle 223. AFTER SCHOOL- JUNIORS BOY: Hi series, Kris Strausser 483, hi game, Kris Strausser 188.

GIRLS: Hiseries, Sharon Aungst 488, hi game, Crystal DeLong 159. MAJOR--MEN Hi series -Joe Krammes 643, hi game Harvey Lengle, Joe Krammes 255. KEYSTONE -MEN Hi series, Bob Wolfe 638, hi game, Bob Wolfe 247. POWDER PUFF-WOMEN Hi series, Brigitte Zeigler 564, hi game, Brigitte Zeigler 201. MORNING GLORIES WOMEN Hi series, Cathy Milligan 543, hi game, Cathy Milligan, Mary Minnichback, 193.

SENIOR CITIZENS-MIXED MEN: Hi series, Elmer Warner 544, hi game, John Sheitrum 210. WOMEN: Hi series, Grace Donmoyer 480, hi game, Grace Donmoyer 169. Lincoln Ave. 24 hour Kluge's Service Cumberland Lebanon Center (Across from the Lincoln Diner) SERVICE You expect more at Amoco And you get Air Conditioning Check Service KLUGE'S OIL CHANGE SERVICE to 5 Quarts Oil Oil Filter response Due great Chassis Off All The Fluids: to this are price. wholding we Master Cylinder Battery Power Steering Transmission Windshield Washer Fluid Diesels May Be Extra Differential Fluid Domestic Cars Trucks Check Air Pressure In All Tires Most Foreign Stop By Or Call Today! 272-7938 Hrs: Mon.

thru Sat. 8-9; Sun. 10-4 Today Nine more holes, with a total of $240,000 up for grabs, are scheduled for play Sunday. Watson, who won a record sixth Player of the Year title earlier this season, was the only member of the foursome to score a birdie in the crisp, desert weather. He made three of them, and won the first hole with a routine, two-putt par when the other three, each a Hall of Famer, all made bogey-5.

That was worth $10,000. Watson, a five-time British Open champion and generally recognized as the outstanding player in the game today, also won the third and fifth holes with carry each was worth $20,000 with birdies. On the third, he scored from about 15 feet, and needed only a six-footer on the fifth. The format calls for a prize of $10,000 on each of the first six holes, $20,000 on the next six and $30,000 on the final six. If no player wins a hole outright, the money is carried over to the next hole.

With ties on the sixth (Nicklaus and Watson), seventh (Player and Watson) and eighth (Player and Watson), the par-5 ninth carried a $70,000 value. And Watson got himself in trouble off the tee, driving into the cactus and wasteland of the desert while the other three landed in the fairway. Watson had no chance of reaching the green in two and laid up. Nicklaus hit his second short of the green on a slope. Player, the biggest moneywinner in this event last year, tried to get too much on his second shot and commented "I forced that," as the ball hooked into the sand.

Palmer got his second in a bunker, but came out nicely and had a 15-footer for birdie, which he missed. Nicklaus and Watson each put his third shot on the green, Nicklaus RICH, NATURAL, LIFELIKE GIAN EN COLOR TV THE ONE ANDONLY STONY 6 co KPR-4600A REAR-PROJECTION VIDEOSCOPE TV Ultra-compact rear-projection design packs a huge 46" screen into console-sized dimensions Exclusive Coolant Sealed Picture Tubes for rich, natural, lifelike giant-screen color Tri-Fold Optical System with precision Compact Delta Lenses -for beautiful sharp-focus images Specially designed cylindrical screen that rejects ambient light for enhanced picture contrast Improved electron gun, new color phosphor formulation Frequency Synthesis Express Tuning with sleek channel selection keys Cable-Ready tuning, 105-channel reception Pay-TV Ready switch for convertor-box reception Express Commander remote control, 10-key tuning for direct access to all your favorite channels Dual speakers, Sony Matrix Sound for rich, roomfilling simulated stereo $3800 SALE $2998 Time Payments Available Mantis MUSIC STORES Valley Mall Daily 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. WE ALSO RENT BIG SCREEN TV FOR SPECIAL EVENTS FILS The Associated Press Tom Watson smiles after sinking a putt on the third hole of Saturday's round. some 10-12 feet away and Watson only eight.

Nicklaus missed and Watson rapped it home for his fourth skin of the day, a $70,000 prize and a shutout of the aging group once known as golf's Big Three. Of them, Player almost certainly was the most disappointed and certainly the most frustrated. He hit the flagstick with his approach, but saw the ball trickle more than 20 feet from the cup on the second hole. He missed a four-foot birdie putt to tie the third, and missed putts of 10 feet to win the fourth, 10 feet again to wih the seventh, and 12 feet to win the eighth. "They're the putts he made last year," Watson said.

"Maybe they'll go in tomorrow," Player said..

Sunday-The Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania (2024)
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